” Miscellaneous , your coward has finally appeared!” Ouyang Hua’s angry face was distorted into an unusually ferocious face, and the black glow of the Evil Devouring Sword in her hand flickered, absorbing the ten dead Divine Sea Realm One Heavy For the Primordial Spirit, obviously the formidable power of the Evil Devouring Sword has increased a lot, and there is a faint breakthrough class, the realm of the Treasure Item.

Ouyang Hua just relied on this evil sword to block that many bullet strikes that took special care of him.

“This sword is not bad…”

Long Bufan glanced at the Evil Devouring Sword in Ouyang Hua’s hand, and his eyes lit up in admiration.

“For the sake of your vision, I will let your Primordial Spirit come to sacrifice my evil spirit sword!” Ouyang Hua raised the evil spirit sword, said with a smile .

“Then it depends on whether you have this kind of ability.”

Long Bufan’s indifferent replied, immediately a sneer, emerged from the corners of his lips, with a palm of his hand, Ding’s palm-size crimson stove flashed out.

Long Bufan expression indifferent looked at the two smiling grinningly, and did not talk nonsense with them, Origin Force poured into the crimson furnace in his hand, and a fierce flame halo burst out, and then the furnace rose up against the storm and turned into A tripod of several feet tall stove.

When the crimson stove inflated like a balloon, there was a sudden and terrifying wave of scorching hot air. In that moment, it seemed that even the temperature of this Array Space was It’s a lot hotter.

This fire furnace is naturally the Heavenly Fire furnace that Long Bufan asked Luo Yan and the others to recast the fragments. This is a genuine holy furnace, and its formidable power, Long Bufan also personally saw I have seen that even the magic generals of the alien creatures are suppressed by them.


Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness moved slightly, and once again transported within the body the majestic Origin Force was directly poured into the Heavenly Fire furnace, and then there seemed to be flames rising in the furnace, that kind of fluctuation, Increasing mania.

With the fall of the Primordial Spirit of the Great Purple Eye, all Soul Seal marks in the Heavenly Fire furnace have been eliminated naturally, so Long Bufan can easily control it, although it is now the first It can’t reach the point of bringing to the point of perfection as much as you want, but when you use it, it’s not jerky.

Below, the expressions of Ouyang Hua and the others were also shocked by the fluctuations emitted from the Heavenly Fire furnace, and a strong color of greed emerged in their eyes. .

“It turned out to be a legendary burning Heavenly Fire furnace!”

Chapter 522 Dark Black Dragon Wings

Ouyang Hua’s eyes are hot, she can see at a glance, Long The Heavenly Fire furnace in Bufan’s hands is definitely not an ordinary treasure.

“If you can get such treasures as the Heavenly Fire furnace, it won’t be a waste of the Junior Brothers I died…” Ouyang Hua licked her lips and said with a smile.

On the side, the bald man wearing Yin-Yang Sect deacon green robe also gave a weird smile. The majestic Origin Force slowly swept away from its within the body, staring fiercely. With Long Bufan.

“Those who are arrogant often do not end well. If you want to win treasures, it depends on whether you have this ability.”

Long Bufan is obviously also aware of the suddenness of the two The greedy eyes immediately grinned, but the smile became increasingly cold.

“Kill you, then slaughter your Storm Wind City!”

Ouyang Hua was coldly snorted, and then looked at bald man, and in a moment, the two of them were almost At the same time, it turned into a black shadow and rushed out violently, and the fierce wind blew in the air, and it was when the two sword glow fiercely were seen directly facing Long Bufan.

These two Ouyanghuas obviously didn’t have the slightest intention of temptation, and they were not at all because of Long Bufan’s half-step Divine Sea’s strength, and they were underestimated in these days of confronting Long Bufan. , The people of Yin-Yang Sect have fallen in the sewer many times because they belittle their opponents.

So this shot was to launch a joint attack, obviously trying to do it quickly to kill Long Bufan.

When Long Bufan saw this scene, there was a dignified look in his eyes. Although Dragon Locking Array and Yuanjing Cannon’s strikes consumed most of their energy, they did not dare to take it lightly.

“bang! ”

Long Bufan is the dragon-shaped beast elemental spirit that immediately sinks into the dantian with Spiritual Consciousness. In an instant, the skin on its surface wriggles strangely, and there is a dense layer of dark purple The scales quickly covered up, and his arms and legs were also creeping and expanding at this moment.

‘Hmm~’ At the same time, a pair of huge dragon wings suddenly pierced through the clothes and stretched out from behind!

On the dark Black Dragon wings of several feet long, there are one after another quaint and mysterious Dragon Mark. In the Dragon Mark, there is a bright purple light blooming, dazzling, and it contains Domineering thunder and lightning fluctuations.

It is that the beast spirit has absorbed the Thunder Flood Dragon blood essence. After all these days of refining it, not only the blood inherits its Thunder Element attribute, but the shape of dragon’s blood demonic weapon is also remarkable. Evolution.

In midair, along with the appearance of the dragon wings, Long Bufan’s own imposing manner seems to have improved a lot, a violent baleful qi is also diffused at this time, the cold blood red eyes It is astonishing as a devil from Foreign Dimension.

In the blink of an eye, Long Bufan has transformed into a battle form of dragon’s blood demonic weapon!

The evolved dragon’s blood demonic weapon, compared with the previous form, its strength within the body has to skyrocket several times, the cultivation base half-step Divine Sea, his body exudes a powerful breath, But it is Ouyang Hua who is comparable to Divine Sea 2nd layer. Although there is still a big gap from the dragon’s blood demonic weapon of the different demon, at least, the current Long Bufan already possesses the complete form of dragon’s blood demonic weapon.


Faced with the sword glow coming from the lasing, the dragon wings behind Long Bufan slammed, and suddenly there was a muffled sound in the air. , Its figure quickly retreated, and at the same time, it was running within the body and poured into that burning Heavenly Fire furnace.

“Shh~!” A crimson pillar of fire spurted out of the Heavenly Fire furnace, directly exploding the sword glow of the two of them.

Chapter 523 Burning Formation

“This kid has become stronger again…!”

I can see Long Bufan so easily. To resist their attacks, Ouyang Hua browses tightly knit’s said solemnly, with a deep dignity in his eyes. Recalling half a month ago, when he attacked Long Bufan halfway, at that time this kid was just a small mysterious door. Circumstances, if it weren’t for that rune armor soldier, killing him would be as easy as an ant.

However, in just half a month, this Long Bufan turned out to be a breakthrough to the Divine Sea realm, and there are many cards. What is even more annoying is that he also has a cultivation technique with a magical transformation. , It’s very tricky to instantly increase your strength like crazy.

“This kid, must not let him continue to grow, otherwise, with his potential, he will be a big worry for the sect in the future.” Ouyang Hua’s complexion changed, and her heart was worried. , He looked at Long Bufan who was like a demon in the sky coldly, and the killing intent appeared in his fierce eyes!


A shout fell, Ouyang Hua and the other bald man rushed up almost instantly, under the two body flashed, they appeared It was on the left and right sides of Long Bufan, and then each pierced with a sword.

The majestic Origin Force of the cold, crazily condensed in the long sword of the two, especially the Evil Devouring Sword in Ouyang Hua’s hand, which brought up the sword shadow and the fierce wind, and instantly enveloped Long Bufan’s vitals. .

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