Seeing the impatient look of Fire Phoenix, Long Bufan was also helpless. If it weren’t for the Lei Jiao’s flesh and blood to benefit him and Xiao Bai a lot, he would certainly not really do it for Fire Phoenix. Come chase down this flood dragon who is in a hurry.

Thinking about it from another angle, if Xiao Bai’s strength improves, his battle strength will also have a huge increase. If you think about it this way, Long Bufan’s mind will only become a little more stable.

“Boss, that Lei Jiao is about to land.”

Just as Long Bufan’s mind turned, Xiao Bai’s voice suddenly sounded.

Fire Phoenix also has a look of joy, “It seems that it is too seriously injured to continue flying!”

hearing this, Long Bufan also hurriedly looked around, and he saw Then, the Thunder Flood Dragon finally fell from the sky, and finally fell into a forest. The blood was flying away, and there was also a little Thunder Strength in its blood. All the trees that were contaminated withered instantly. Come down.

Long Bufan slowed down gradually, and finally stopped in the sky above the Thunder Flood Dragon, staring closely at the ailing Flood Dragon below.


Even if the Thunder Flood Dragon was seriously injured at this moment, it still keenly felt the harboring malicious intentions of Long Bufan, and now dragon’s mouth lifted lightly , It was an angry roar, and the blood-red giant pupils shone with a cruel luster.

“Suffering such a severe injury, still so fierce, worthy of the Demonic beast of the Divine Sea.”

Long Bufan was also secretly surprised when he saw it, and immediately Spiritual Consciousness Moved, took out the advanced talisman armored soldier Hei Ming from the storage bag.

Because he didn’t know how much battle strength remained in the Thunder Flood Dragon, Long Bufan didn’t dare to test it easily, but cautiously sent Hei Ming out.

In the black glow flashing, Hei Ming flashed out again. At the same time, Long Bufan did not hesitate to punch tens of thousands of Yuan Crystal Stones into it within the body.

In an instant, the dark gold armor appeared on Hei Ming’s skeleton, and a violent baleful qi burst out suddenly. Under the cold helmet, a scarlet eye looked at Long Bufan in front of him with a stiff voice. Without a trace of emotion, he asked: “Master, what is your order?”

“Zailong!” Long Bufan said with a smile.

“Yes, master.”

As soon as the voice fell, Hei Ming suddenly pulled out the Bone Blade behind him, and then his sturdy body burst out like a cannonball in place, turning into A black light, fiercely moved towards the Thunder Flood Dragon below, flew away.

Faced with the ravaged Hei Ming, the huge blood pupil of the Thunder Flood Dragon flashed a ferocious lightning glow. The dragon’s mouth roared and opened, “puff!” Suddenly, a purple line appeared. The beam of light exploded out, with the momentum of thunderbolt, strikes on Hei Ming’s body.


When he was bombarded by lightning, Hei Ming was directly entangled with purple electricity and flew upside down. The smoking body was dragged out on the ground. A deep scar of several ten zhang, even if Hei Ming is not a flesh and blood body, there is no pain at all, but lightning has the ability to decompose.

Therefore, under these strikes, the energy fluctuations surging on the rune surface of the rune armor suddenly weakened a lot.

“There is such a powerful attack!”

Long Bufan’s eyes were blown away by the Thunder Flood Dragon, who was directly injured by the Hei Ming in the Divine Sea 2nd layer. There was also a touch of surprise.

“I want to see, how many times can you hold on to such a powerful attack.”

Immediately after Long Bufan’s eyes sank, the Spiritual Consciousness moved slightly, and he controlled it again. Hei Ming stood up and continued to move towards Thunder Flood Dragon with fearless fear…

Chapter 449 Demon Spirit Appendices

“Bang, bang, bang!! “

Hei Ming held the Bone Blade in his hand, violently and fiercely slashing around the Thunder Flood Dragon, and the huge scales were also cut into pieces and burst into flight.

For the rune-armor Hei Ming’s offensive, the Thunder Flood Dragon was obviously also extremely angry. At the moment, the huge mouth opened continuously, and the extremely lethal thunderbolt beam of light was continuously sprayed out, like a laser, Hei Ming flew again and again.

The surrounding ground was marked with deep traces one after another, and the soil in the dents turned black in the powerful lightning of formidable power.

However, even if Hei Ming was very battered and exhausted by this series of attacks, it can be seen that the Thunder Flood Dragon’s attack, its formidable power is obviously gradually weakening, until the end, The purple beam of light entwined with thunder and lightning is as weak as an arm, a state of malaise and weakness, covering the whole body of Thunder Flood Dragon.

“It’s almost there, let’s kill it together.” Fire Phoenix licked the corner of his mouth, laughed.

“Joining hands? You are in a state of a demon spirit. Don’t you fear that Spirit Physique will be destroyed by a lightning shot?”

Long Bufan glanced suspiciously at the demon spirit of Fire Phoenix. You know, lightning has a metamorphic attribute that breaks down everything. Although Fire Phoenix is ​​also a powerful existence, its body has been destroyed. With a demon spirit alone, under the attack of the Thunder Flood Dragon, equivalent to a naked girl exposed In front of a wounded hunk, there was a feeling of bringing about one’s own destruction.

Uncertainty, it will be swallowed by the opponent’s counterattack, absorbing the demon spirit to nourish, so it is still very dangerous.

Fire Phoenix smiled complacently, and said: “Hey, what’s to be afraid of? You call out that colorful Fire Phoenix gun, and my Spirit Physique is attached to your weapon, and it can be formidable power. Great increase.”

hearing this, Long Bufan is sighed in relief. If this is the case, it will not only be safe, but also increase the formidable power of the colorful Fire Phoenix gun, which is great.

“Hei Ming, come back!”

Long Bufan shouted in a low voice, looking at the smoked and bruised Hei Ming below, he hurriedly put it into the storage bag Inside, I felt very distressed.

Unexpectedly, this Thunder Flood Dragon is already in a state of serious injury, and it can still beat the advanced talisman armored soldier Hei Ming into such a miserable situation. If he is not injured, I am afraid that he has finally won the advanced talisman armored soldier at Secret Realm. , Today may really be blasted into ruins by this Thunder Jiao.

Immediately, Long Bufan held the palm of his hand, and the colorful Fire Phoenix gun flashing with brilliant rays of light appeared in his hand.


The Fire Phoenix demon spirit uttered a clear phoenix sound, and suddenly turned into a flame of light and plunged into the long spear.


In an instant, the spooky scarlet-red flame burst out from the gun body, directly covering the other six colors, looking at the cloud from a distance, like a long burning flames. spear.

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