Long Bufan muttered to himself, his eyes turned to the top of the distant mountain, the direction of the stone tomb, and he was quite curious about the treasure in the tomb mansion.

In order to hurry up, Long Bufan flicked his fingertips, and the bloody fierce mark suddenly split into dozens of red lights in mid-air, quickly got into the huge corpse of Flood Dragon, and then went crazy. It’s devouring the Bloodline Strength of Flood Dragon.

With so many bloody evil seals and other vigorous swallowing, the huge body of Thunder Flood Dragon quickly shrivelled, and the hard scale layer quickly withered and cracked, without luster.

A quarter of an hour later, dozens of blood fiend marks rolled up a blood light and flew back, all submerged in Long Bufan’s body.

In an instant, Long Bufan felt a surging blood-reeking qi surge within the body, so much blood flowed into the dantian, causing the dragon Beast in the cave to send out A burst of cheerful dragon roar, when even swallowed up by greed.

Although it has not been fully refining, at this time Long Bufan’s dragon’s blood demonic weapon has already undergone a mutation in form, and the black scales on the skin surface gradually appear dark purple, and there is a faint flash of lightning.

Long Bufan clenched his fist and blasted out. It was obvious that there was a trace of purple current in the fist wind. The vegetation affected by the fist wind turned black and withered on the spot, as if struck by lightning. Medium.

“Boss, you have also evolved.” Xiaobai on the side was stunned, and sound transmission said in surprise.


Long Bufan slightly smiled, I was also a little surprised. I never thought that the beast spirit had absorbed the blood essence of the Thunder Flood Dragon, and turned out to be the Thunder that inherited it. Attribute, I don’t know what level the shape of dragon’s blood demonic weapon will evolve after completely absorbing refining?

It can be said that the evolution of dragon’s blood demonic weapon this time is an extremely rare opportunity. If Fire Phoenix hadn’t insisted on letting him chase down the injured Thunder Jiao before, I am afraid there would be no such opportunity!

Xiuwu itself is the life of struggle against the Heavens! Every opportunity must not be missed!

Martial Dao Road is destined to be dangerous. Based on Long Bufan’s current ability, aptitude, and resources to analyze, in the future, his cultivation to the Divine Sea realm, or even a higher star-level realm, must not be problem.

But how high? Compared to those top powerhouses?

Long Bufan is very clear that the sky continent alone is countless geniuses, and many of them are born in Rank Four Sect, Rank Five Sect, Rank Six Sect, and even more advanced other Sects Holy Land!

The most embarrassing thing is that they have unimaginable resources. I am afraid they were thrown into the medicine jar of heavenly materials and earthly treasures when they were born. Various cultivation and cultivation techniques are also the best. In Rank Six Sect Holy Land, the cultivation technique they learned is not worse than their own!

In addition to these geniuses from good backgrounds, this World probably has many regions like the sky continent. The number of geniuses is even more unpredictable. They have experienced various fortuitous encounters and various opportunities. Geographically, they are all protagonists in the era!

For example, a foreign Demon Race that invaded more than 500 years ago already made the people are plunged into an abyss of misery.

However, so many people can really climb to the top of the pyramid and become Martial Dao Peak. How many people?

Long Bufan has never been arrogant or self-satisfied, nor arrogant and blind. He only knows that he has a long way to go. The starting point of his handyman origin is lower than that of many geniuses, although relying on The wit and luck of the two lives can go smoothly all the way, but whether it can reach the end is unknown!

Chapter 456 Entering the ancient tomb

“Although the most precious blood essence and demon spirit have been swallowed by us, the flesh and bones of this flood dragon are also excellent Take it back and share it with your second child.”

Long Bufan glanced back at the remaining corpse of Thunder Flood Dragon. With his palm turned, a black glow directly covered the corpse of Thunder Flood Dragon. , In a blink of an eye, it was included in the storage bag.

After doing this, Long Bufan took Xiaobai to fly again, stepped on the sword glow, and rushed towards the stone tomb on the top of the giant peak.

At this time, there was no half of the silhouette on the top of the mountain. Obviously they had all entered the tomb mansion to hunt for treasure.

After turning his mind, Long Bufan also rushed straight into the opened stone gate.

Entering the tomb mansion, a feeling of depression is rushing toward you. Although the powerhouse of the star realm does not know how long he has been dead, the remnants he left in the tomb mansion The Yu Wei seems to still be shrouded here, making the Origin Force flowing into Long Bufan within the body of the tomb house, the speed is a little slow.

“The powerhouse in the star realm is really terrifying as in the rumors.”

The whole body feels this sense of depression, and Long Bufan’s eyes can’t help but pass a touch of surprise. The color, even after as time goes by, with only a lingering power, can still be so shocked, if it was the Peak period of the person before death, how powerful would it be?

Afterwards, Long Bufan looked up, and saw that the entrance was divided into eight stone paths leading to the interior of the tomb. On the ground, each path had some human footprints.

“Only one of these passages should really lead to the depths, and the other seven passages are probably hidden life-killing organs.” Long Bufan brows slightly wrinkle, muttering to himself, looking With these eight channels in front of me, I didn’t know which one to choose for a while.

In this mysterious tomb with unknown danger, if you are a little careless, your life will be confessed here.

“Boss, count to the right and take the third channel!”

However, when Long Bufan hesitated about which channel to take, Xiao Bai’s voice suddenly became It sounded in his mind.

Xiaobai’s nose moved slightly, sniffing in the air, and sound transmission said: “I can feel that the third channel contains more human breath, while the other channels, They are all filled with a smell of blood.”

Hearing this, Long Bufan was startled slightly. Because of the trust in Xiao Bai from the bottom of his heart, he didn’t ask too much about it. Body moved, it turned into one. The black shadow quickly swept into the third channel.

Sure enough, the road was unimpeded, not at all, what dangerous cemetery organs were encountered. Even though the internal passages are complex and intertwined, and Xiaobai’s sensitive sense of smell has a talent that ordinary people can’t match, and he directly took Long Bufan straight to the depths.

The area of ​​the tomb mansion is extremely large. Each passage is surrounded by stone walls. It will advance for about a quarter of an hour. Along the way, Long Bufan saw some silhouettes in many places. surge.

These people include the branch sect children of the Four Great Sects clan, as well as the purple Moon Sect and demonic Yuan sect disciplines. At this time, they are looking for the silhouettes of some stone houses on both sides of the passage with the color of greed.

Moreover, the scene seems a bit chaotic. Looking at it, it is obvious that a few people have found a good treasure.

Of course, due to the large number of people entering the tomb, those lucky ones who get their treasures will inevitably attract the jealousy and jealousy of others, and in the end it will lead to a result, that is, who is the first When you get treasure, a fierce fight will immediately erupt. Everyone has a clear camp, and the battle is extremely fierce.

Chapter 457 Core Zone

Long Bufan not at all participated in this chaotic battle, directly along the passage, rushing towards the depths.

After this rushing lasted about 2.5 minutes of time, Long Bufan stopped his figure suddenly, and his gaze was fixed on a broken stone gate ahead.

From there, he sensed a strong Origin Force fluctuation.

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