stone gate is in the shape of an arch, and it is covered with extremely complicated runes. Vaguely, Long Bufan can feel the powerful fluctuations of these runes. In the center of the stone gate, there is a fist-sized hole, which makes the rune on the stone gate a gap.

“That should be the key hole to open the stone gate. As long as the rune on the bone slices fills the gap, the rune can be made to run.”

Long Bufan, who has another identity as the rune master, is also It’s hard to see the rune structure, but it can be guessed that this is a multi-line three-dimensional rune array that integrates offense and defense, and it is a very advanced rune, which is compatible with three fierce runes, Fire Element, Earth Element, and Thunder Element. .

If you break it forcibly, it may cause a terrifying backlash or an explosion. At least Long Bufan is sure that none of the people on the top of this mountain can survive.

Long Bufan was a little shocked about this. The rune of the star-class powerhouse was so accomplished.

“Everyone, please take out the rune bone fragments.”

The old Song who is in charge of the Purple Moon Sect auction, walked out at this moment, laughed moved towards ink Yuanhe Luo Tianxiong and the others said.

After saying that, his wrinkled palm flipped slightly, five golden bone fragments appeared suspended in the palm. The golden rune on the bone fragments was radiant and glowing, exuding the energy fluctuation of hard to describe. This fluctuation is very similar to the rune energy fluctuation of the stone gate.

“Oh? This is the rune bone fragment that opened the tomb?” Wang Yan browsed lightly raised, looking at the golden light sparkling rune bone fragment with a slightly surprised look.

Seeing this, Mo Yuan, and Luo Tianxiong, the owner of the branch sect of the Four Great Sects clan, each took out a piece of rune bone fragments of the same shape.

The six people looked at each other, and at the same time stretched out their hands, throwing six pieces of rune bone into the air and gathered together. Everyone also raised their heads, looking towards the sky.

After a while, everyone was surprised to see that six pieces of rune bones were spinning in mid-air, and finally combined together to form a six-sided diamond, blooming dazzlingly Scarlet gold rays of light!


Then, Song Lao shouted in a low voice and stretched beckoned. The golden hexahedron suddenly turned into a red light and shot towards the stone gate, slowly Slowly inserted into the cavity.

In an instant, the runes on the stone gate are clearly revealed, and the runes, like the original dry river, are flowing into the water, flowing unimpededly and one after another rune energy.

“pa ――”

As the rune opened, the stone gate that did not exist for how many years finally opened slowly.

“The mouth of the tomb is open! Hurry up!”

Everyone on the top of the mountain was also in ecstasy, and immediately the Origin Force whizzed up, one after another silhouette stunned and transformed For one after another brilliance, quickly swept towards the door of the stone tomb.

For a while, covering the mountains and plains was the sound of breaking wind.


But at this moment, a roar that resembled a beast roar suddenly sounded from the stone gate of the tomb house, and then, an order was present. The fierce aura of everyone’s complexion drastically changed into the sky from under the stone tomb! !

Chapter 443 Flood Dragon

Along with a deafening roar of beasts, in front of the huge stone tomb, those martial artists who were about to reach the stone gate saw something wrong and hurried like locusts. The violent retreat.

“Is there a guardian beast in this ancient tomb?”

Long Bufan frowned, staring tightly at the dark stone gate inside, after a long while, his eyes suddenly Shrinking, without hesitation, immediately picked up Xiao Bai and stepped on the sword glow, his figure soared into the air, and released a body protection vitality mask outside the body.

Then, a purple beam of light, filled with violent thunder and lightning, suddenly rushed out of the stone gate!

“chi chi!”

Suddenly, any martial artist touched by this purple light, his body is almost instantly scorched by the fierce thunder and lightning, follow Closely from behind, the beam of light suddenly exploded in the sky, flashing purple thunder and lightning pouring down from the sky, bringing the sound of one after another mournful scream.

Fortunately, Long Bufan had avoided it early, so he was not affected by the horrible purple light.

“Thunder Element Demonic beast!”

Seeing that the formidable power of purple light is so horrible, Mo Yuan, Wang Yan and the others also changed their faces and their bodies hurriedly retreated. The guardian beast of the tomb is obviously a very powerful existence.

Long Bufan stepped on the blue ice sword, staring solemnly at the flat ground surrounded by purple electricity. Judging from the attack intensity alone, the strength of this guardian beast might be the same as that seen before. The golden horn bears are similar in appearance, at least with the Divine Sea 3rd-layer cultivation base.

“It’s coming out!”

Long Bufan’s eyes flickered, and he looked down tightly. Suddenly, the earth shook, and a huge shadow suddenly came from the stone gate. Rushing out, strong energy, suddenly all around violent wind erupted, rolling up a flying sand running stone.

“This is the guardian beast of the tomb mansion?!” Long Bufan looked at the huge monster rushing out of the stone tomb, and a look of shock flashed across his eyes.

Countless line of sight, looked towards the sky in amazement, and the waves in my heart are shaking the sky!

What they see is a dragon, a True Dragon!

The sharp claws, the whole body is purple, and the huge purple dragon scales cover all the body, and under the sunlight, it reflects the cold and firm luster. The wanton flying long beard and fierce longan are exactly the same as the giant dragon painted in the Demonic beast record book on the sky continent.

This giant dragon has nearly hundreds of zhangs. It levitates in the sky, has a long body, winding and entrenched, and dancing in the sky, lightning surrounds it, like countless swimming purple snakes. Generally, the whole body is filled with a vast imposing manner.

The Origin Force of this world seems to be rippling with it.

“No, it’s not a dragon, it’s just a dragon!”

Long Bufan found that the purple dragon had no horns on its head, just a Flood Dragon.

Flood Dragon is the lesser dragon family. It is a Demonic beast with some Dragon Clan Bloodlines, but even the Flood Dragon is shocking enough. This is the top ominous beast in the sky continent!

There are many kinds of Demonic beasts of the lesser dragon family, such as Flood Dragon, Crypt Rock Dragon, Red Armored Earth Dragon, Wyvern with Two Feet and so on.

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