Long Bufan couldn’t help sucking in a breath of cold air. In the outer hall contest, he had already experienced the battle with Fang Baiyu’s arena.

At that time, Fang Baiyu’s comprehended sword intent also had his own Sword Spirit Avatar, and his strength was outstanding. However, Fang Baiyu only had the cultivation base of Heavenly Origin Realm at that time, and his understanding of sword intent was not deep, so his Sword Spirit Avatar was not very strong.

And now, the person in front of him will have such a weird cultivation technique, and he is the Old Fox of the comprehended wind. The Sword Spirit Avatar is not much weaker than the deity, with Divine Sea is a heavy cultivation base.

How do I fight two powerhouses in the Divine Sea environment?

If the Sword Spirit Avatar is used by the opponent to hold Hei Ming, then facing Ouyang Hua in the Divine Sea 2nd layer, it is definitely the rhythm of being beaten.

With the experience of special forces in the previous life, the more critical the situation, the calmer Long Bufan’s mood becomes. Taking advantage of the gap in which the opponent is still acting hard, Long Bufan thinks quickly Countermeasures, but the surface is deliberately showing a panic appearance, playing a role of slowing down.

Sure enough, noticing Long Bufan’s astonished expression, Ouyang Hua showed a playful smile at the corner of her mouth, and said jokingly: “You should have guessed your expression. That’s right, the Avatar behind me didn’t It’s not an illusion, it’s my Sword Spirit. It inherits all the cultivation techniques I have learned. Even if you have an advanced talisman armor, you can’t stop us.”

Speaking, Ouyang Hua turned her head to look He glanced at the Sword Spirit Avatar and stared at the face exactly like himself.

This is a completely different perspective and feeling from looking in a mirror. In a daze, he seems to be infatuated by his Sword Spirit. There is a hint of pride in his eyes, and he can’t help sighing: “How can the world be With such a perfect face…”

At this moment, a voice sounded abruptly: “How can there be such a narcissistic person in the world, it is disgusting.”

Hearing this, Ouyanghua’s entire face suddenly turned blue, looking at Long Bufan, said with a malicious smile: “When death is near, her mouth is still so arrogant, I will blow your mouth first!”

As soon as the voice fell, the monstrous murderous aura filled the sky, and when she saw Ouyang Hua’s figure suddenly moved, she flew into a rage out of humiliation and rushed towards Long Bufan.

Chapter 395 The Only Strategy


Hei Ming pulled out the Bone Blade behind him, and a tyrannical baleful qi suddenly spread!

This baleful qi is extremely rich, and its powerful aura shows its ability to possess the Divine Sea 2nd layer environment!

Seeing that the master is in danger, Hei Ming, the rune armor soldier, directly turned into a black lightning, tearing the air, and flying towards Ouyang Hua in a violent figure. The fierce Bone Blade suddenly split the opponent’s offensive.

“Really strong power!”

Ouyanghua felt shocked in her heart, she felt her arm was numb, and the long sword in her hand trembled slightly. She held the palm of the sword hilt. The tiger’s mouth hurts.

“As long as I hold the rune armored soldier, Sword Spirit kills a small Xuanmen realm, it is as easy as killing a chicken, as long as he kills, when the time comes, this rune armored soldier is mine. “

Ouyanghua smiled slyly at the corners of her mouth, ready to make a murderous surrender, not to mention anything else, the storage bag and that colorful Fire Phoenix gun on Long Bufan are good things, such a lot of wealth. Of course not to be missed.

However, just as he was about to order Sword Spirit to attack Long Bufan, suddenly a large swath of bright silver light burst into the sky.


After a few breaths, in midair, with Long Bufan as the center, all around suddenly flashed out of thin air a group of rune-armored soldiers wearing silver armor. Looking past, there were no less than five hundred rune-armored soldiers.

Fortunately, in order to guard against the unexpected before, I had injected the energy of Yuan Crystal Stone into this group of rune armor when I was in the Black Tortoise Mansion.

Otherwise, even if he is summoned now, there is no time to allow him to inject energy one by one to open the rune formation of the rune armour within the body.

At this time, Xiaobai also manifested its fox-tail mink form, his body suddenly enlarged, sharp claw with sharp teeth, and rich Spiritual Qi approaching Divine Sea.

“Hehe, I don’t believe that your Sword Spirit can kill my group of little brothers. If you are not afraid of death, let’s have a perish together!” Long Bufan grinned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes Full of crazy colors.

After that, the Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness that sunk into the dantian beast soul is already transformed into a beast-like battle form of dragon’s blood demonic weapon, and has displayed the shadow clone of the mysterious magic technique.

In an instant, Long Bufan’s body suddenly split into six shadow clones that looked the same as him, so as to confuse the enemy and prevent him from accurately attacking his deity.

Since the strength is not as good as the enemy, Long Bufan decided to use numbers to frighten the opponent. This is the strategy he just thought of.

It is also the only strategy at this time!

Sure enough, facing this sudden rune armor lineup, Ouyang Hua felt a trace of fear in her heart. Although these low-level rune armor only had the strength of Heavenly Origin Realm at most, one sword could destroy one.

However, its number should not be underestimated, and Rune Soldiers also have a terrifying Self-destruction skill!

Once these five hundred rune-armored soldiers are detonated, the terrifying energy gathered up, which is hard to condense into the Sword Spirit of Divine Sea, will probably fall and be directly blown to pieces.

In addition, this bastard is so cunning, with so many Avatars, it is very difficult to kill at once.

Following so long along the way, but unable to kill Long Bufan, Ouyang Hua was very angry in her heart. He had nowhere to vent his anger and hit the one that was controlled by his soul attack. The tyrannical force shattered all its internal organs!


The Gale Eagle howl sternly, sprayed blood all over, exploded and died!

“smelly brat, it will be long in the future, you will regret that you have offended me!” Ouyang Hua said gloomily. After putting down the cruel words, she stopped talking nonsense and directly retracted the Sword Spirit and turned and flew away. Skyrim.

Until I couldn’t see Ouyang Hua’s silhouette, Long Bufan breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed a cold sweat in secret. Fortunately, he met not a desperate guy, otherwise I’m afraid I will pay a heavy price today, even It’s life here.

“But…how do the people at Yin-Yang Sect know my travel route?”

Long Bufan muttered to himself with some doubts, once the highly tense spirit relaxed, I just remembered such a thing, feeling a little strange.

Immediately, Long Bufan didn’t think too much anymore, and took all the rune soldiers into the storage bag and continued on his way.

Because of the killing of Galewind Eagle, without a mount, he can only force himself to fly…

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