fierce cyclone was displayed on the surface of the body, Long Bufan opened his eyes, his eyes shone brightly like stars in the night sky, and his expression was flying.

The Purple Jade Dragon root has very few impurities, and it is not very difficult to refining within the body.

The tempering of the bone marrow makes the cultivation base break through to the Xuanmen realm. At this time, Long Bufan is equivalent to a shedding body, exchanging bones. From the surface, his skin becomes more delicate and his muscles are also The condensed is more symmetrical, firm and beautiful, with lines that have both strength and softness, just like the work of art under the knife of a carver, close to perfection.

Long Bufan’s 18-year-old appearance has also become a little more mature, but the sharp imposing manner between the eyebrows has been reduced a lot. If you don’t observe it carefully, it will be difficult to see.

“I was promoted to the Profound Door Realm like this!” Long Bufan felt the strange change in his body, surprised and inexplicably surprised. He clenched his fists subconsciously and his knuckles crackled.


A random punch, the wind whistling, and the fierce energy hit the wall, “peng!” A dull sound, this rock is made of A big hole was smashed into the wall, and stone chips splashed.

At this time, Long Bufan feels his body is full of powerful power, but he shook the head and said to himself: “But this is the realm of medicinal power breakthrough. The foundation is unstable. Need to consolidate.”

Martial Dao Cultivation, what pays attention to is step by step!

Immediately, Long Bufan ran the Origin Force and found that the Origin Force within the body was flowing a little bit less in the veins, as if it had lost a big chunk.

Long Bufan, who was observing for a while, suddenly felt that there would be such a deficit. It was not that Origin Force was consumed, but that his fleshy body became stronger, with wider veins, and Accommodate more Origin Force.

If the Origin Force is like water, then the fleshy body is a water tank. With the Qi Condensation body refinement, the strength of the fleshy body deepens again and again, and it can accommodate Origin Force will naturally increase relatively.

You must know that the number of Origin Forces means the strength of attacking moves. The more Martial artists of Origin Force, the vigor and vigor contained in their moves will not be easily defeated. And those martial artists with few Origin Force, the sword energy displayed is often unable to withstand a single blow, and the lethality is not strong.

Origin Force cultivation base, combat experience, body refinement, and intelligence, these all are the essential factors for martial arts.

“Boss, what’s the matter with you?”

Xiaobai jumped up from the hole in the wall and asked worriedly.

As soon as the voice fell, there was an astonishing loud noise suddenly, and the huge body of the Fu Jiabing’Hei Ming’ hit the wall directly. Suddenly, the dust was filled, and the whole house was knocked on the verge of collapse.

“Boss, this stupid big fellow is too rude.” Xiaobai, who was buried in the pile of rocks, crawled out, a little embarrassed.

Long Bufan took the dust off his body, but he was not angry with it. Instead, he said with a smile: “It is rude, it means it is powerful.”

Xiao Bai like a jealous Xiao Spirit Beast, curl one’s lip, said: “When all my nine tails grow out and become a real Nine-tailed Fox mink, I can destroy this kind of soldier with one claw.”

Now, Hei Ming is our bodyguard.”

Long Bufan laughed and cursed, and then reached out and touched Xiaobai’s head to soothe its position in his heart.

What Xiaobai said is true. Although it is not strong now, it is only a three-tailed fox, but Long Bufan believes that when Xiaobai grows into a Nine-tailed Fox, then it will be The top powerhouse in the sky continent, I am afraid that everyone will be afraid of 30%!

Chapter 303 Meets Black Rock again

The soothed Xiaobai grinned and said excitedly: “Boss, I didn’t expect you to be closed for two days, and your strength has improved. Less.”

hearing this, Long Bufan complexion slightly changed, surprised: “Two days have passed!”

Xiaobai nodded and said: “Yes, during the period Several Loose Cultivators came here and they were all beaten away by Heiming.”

Then, Long Bufan collected Heiming into the storage ring. When he walked out of this dormitory area, Long Bufan suddenly felt all over him. The energy of the space faintly fluctuates, and I suddenly felt that the suppression of within the body was lighter, and the flow of Origin Force was smoother.

Swish, swish, swish…

Just when Long Bufan felt strange, he saw in midair one after another silhouette flying by quickly, not lightly exclaimed, Muttered to himself: “Everyone has regained the ability to fly. Could it be that the time limit of Secret Realm Space is about to end?”

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly a dark shadow landed beside Long Bufan like a ghost. , An enthusiastic fighting intent instantly approached Long Bufan.

“It’s you.” Long Bufan tilted his head slightly, his eyes calmly watching a black-clothed youth-Black Rock, appeared beside him with an iron rod on his shoulders.

Long Bufan dug his nostrils. This guy clearly got a Heavenly Grade Spiritual Artifact sword and also had a storage ring, but he still carried the thick black iron rod on his body all the time. , I don’t know if it’s pretending to be coercive or being cool, or just like those swordsmen who are obsessed with sword technique, what Human and Sword Unity is.

Hei Yan stared at Long Bufan, feeling the faint aura radiating from his body, his bright eyes couldn’t help passing a touch of surprise, and said strangely: “Yin-Yang Two Qi, I can’t think of two. If you don’t see it today, you have a breakthrough to the Xuanmen Life and Death Boundary. It seems that you have gotten a lot of opportunities in this Secret Realm.”

” Breakthrough is like holding a fart and not letting it go. It’s not easy to come out.” Long Bufan slapped laughing and said, and then flicked his fingertips, and a nose flew out with an elegant parabola.

“!” The pupils in Heiyan’s eyes condensed suddenly, and his figure was slightly to the side, anxiously avoiding the rounded booger, secretly exhaled in his heart, so dangerous. .

“By the way, I feel an unstable energy fluctuation in Secret Realm Space. Is the time limit approaching?” Long Bufan asked the doubt in his mind just now.

Heiyan nodded and said: “Well, it is said that in the north of Secret Realm, a Space Crack was opened, which is an exit to the outside world. Everyone is now flying towards there.”

“oh?” Long Bufan was startled slightly, looked towards Heiyan, and said with a smile: “Why are you still stunned, let’s go.”

After saying this, Long Bufan is the body moved, pedaling on the blue ice sword, high-spirited and vigorous flying into the air.

“This strange guy who stole Tuogu’s rune armour was so calm…” Hei Yan took a deep look at Long Bufan in front of him. Although he didn’t have much contact, he felt that Long Bufan was a man. People who are quite fun, not as pretentious as other sect disciple, but free and casual.

Just when Heiyan’s figure flew out, his expression suddenly froze. The big beckoned, a golden light shot out from the space in front, and finally slipped into his hands.

“This is the sound transmission talisman of our Wugangzong, what happened?”

Black Rock took over the golden light, dashing eyebrows lightly, wondering in his heart, and soon Dao golden light was sucked into his palm, but after a while, his complexion changed…

Chapter 304 Sect disciple goes to war

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