While Long Bufan’s thoughts turned, his figure also fell directly from the sky into the forest below.

“Okay, boss.” Xiaobai talked about a huge apple, still the lazily lying on Long Bufan’s shoulders, guiding the way from time to time.

Because of the news from the ancient tomb mansion, and here is still the periphery of the Yuanyun mountain range, a lot of silhouette can be seen.

These silhouettes include men and women, traveling alone, or in groups.

However, most people are not weak in aura. Most people who can come here to hunt for treasure have a little ability in their hands. After all, the Demonic beast in Yuanyun mountain range is notoriously powerful. And fierce, a little careless, will die here.

Long Bufan just fell into the forest and caused a little commotion. It immediately attracted the attention of some silhouettes nearby. However, even if Xuan moved away, not at all who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him, but in his eyes There is a hint of vigilance.

Long Bufan was not surprised at this, because at the bottom of his heart, he was also vigilant, even if he lifted his foot and moved towards the depths of the mountain range, walk quickly.

However, as he went deeper, Long Bufan was surprised to find that along the way, he only saw some scattered demonic beasts, and the strongest was only Fifth Level demonic beasts, and there were blood stains everywhere. Beast corpse.

“Why does it look like it has been mopped up?” Long Bufan frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

“Motherfucker, those bastards of the demonic Yuan sect, are too arrogant, and they directly blocked the way to enter the Yuanyun mountain range…”

It’s in Long When Bufan was puzzled, he suddenly saw two silhouettes coming out of the grass in front. One of the big bald guys cursed with ferocity on the front.

“Don’t scold, the demonic Yuan sect is powerful, and we can’t help it. And this kind of blockade is not only the demonic Yuan sect, but also the Four Great Sects clan and the Purple Moon Sect. Their Five Great Influences jointly controlled the area near the Tomb Mansion. This time, let’s be bad luck.” The companion on the side also spoke out.

The two of them are martial cultivators of no Sect, no Faction. Originally, they wanted to go to the Tomb Mansion to see if there were any chances and gain some benefits. Who knows he was sent back halfway before his destination.

Chapter 421 Sneak Inside

“When they are sealed off, I am afraid that the treasures of the Tomb Mansion have been looted by them. These bastards are really selfish.” The bald man Still foul-mouthed, obviously unwilling, more angry.

“Well, keep it quiet, if those people hear it, with the strength of the two of us, we can only be beaten.” His companion whispered.

Immediately, the eyes of the two of them looked towards Long Bufan who was walking in front of him with a vigilant look. They immediately shut up and hurried past.

“The interior is blocked?” Looking at the backs of the two people walking away, Long Bufan frowned, but didn’t expect that Six Great Influences in Jade Moon City would be so fast .

“Their acting style is so domineering, they even directly blockade…”

Long Bufan has a pensive look, although the strength of the six forces is not weak, but now Inside the Yuanyun mountain range, he must enter, otherwise if the bone-corrupting spirit flower cannot be collected, how to pay the sect mission.

While his mind turned, Long Bufan suddenly stepped on his feet, and his body swiftly swept up the branches of the tree, and then quickly pierced through the jungle.

After about ten minutes, he stopped abruptly on a giant tree, covered his body with the help of dense branches and leaves, and looked not far away, where there were hundreds of silhouettes standing with swords. Among them, there are many Divine Sea powerhouses, which shocked many martial cultivators who wanted to come here to hunt for treasure.

The defense line of the demonic Yuan sect is very planned. Every ten meters, there is one guard.

Hundreds of people joined together, and it was 1,000 meters long, just blocking the passage in this area.

Looking at their same black clothes, they obviously belonged to the same force. From the Zongmen badge logo on their chests, it is not difficult to see that they should be members of the demonic Yuan sect.

The Four Great Sects and Purple Moon Sect crews are probably in another area, blocking other entrances. Such a strong formation is on the periphery of the mountain range, and the demonic beast level of the activity is not high, so there is not much risk in guarding the guard.

“I don’t believe you can block every corner…”

Long Bufan looked at the blocked human defense line, slightly hesitated, and swept in the other direction , Yuanyun mountain range is so vast, so their Six Great Influences must be impossible all blocked, there may be other loopholes.

And just as Long Bufan expected, although the alliance of Six Great Influences is powerful, it is impossible to block all Yuanyun mountain range.

Because of this, Long Bufan finally found a neutral position after going around about one hour, and without any hesitation, quickly swept into the Yuanyun mountain range.

After entering it, Long Bufan saw a lot of sect disciples of the demonic Yuan sect and the purple Moon Sect along the way. These people formed a team very regularly, scattered and separated, searching for At the same time there are intruders, nearby heavenly materials and earthly treasures will also be taken away by the way, and with the large number of people, they will trap and kill fierce demonic beasts.

Long Bufan uses Space Rune to hide his body and shuttles in the hazy space, cautiously suppressing his breath as much as possible, preventing himself from being discovered by the people of Six Great Influences.

Although he is not weak now, he has the advanced talisman armored soldier Hei Ming, and hundreds of talisman armored younger brothers, but if he wants to by the strength of oneself, contend with the two sects and the Four Great Sects clan, It still seems a bit striking a stone with an egg, bringing about one’s own destruction.

Chapter 422 Poison mist swamp

Moreover, his goal is to enter the depths of Yuanyun mountain range and find bone-corroding spirit flowers. For the time being, he does not want to have too much with them. conflict. Of course, if there is an opportunity, I still want to go to the ancient tomb mansion to explore the danger.

In this way, with Long Bufan’s cautious approach, the sky gradually darkened.

Although I met a lot of Six Great Influences’ disciplines in the middle of the journey, under the cover of darkness, although it was thrilling, they were not discovered.

Therefore, Long Bufan went into the Yuanyun mountain range quite smoothly all the way, and then, under Xiao Bai’s guidance, quickly approached the poison mist swamp.

Across a weedy waterway, Long Bufan gradually found a faint dark purple poison mist floating in the air. As it went deeper, the poison mist became denser.

Apparently, Long Bufan has reached the destination of this mission, the poison mist swamp.

as everyone knows, poison mist The swamp is one of the dangerous places in the Yuanyun mountain range. The poison qi emanating from the venom in the swamp has been lingering for many years and enduring for a long time, making the poison mist around the swamp. Many toxic demonic beasts are abundant.

Moreover, the poison mist here is very strong. Once ordinary people inhale within the body, if the poison qi is not forced out within a quarter of an hour, it may quickly erode within the body veins and blood vessels, and finally poison qi kills by attacking the heart.

Even if the poison mist can resist, there are all kinds of strange poisonous beasts around the poison mist swamp. Danger lurks on every side, if you are not careful, you will be buried here.

Therefore, few adventurers dare to explore medicinal herb alone, unless it is really compelled by circumstances.

“chi chi ~~”

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