“Thank you.” Lin Shuang’er’s pretty face slightly red, against the bonfire, her blushing face added a bit of beauty, and she reached out and took the plate.

She picked up the love barbecue and took a light bite. The crispy skin made a slight cracking sound in the mouth, with a spicy taste in the fragrance, coupled with a slightly hot temperature, instantly rushed into the mouth.

Scented and warm, there is a kind of comfort that cannot be expressed in words.

At this time, over the Huo Stove Workshop in this handymanship area, there was a silhouette standing in the sky, with clothes fluttering, revealing the breath of a superior person.

This person is the Sect Master of the Black Tortoise Mansion, Ying Yuanzi.

“Although this child has a biased playful mind, its sect cohesion is so desirable.” Sect Master Ying Yuanzi lightly said with a smile, looking down with a peaceful look and he was in a cheerful atmosphere. Many sect disciple.

“In time, if he can curb the troublesome drive and take the power of the sect as his own responsibility, the old man, the Sect Lord’s Position, may have one more inheritance candidate.” Ying Yuanzi low He muttered to himself, looking thoughtful called 胄ΦFeed

As soon as his voice fell, his silhouette gradually dissipated in the night sky, and “hu~” was gone when the evening breeze passed.

Beside the huge bonfire, thousands of disciplines were happily together. Everyone took out their own private wines from the storage bag and drank them in high spirits.

“Let’s go for a walk.” Lin Shuang’er suddenly suggested.

Long Bufan happily nodded and said: “Okay.”

Lin Yan, Long Yunfei, and Lei Meng, their three people originally wanted to pull Long Bufan for a drink. He didn’t bother, even Xiaobai who wanted to follow Long Bufan was tightly held by Zhu Dafang’s thick arm.

Walking out of the lively Huo Zhan Fang, the two of them were speechless all the way, walking slowly side by side, unconsciously came to the little lotus pond that I visited last time.

Long Bufan raised his head and glanced at the night sky. The moonlight is beautiful tonight, and the silver-white brilliance swayed everywhere, like a hazy hoarfrost.

The skirt corner swayed, Lin Shuang’er walked in front, her walking posture was dignified and elegant, and her slender legs swayed slightly.

The hazy moonlight vents on this lithe and graceful posture, and the soft black hair that falls down vividly and thoroughly outlines the posture of Lin Shuang’er.

Long Bufan walked behind and could even smell the scent of daisy-like fragrance from the waist-length black hair.

Chapter 383 A Kiss.

Walking casually on the path by the pond, Long Bufan’s eyes fell on the alternate legs without any embarrassment, especially Under the rendering of the moonlight, these legs are more slender and taller.

Lin Shuang’er’s eyes moved slightly, she could perceive the line of sight swaying back and forth on her legs behind her, such a hot gaze suddenly made Lin Shuang’er’s white face A touch of shyness emerged.

“Have you… have you seen enough?” Lin Shuang’er suddenly turned around and asked with a smile.

From Long Bufan’s visual point of view, behind Lin Shuang’er is a bright moon, the white clothed silhouette is like an elf under the moonlight, and the white gauze skirt is slowly drifting under the night wind. , And the same floating long hair.

In a daze, Long Bufan seemed to smell Lin Shuang’er’s hair again.

The taste is so charming.

“I haven’t seen enough in my life.” Long Bufan grinned, and looked badly at Lin Shuang’er’s delicate body.

“You still haven’t changed, you’re still so funny.” Lin Shuang’er laughed, her angel-like smiling face was like a hundred flowers blooming, making her heart moving.

Along the lotus pond is a tortuous green stone pavement. Because of the good atmosphere and elegant environment, it is usually Holy Land for male female disciple dating in the sect.

The two walked side by side. In such a wonderful atmosphere, Long Bufan held out the tension in his heart and finally stretched out the evil palm and gently touched Lin Shuang’er. Jade hand.

Long Bufan clearly felt Lin Shuang’er’s lovable body tremble, and the corner of his eyes glanced at her quietly, and found that Lin Shuang’er was hanging his head and his white face had already risen two pieces. flush.

“It’s so beautiful.”

Long Bufan was stunned by the shyness and beauty of Lin Shuang’er in front of him, suddenly…Lin Shuang’er took the initiative to stretch out the white jade hand, with the fingers of Long Bufan.

In a flash, Long Bufan’s Old Zhang face couldn’t help but turn red. Feeling the soft little hand in the palm, I just feel like I’m standing in the clouds, a little fluttering.


Long Bufan looked at a rock not far away, Xiaobai’s smart eyes were looking at him and Lin Shuang’er. .

“Ah, boss! You guys continue, I’ll go to play first.” As he said, Xiaobai with a flattering face leaped and galloped away quickly.

In this way, Long Bufan took Lin Shuang’er’s hand, and the two walked to the steps on the edge of the rock on the lake shore and sat down side by side.

Under the moonlight in the middle of the night, Long Bufan and Lin Shuang’er chatted with each other. They talked from childhood to adulthood, and then talked about some of their usual interesting things…

The atmosphere is very harmonious, two People talk very happily.

Gradually, the long night passed, when a grey dawn appeared in the eastern sky, the whole earth was filled with the fresh morning air. Long Bufan and Lin Shuang’er who had a conversation in the middle of the night did not feel it at all. The passing of time, only the dawn of the day, the two will react.

“It’s dawn, this is the fastest night I have ever had.” Lin Shuang’er stretched out, and as the clothes tightened, her delicate figure was undoubtedly revealed.

“If everyday all is with you, this life is enough.”

Long Bufan tilted his head and looked at Lin Shuang’er in front of him, and said warmly. The next second, he saw His lips lightly touched her soft lips, as if dragonfly touches the water lightly.

By the lotus pond, the two kissed.

Chapter 384 golden jade slip

After having breakfast with Lin Shuang’er, and after the two separated, Long Bufan not at all went back to the dormitory because Long Bufan remembered yesterday. When leaving the law enforcement tower, Wang Yi Palace Lord once said that 2nd day he had something to talk to himself.

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