Chapter 532 Brother ’s Feelings

In the courtyard, Long Bufan looked at the three dirty and smelly teenagers standing in front of him in surprise. He couldn’t help laughing and joking. “Long Yunfei curl one’s lip, the third fourth child, when did you two lazy guys become so diligent?”

Long Yunfei curl one’s lip and said: “or for Now you can keep up with the boss.”

“Boss, you have to be promoted to the inner temple discipline. Our dormitory does not have you, so it won’t be lively anymore.” Lin Yan on the side is also nodded. Tao.

Long Bufan was a little surprised. He looked at Long Yunfei and Lin Yan and asked: “Boss, are you going to inherit the family business? There is also the fourth child, you, as a major general of the empire, Don’t you want to assist the new emperor to consolidate the throne?”

“It’s not important.”

Long Yunfei and Lin Yan suddenly waved their hands in unison. He couldn’t help but glance at each other, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“These two smelly brat will lose your appetite.” Long Bufan tilted his head and looked towards Leimeng, and said: “Second, let’s talk about it.”

Leimeng Reached out and touched his flat head, honest and honest said with a smile: “We heard Wang Yi Palace Lord say that the boss is going to participate in the Hundred Sects Great War. We are worried that you are in danger, so the three of us also want to be promoted to the inner temple discipline, everyone. When the time comes, there’s a good answer.”

hearing this, Long Bufan was moved by the brother’s emotions, but also secretly slandered Wang Yi’s Palace Lord. That guy actually used Raymond’s three people. Especially Lin Yan and Long Yunfei, who encouraged these two lazy bones who had amazing talents but didn’t want to make progress.

But this is fine, after all, after becoming the inner temple discipline, the cultivation resources obtained in the sect will increase accordingly, especially the various Secret Realm adventure treasure hunts. These opportunities have always been reserved for the inner temple disciple.

After about one hour, Long Bufan and Raymond had washed their three people, and then they went to the most famous restaurant’Fujingxuan’ on the Imperial Capital Commercial Street together.

At that night, in the luxurious private box, Long Bufan acted as a local tyrant to order the most expensive dishes in the hotel, as well as the oldest and most precious wines, to make Lin Yan and Long Yun Fei and Lei Meng and their three people are all moved and crying for this. These days, they are busy doing sect missions and are very hard pressed. How can they have time to enjoy such a delicious meal.

After that, Long Bufan and their four brothers gathered around the table, talking and laughing with each other.

Before the dishes were ready, Lin Yan was already holding the wine jar and opening the seal. In an instant, a strong fragrance came out, even when he saw him move quickly, he went to the table. The four delicate glass wine glasses were filled with wine.

Leimeng seemed to have been unable to bear the temptation of fine wine. Just after Lin Yan finished pouring the wine, he immediately raised his glass, grinned, and said heartily: “It’s been a long time since we four brothers got together. Let’s drink together, come and do it!”

Long Bufan, Lin Yan, and Long Yunfei also grinned and raised their wine glasses.


The four wine glasses collided with each other, making a pleasant sound, and then they all raised their heads and drank them.

“zhi zhi ~” Xiaobai didn’t like to drink. At this time, he was holding a golden-bright and dazzling roast duck in his two small paws, eating very happily.

“Come, don’t get drunk or return.”

In the box, amidst the sound of laughter, spirits are accompanied by four people’s talking and laughing. The air is full of drinks. With a strong smell of alcohol, it also contains the strong brother emotions of the four people…

Chapter 533 Alchemy Pavilion

The next morning, when a grey dawn rose in the far east In the rays of light, Long Bufan got up early as before.

“Squeak~” The door opened, Long Bufan stepped out. He drank too much alcohol with Raymond’s three people last night, and his face was faintly smelling of alcohol after a hangover , There is a dull pain in the eyebrow.

Long Bufan immediately sank the Spiritual Consciousness into the dantian. The Primordial Spirit Phantom sitting on the head of the dragon-shaped beast’s soul, leisurely releases a strand of pure Origin Force, within the body. Wander around to disperse the remaining alcohol.

In an instant, Long Bufan’s whole person’s spirit was refreshed, and he was a little surprised that Lei Meng, Long Yunfei, and Lin Yan actually got up earlier than themselves, and they seemed to be doing sect missions. .

Immediately, Long Bufan’s figure jumped and leapt lightly to the roof, facing the east, looking towards the rising sun in the distant sky, when the first ray of sunlight slowly shone from overhead When I came down, I saw Long Bufan suddenly closing his eyes, inhaling continuously, and exhaling slowly, forming a constant rhythm.

In a short while, the surrounding Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is centering on Long Bufan itself, quickly gathering, and then infiltrating into every pore of his skin within the body.

The Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth that infiltrated within the body suddenly gathered into one after another warm current, wandering through the limbs, and finally merged into the dantian and was absorbed by the Primordial Spirit Phantom.


Long Bufan stopped cultivation just after absorbing one hour like this, his lips were slightly opened and he spits out one mouthful of impure air gently.

“Eastern Sunrise, East-Rising Purple Qi, the vitality at sunrise every day, really is the purest.” Long Bufan opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.

This spitting method just now is the first introductory cultivation technique he learned during his time as a handyman. The Purple Qi meditation technique is used to absorb the essence of the early days and train the body. With such high-level cultivation techniques of the mysterious magic formula, in his free time, he still insists on getting up early every day. Although the increase is not subtle, it can also accumulate sand into a tower, making the physique more robust.

This habit is like insisting on getting up early every day in the army in the previous life.

On the roof, Long Bufan with his hands on his back, looking up at the vast sky, there seems to be a fire burning in his eyes. What he pursues is not Martial Dao Peak, but more difficult The Wu Po Peak.

He has always believed that there is no so-called Peak in the way of a martial artist, but never ending!

Immediately, Long Bufan stepped out of the sky, in the sky as if an invisible staircase descended, and Long Bufan walked to the ground like this step by step.

“Shuang’er is still secluded cultivation, the third child has to do a task, I can’t be lazy, let’s learn pill concocting.”

Long Bufan said while talking. Having already walked out of the dormitory, Xiao Bai quickly followed and jumped onto his shoulder.

The Alchemy Pavilion is located on the south side of the Palace Lord Pavilion, passing through a square. Not long after, a magnificent and simple building appeared in Long Bufan’s sight.

The appearance of this building is very similar to the tower pavilion. It is 7-Layer high. The plaque on the top of the tower gate is gilded with three large characters-Alchemy Pavilion.

Even though the area of ​​Alchemy Pavilion is not very large, because of its importance, it occupies the most vigorous place of the sect, which is located on the east side of the mountain.

Since the first floor of the attic is where the discipline of the inner and outer halls exchanges medicine pill with the contribution value of the sect, at this time, people coming, people going are in an endless stream at the entrance of the Alchemy Pavilion.

Walking to the door, Long Bufan also walked into the pavilion with the flow of people…

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