“That must be popular. We Master Long Bufan invented something, who doesn’t rush to ask for it.”

The two sentries chatted during the shift and talked about Long Bufan. At that time, the two young berserkers were obviously extremely excited, and their eyes were full of admiration. They didn’t know that their idol, Long Bufan, had just passed by them and walked into the city with the flow of people.

Chapter 335 Encountering Brother

Walking into the city, Long Bufan came to the Longji Trading Company and found that there was a long line full of security soldiers in the city. the vicinity maintains order.

Long Kee Trading Company has never sold products to the outside world. It only exhibits various products in the store and receives orders from all over the world. So at first glance, these people are dressed in fine clothes and are all businessmen.

“These days, Anson has made the territory’s business to get rich.”

Long Bufan is very pleased that the better the business, the more Treasury invested in the construction of Storm Wind City, and the more than 100,000 mad fighters who followed him can also eat well and live well, fulfilling the promises he made before.

At least, the current Long Bufan will no longer be as poor as before, worrying about not having money all day long, getting rid of poverty and becoming rich.


Suddenly a cry of surprise came from the line of people.

Hearing this familiar tone, Long Bufan was slightly startled, and immediately looked for his reputation. He saw the excited Long Yunfei in the middle of the line waving his hand and shouted: “Boss, I’m here.”

“fourth child!” Long Bufan moved his gaze, striding like a wind, and soon walked to Long Yunfei’s body, and said with a smile: “fourth child, you Why are you here, and I don’t even come out when you see me.”

“I am customizing Bicycle on behalf of Wing Lung Chamber of Commerce.” Long Yunfei looked helpless, and said, “Long Kee Trading” The company is based on the order of queues. What if I leave and someone cuts in the queue……”

Speaking of this, Long Yunfei suddenly thought of something, groaned, and looked at Long Bufan in front of him. Excited: “My pig head, boss, you are the lord here, do I still need to line up?!”

“It’s not necessarily.” Long Bufan touched his nose, said resolutely: ” As it is said that there is no rule without rules, Longji Trading Company can’t break the rules for anyone.”

“Boss, you wouldn’t be so unfeeling…” Long Yunfei suddenly wailed, crying.

Since taking over the various affairs of Chamber of Commerce, when doing business abroad, Long Yunfei always showed a mature and introverted appearance, but at this moment, in front of Long Bufan, he has removed his mask. , Revealing his previous child temperament.

“I am teasing you.” Long Bufan patted Long Yunfei’s shoulder said with a smile: “Let’s go, come with me to the house for a drink, and I’ll arrange for someone to give it to you later. Take care of it, all discounted prices.”

“This is enough.” Long Yunfei suddenly grinned, and then the thief said with a smile: “Two cups are enough, at least some delicious “

Long Yunfei licked his lips. He knew that Long Bufan’s cooking skills were more exquisite than those of the so-called first-rate imperial chefs. Had.

This time Secret Realm has gained a lot, Long Bufan is in a good mood, and he does not refuse Long Yunfei’s request. But he is tired of those barbecue items.

What should I eat?

Although it has just entered early autumn at this time, the temperature is slightly colder than other regions because the storm territories are located in the northern part of the mainland.

In this weather, eating hot pot is better.

Long Bufan immediately brightened his eyes, and a trace of recollection emerged in his eyes.

In the army of the previous life, whenever the free time after the task was completed, Long Bufan would gather with his comrades to cook hot pot and drink frozen beer. The feeling of Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven was in his mouth. The transformation is very enjoyable.

Chapter 336 Gourmet Hot Pot

Back to City Lord Mansion, Long Bufan gave a token to let his chief financial officer’An Sen’ to inform all the senior leaders of the territory Gather at the City Lord Mansion before dinner. Its task is to eat hot pot.

After learning the news of Long Bufan’s return, Paxiong patriarch of the mad war clan, Da Meng and Da Qiang, after completing the work at hand, immediately rushed to the City Lord Mansion with excitement,

The quintuplets brother Wu Yi and Wu Er of the Refining Artifact Pavilion were all invited, as well as the blacksmith Luo Yan of Dwarf Race.

That night, in the huge hall, the servants were busy going in and out, carrying a variety of demonic beast meat slices, beef tendon meatballs, vegetables, and a large amount of frozen wine, which was quite grand !

The big round table was dug a big hole by Long Bufan with a sword, and then a big iron pot was set up, and an oven was placed underneath, and the Fire Element rune array was set up, so there was no need for manual fire. Only use Yuan Crystal Stone to provide energy and it can be converted into heat for baking iron pot.

At this time, more than a dozen people were sitting at the round table. Long Yunfei and Bo Xiong stared blankly at Long Bufan adding various things to the iron pot that kept boiling water.

“My lord, what are you doing?” Anson curiously asked, because he was knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and he didn’t understand what Long Bufan was doing.

Others are also puzzled waiting for an answer.

“Adjust the soup base.” Long Bufan smiled faintly, still carefully adjusting the hot pot soup base. If you want to eat, then you have to eat the most delicious. This is Long Bufan’s rule of eating. No matter what, you can’t wrong your stomach.

The essence of hot pot lies in the soup base. If the soup base is good, the taste will not be bad. If the soup base tastes bad, the ingredients will be spoiled no matter how good it is.

Long Bufan and everyone’s tastes are a bit spicy, so ingredients such as chili peppers are a must. Some ingredients such as star anise, anise, and cinnamon are directly dried and mashed, and then mixed with chili oil and sautéed in a pot.

At this time, there was a bright red slice in the pot, and the bright red chili oil smeared the spices with a bright light.

After the scent came out, I poured the prepared mountain spring water into it, and “chill~” suddenly let out a refreshing explosion.

About a quarter of an hour, I started to see the soup bottom in the pot rolling, making the sound of gu lu gu lu, and the spicy fragrance drifting away at this brief moment, making everyone present It’s all the nose movement.

The cloud steaming in the boiler, Long Bufan spooned a little soup base to taste.

The soup entrance is spicy and refreshing, full of flavor.

“The soup base is ready!”

Long Bufan grinned, then put a lot of raw meat slices and meatballs out of the pot, tumbling under the boiling water, quickly It is cooked. Long Bufan immediately raised his chopsticks and grabbed a piece of animal meat into his mouth.

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