It was
not until the 2nd day that Long Bufan opened his eyes. The full of energy stretched out, and with the beckoned, he put the five rune armour soldiers into the storage bag.

The law enforcement tower is a real life-and-death cultivation formation. Only when experienced in this environment can its battle strength increase significantly. Long Bufan decided to make a breakthrough himself instead of borrowing the power of rune armor.

“And 5-Layer…”

Long Bufan stood up and stepped into the entrance of the 2nd floor resolutely.

“The show is about to start!” In the dark room at the bottom of the tower, the purple-robed old man’s face was full of expectation, and his muddy eyes stared straight at the portrait in the mirror.

Boom! boom! boom!

As Long Bufan entered, the rumbling sound suddenly resounded. I saw one after another huge silhouette rushing over like a flood.

Fifth Level demonic beast ――Iron Horned Bull!

Looking at this black giant, two meters tall, shaking with a sharp horn. Long Bufan smacked his tongue secretly. He had also seen this kind of demonic beast in the demonic beast mountain range, but it was a little weaker than those before him.

Because the iron horned bull in this law enforcement tower is more burly, and the horns are even more terrifying.

Moo–! !

The scarlet eyes of these iron-horned bulls stared straight at Long Bufan, their thick iron hoofs trampled on the ground violently, and they rushed.

The fierce imposing manner assaults the senses like the waves. Long Bufan looked directly at this scene, as if facing a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. Long Bufan had no doubts. When the giant bull hits himself, the sharp horns will definitely rip him apart and smash himself to pieces.

Long Bufan moves his mind slightly, holding an ordinary iron sword in his hand. Since he chooses a more effective exercise, if he uses high-level weapons such as the blue ice sword or the colorful Fire Phoenix gun, it is inevitable. It’s somewhat meaningless.

“clang!” A clear and clanging sound echoed, Long Bufan held a long sword in his hand, slightly narrows the eyes, his whole body was like an ominous beast that had been accumulated for a long time, and his body suddenly moved. Fiercely rushed to the oncoming Iron Horned Bulls.

This scene stunned the old man in front of the copper mirror, and said in amazement: “Is this young man crazy? The most terrifying thing about the iron horn bull is its impact. Does he think it’s a physical body? Can you withstand the impact of this group of iron cows?”

“It’s really disappointing. It’s finally a little fun to watch. It’s about to end so soon. I have to wait for the next tortured discipline. How long!”

The old man was a little bit distracted, but his eyes were still fixed on the portrait in the copper mirror. Without blinking his eyes, the bloody scene seemed to appear in the next second.

In just five or six breaths, the tidal iron-horned bull is like to swallow Long Bufan, and one after another hot air is sprayed from the copper bell-like nostrils,

Chapter 353 Unsheathed Sharp Sword

Faced with such a black and overwhelming group of beasts, Long Bufan’s jet-black eyes did not show any panic. Instead, he stepped on his footsteps and displayed the mysterious magic steps. , Shuttled among the giant cattle like strolling in a leisurely courtyard, his body flickered and there was no trace to be found, and the iron sword in his hand swung sharply.

“shua! shua!! shua!!!!”

Every sudden sword light swept out with the momentum of a thunderbolt and pierced the iron horn bull’s neck.

The sharp sword glow instantly broke through the thick cowhide and cut open the blood vessels on the neck. The split blood mouth suddenly flowed into a column of blood, bursting out!

Long Bufan swiftly retracted his sword, and his silhouette avoided the shot blood like a breeze.

And the giant bull stabbed by the iron sword, its huge body fell directly to the ground, blood splashed all over the ground.

In the dim tower layer, a ghost-like human silhouette rammed into the iron-horned barbaric cattle. Long Bufan was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, blatantly tearing open a blood path.

“Is this kid really just an outer temple discipline!”

The purple robe old man lay down in front of the copper mirror, his eyes trembled, he couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him Of this scene.

The portrait reflected in the mirror, I saw the young silhouette rushing into the iron-horned barbaric herd with an unusually outrageous attitude. He is like a hungry wolf rushing into the flock, standing proudly and sharply The sword glow is like sharp teeth. Each sword accurately cuts the blood vessels of the cow’s neck. Although the bizarre footwork is not gorgeous, it can avoid the fiercely sharp horns every time. .

In the stunned gaze of the purple robe old man, Long Bufan frantically harvested these iron-horned bulls, with one sword more powerful than one, setting off a hot rain of blood!

The whole body was splattered with blood, and Long Bufan, as if unknown, raised his sword and fell. The unpleasant smell of blood permeated, and Long Bufan was even accustomed to this smell, stimulating the bloodiness hidden in his heart, and a sword was more fierce than a sword.

“ao ——!!!”

As the last roar of the beast dissipated, Long Bufan kept changing his body shape before stopping. At this time, the Origin Force within the body was already Is exhausted.

He turned his head back and glanced at the beast corpses all over the floor with a pale face. His huge body was lying on both sides, and it was extremely shocking when he looked at it.

Long Bufan looked at the Blood Sword in his hand, and muttered to himself in a low voice: “One hundred and thirty-five iron-horned bulls, but I made a total of two hundred and twenty-five swords. About 50%.”

“The hit rate is too low, my sword drawing speed and body style can’t match perfectly, and my reaction ability needs to be improved!”

Long Bufan Said gasping for breath, as always, reflecting on my shortcomings.

And when Long Bufan was dissatisfied with the accuracy of his sword, the old man in the dark room was already dumbstruck. In this brief moment, he seemed to feel that his world outlook collapsed. Is this guy still a human? ?

Turning around, Long Bufan walked towards the passage leading to the 3rd floor Iron Pagoda, stepped on the pool of blood, splashed with blood on the ground, but Long Bufan looked thoughtful: “The 1st floor The demonic beast is a blood spider, and its strength is about the human Heavenly Origin Realm. The iron horned bull on the 2nd floor is the Fifth Level demonic beast, equivalent to Yuan Core Realm martial artist. The difficulty is higher than that of the 1st floor, that is, The danger level of the 4-Layer behind will also explode geometrically.”

Thinking of this, Long Bufan couldn’t help showing panic on his face, but instead showed a look of expectation.

This kind of real life and death experience can better stimulate the potential within the body. Of course, the premise is to survive.

“I have died once, how can I die easily in this life.”

Long Bufan breathed out softly, sitting on the Iron Pagoda 2-Layer and the three-layer In the compartment, with his eyes closed slightly, the energy drawn from Yuan Crystal Stone was flowing like a tide within the body. This wonderful feeling of exhaustion and immediate replenishment made Long Bufan a little intoxicated.

In the deadly closed law enforcement tower, Long Bufan is like an old monk sitting in meditation, but he is always vigilant all around, especially the three dark iron gates. He is not sure about it. Is there any Demonic beast?

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