“Be careful, everyone, Kunsha is upstairs. He must have heard the fighting, and he is definitely prepared upstairs!” Long Bufan waved his hand and Shen shouted: “Scatter away, you go up the window. “

Immediately, several people dispersed immediately and climbed upstairs from different places. Long Bufan didn’t walk anywhere else, but went up the stairs. However, when approaching the second floor, Long Bufan took off his jacket and threw it directly on.

“Bang, bang, bang,…”

A deafening sound of gunfire sounded. When the coat fell to the ground, there were dozens of more gun holes, and the firepower upstairs was impressive. Extremely strong.

Through this time, Long Bufan has already seen clearly that the gun is sticking out from a room. The door of this room is made of pure steel plate, there is no window, only a small opening, which is completely in the shape of a small bunker.

It seems that the most troublesome thing happened. There was a bunker in it.

On the other side, Toad and they have climbed up to the second floor from the window. However, the sight of the bunker was good, and they saw the three of them. The machine gun turned around and fired again, and they had to step back and hide.

I tried several times, but I couldn’t rush to the bunker, let alone take the bunker.

4Long Bufan was silent for a while, then suddenly turned to toad and made a gesture to him.

Toad froze for a moment, and when he hesitated, Long Bufan had already rushed to the second floor.

The machine gun was aimed at Long Bufan immediately, and bullets came in frantically.

Long Bufan turned around and ran to the side as soon as he went upstairs, not daring to walk in a straight line. The bullet almost chased his ass, knocking the floor behind him full of holes.

While Long Bufan was attracted by the machine gun, the toad rushed out there, ran against the wall from the other side to the mouth of the hole, and threw a smoke bomb in.

“Damn, cough cough cough…”

It didn’t take long for the machine gun to stop firing, and there was a violent coughing sound inside, and strong smoke even came out of the hole.

The black wolf ran over, rushed to the door, and glued a rubber bomb to the door panel.

Long Bufan They dispersed immediately upon seeing this.


Following a loud bang, the door of the room was directly exploded, and there was still heavy smoke billowing inside. Long Bufan and the others rushed in with submachine guns in their hands. In the inner room, I vaguely saw a man and a woman squatting on the ground and coughing. The bald man with a full face was Kunsha.

The big bear went over and hit Kun Sha’s head with a fist. He was stunned, and then he slipped Kun Shati out like a chicken, and then grinned at Long Bufan:” Captain, the mission is complete!”

Long Bufan looked at the comrades in front of him, but there was an inexplicable bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, “Yes, it’s done, thank you for completing my return to my previous life. Wish, I should go too…”

A long time ago, he actually knew that this was an illusion, but the nostalgia that Long Bufan hid in the deepest part of the heart made him anesthetize himself.

Isn’t this kind of life exactly what I wanted?

I have got it now, I can stop…

This thought suddenly reappeared, which made Long Bufan awaken suddenly. He bit his tongue sharply, and the pain made his mind instantly restored to sobriety and calmness.

Long Bufan’s mind was calm, and he muttered in a low voice: “Everything is an illusion, broken!”

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and everything disappeared.

Chapter 369 Everything is vain

Recalling the past few days in the illusion, Long Bufan lightly sighed, passed, passed!

Maybe, I have hidden such thoughts in my heart, but this is just a passing scene and it no longer exists…

Now mine is no longer a special soldier The Captain of the wolf group is the sect disciple of the Black Tortoise Mansion, Sir Lord and Long Bufan of the Stormwind Territory!

At this time, the scene around Long Bufan suddenly changed, and he came to a large room with a carved jade building. There were warm tents and light gauze everywhere, incense and intoxicating.

“Has it passed?”

A misty voice came from behind. Long Bufan looked back, a girl wearing jade green tulle and carrying a long sword appeared Behind myself.

The girl’s temperament is pure and refined, and the appearance like a heavenly immortal has a touch of coldness and heroism, the inviolable holiness.

Long Bufan was stunned. This beautiful woman turned out to be Lin Shuang’er, but she was slightly more mature than the 17-year-old Lin Shuang’er. She was about 20 years old in her early years and had a slim body. It is full, concave and convex.

“Since it has passed, then you and I Yin Yang Dual Cultivation, let’s explore Martial Dao together, how about it?” Lin Shuang’er said that the clothes on her body turned into pieces and disappeared, and she was perfect for a time. Collecting all the eyes of Long Bufan, she walked towards Long Bufan slowly.

At that moment, Long Bufan did feel a sudden rush of heat in his heart, and the blood flow rate in his body increased, but he quickly suppressed the heat and held himself to his heart again.

At this moment, Lin Shuang’er had already plunged into Long Bufan’s arms, the Wenxiang nephrite jade was in his arms, and the virgin fragrance was lingering. This kind of impact strongly impacted Long Bufan’s Heart of Martial Dao.

In this way, Heaven’s Proud Daughter is naked in his arms. Long Bufan’s determination is firm, his breathing is slightly stagnant, and his blood is surging. After all, Long Bufan is in the matter of men and women, regardless of his past and present. Still a little virgin without personnel.


Everything is vain!

Long Bufan closed his eyes tightly, secretly moving the mysterious magic technique in his heart, a refreshing energy immediately wandered through the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and finally rushed to his mind, dispelling the heat, holding on to the heart.

“Long Bufan, don’t you…you are not interested in me at all?”

The soft voice makes people feel like a spring rain, Lin Shuang’er said with a bit of resentment, His long sword has been quietly stretched from behind to Long Bufan’s neck.

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