When the silhouette of Zhou Tong’s not at all was found in the crowd, Ouyang Hua’s complexion was pale, her gnashing teeth gloomy, her eyes flashed with unstoppable anger, her original elegant appearance At this moment, murderous aura disappeared, and murderous aura said in a gloomy voice: “When I break this Formation, I will leave you traitor to pieces and clean up the trash for the sect!”

The words fell, Ouyang Hua Running crazily within the body of the true essence, I saw the green glow of the whole body skyrocketing, and immediately jumped across, it was already swept to the edge of the Formation, and then held the sword in the right hand, took the sharp sword glow, and slammed into the rune mask.


In an instant, the powerful sword energy slashed on the barrier, and suddenly a surge of air swept away, only to hear “click” “With a few crisp sounds, the surrounding verdant bamboos could no longer bear the strength and broke. However, the barrier of Dragon Locking Array was not affected in any way, and it didn’t even shake.

“Senior Brother, look!”

Other Yin-Yang Sect deacon face surprised, staring at the bamboos that were destroyed by sword energy, unexpectedly restored to their original appearance. It is still straight and strong, with dense bamboo leaves, and the greenery exudes vitality!

Ouyang Hua frowned, her expression a little ugly said solemnly: “We are all trapped inside…”

hearing this, others were also taken aback:” Sleepy formation?!”

Ouyanghua frowned. None of them who came this time was an expert who was proficient in rune formation. They could only use brute force to break the formation.

At this point, Ouyanghua made a decisive decision, her sharp gaze shot everyone, suppressing the anger in her heart shouted: “Junior Brother, we work together to break the formation, do it quickly, and avoid fraud.”


After saying this, Ouyang Hua and the others suddenly swelled all over her body and took out weapons one after another. Various vitality rays of light gorgeous offensive, crazy hacking golden The rune hood made a thunderous sound.

On a hill not far from the harbor through the ups and downs of the week, said: “So many Divine Sea border was the strong punch, the storm front that it will not last long ……”

Chapter 518 space vortex

An Sen and the twenty berserkers also showed horror. Have they ever seen this kind of powerhouse-level battle scene, each palm is pressed on the Yuanjing Cannon, in their hearts Anxiously waiting for Long Bufan’s order.

Long Bufan is still leisurely smoking a cigarette, did not bother restless weeks pass and the ON and the others, watching the golden rune cover that bamboo, the eyes full of confidence.

trapped matrix stress is a trapped word, even more how or claims to be able trapped lock a Five Clawed Golden Dragon’s Dragon Locking Array, but also Yuan several millions block Crystal Stone energy supported formation eye at, If you have the strength, continue to chop, chop, consume your energy first, and then clean up you.

In this way, after about half of the incense stick time, Ouyang Hua and the others, under the continuous powerful offensive, have already revealed a trace of fatigue.

“Ou Senior Brother Yang, this formation is too strong, what should I do if I get attacked?” It was a bald man who was talking, and his expression looked a little panicked.

“Do not worry, the storm front are generally isolated inside and outside, we can not get out, they naturally can not hurt us. In order to maintain physical strength, we issued twelve turns offensive, consumed Formation of after the energy. “Ouyang spent thinking for a while, this said, his face has a chill to the extreme, angry staring eyes, to sell their weeks pass and that cunning Long Bufan, the hearts of hatred deeper.

“yo Oh, it seems that Ouyang not spend stupid, but also know how to take turns to attack, to maintain physical strength, but that is about it ……”

overlooking bamboo Formation in the scene, Long Bufan brows lightly raise, and immediately runs Space Power within the body. His hands and five fingers quickly pinch out two Space Rune prints.


Long Bufan reaching a shot, wherein a Space Rune Indian tactics suddenly drifting not far from bamboo, golden rune mark on the reticle Dragon Locking Array .

Another Space Rune seal is floating up ahead of ten yuan crystal cannons.

“The Vientiane Space—The channel is open!”

With shouted in a low voice, Long Bufan stuck out his palm, and an invisible Space Power surged in the blink of an eye. Connect two Space Rune seals, and then suddenly form two vortex in midair.

“This is ……”

Just Anson and weeks pass them Jingleng occasion, Long Bufan voice sounded coldly shouted again: “fire!”

The twenty berserkers who were to be guarded by the ten Yuanjing Cannons were obviously high-quality soldiers. Upon hearing the order, ten of them immediately held the Yuanjing Cannon with both hands and aimed at the space vortex, and turned on. Rune switch of Yuanjing Cannon.

The other ten berserkers prepared Yuan Crystal Stone in advance to inject energy into the crystal cannon.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang…”

In that instant, deafening shells blasted across the sky, one after another scarlet-red light beam, it was It slammed out of the dark muzzle like Fire Python, and screamed at the space vortex!

After the “chi chi ~” scarlet-red light beam was shot into the space vortex, it was swallowed in an instant and disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“What’s going on?!”

In the bamboo forest, Ouyang Hua and the others, who are trapped in the Gold Element rune Dragon Locking Array at this moment, suddenly have a tight expression, all coincidentally. Looking at the sky, there, I don’t know when a space vortex appeared, and among the unknown vortex, they felt a strong danger sweeping over! !

In the next instant, their eyes suddenly found that there seemed to be flames in the vortex.

Ouyanghua’s changing complexion of flames of light, the fiery waves that diffuse from above, even if he has a good cultivation base, he is a little frightened!

Chapter 519 Spirit Devouring Evil Sword

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” “bang!”……

Ten Red light emitted from the space vortex flame, and terrifying roar burst, which is ten flame red Red light are obvious targets, in the space vortex Long Bufan traction, specifically against the gathered Yin-Yang Sect and the others strikes away!

“Yuanjing Cannon!”

The sound of fear sounded, and the trapped Ouyang Hua and the eleven Yin-Yang Sect deacon suddenly appeared in horror.

However, they can reach the realm of Divine Sea. They are also experienced in combat. After looking at each other, they quickly dispersed and dispersed the artillery attack. At the same time, the majestic Origin Force whizzed out, dozens of extremely fierce and violent Yuan Jin split from the sword edge, fiercely blasted into the sky!

“Bang, bang, bang, bang…!”

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