Especially Puppet Sect is more vicious, even if you die, it won’t let you go, and directly refines the corpse into a puppet using the secret technique of the sect.

So, Long Bufan ran wildly along the way, leaving the southern part of the Zongdian at the fastest speed, and came to the north building.

After experiencing the fierce battles of the year, this area has been seen at a glance. There are many broken palaces, and I don’t know how many bones are buried in the ruins.

“This guy, what’s the excitement?”

“Did you find any treasure that can’t be achieved?!”

Along the way, some wandering around in search of treasure Seeing Long Bufan running desperately, some of the martial arts practitioners talked in surprise, and the individual Loose Cultivator who had misbehaving even chased them in the direction that Long Bufan ran towards.

“This group of funny people, why follow me?!”

Long Bufan suddenly found that there were more and more followers behind him, and he couldn’t help but look confused.

Then, at the corner of a pile of building ruins, Long Bufan used the mysterious magic technique, and suddenly split into a shadow clone. The deity hid quietly behind a boulder in the ruins and used the shadow Clone led away the group of as if crazy guys.

“I don’t know where Shuang’er went to hunt for treasure…”

Long Bufan whispered to himself as he looked at a lot of silhouettes going away, and at this moment, He had worn a hat on top of his head again, and was walking around in the vicinity, but unexpectedly found that there were people walking everywhere, whether it was the pill room, the Scripture Pavilion, or the practice field, anything valuable Being looted and empty.

Of course, where there are treasures, there is naturally a lot of fighting. Almost every distance you walk, you can see large or small group battles.

Long Bufan has no treasure hunting minds now. He just wants to find a secret place, so that he can put it under the Spiritual Imprint of the advanced talisman armour of the storage bag, so that he can gain a hole card guarantee for his life. .

Otherwise, if everyone is sent out after the time limit of this Secret Realm Space expires, with my current ability, I am afraid that the treasure on my body will be robbed by others.

In this way, Long Bufan finally found a place that he thought was more suitable after walking around in the North District.

“This should be the former dormitory area of ​​Samsara Sect’s sect disciple.”

Long Bufan’s footsteps stopped at the entrance of a huge stone gate, and it was greeted It is a single house with a unified architecture, which is somewhat similar to the dormitory area of ​​the Black Tortoise Mansion.

Generally speaking, the martial artists have their own storage bags, but the valuable items will naturally not be placed in the dormitory, but carried with them, so those who come here for treasure hunt find that this is the dormitory area After that, they all turn around and leave without wasting time here.

“It seems to be more appropriate here, no one will bother.”

Walking into this quiet and deep dormitory area, Long Bufan’s mouth is slightly curved, so he walks to it In the last row of dormitories, I found a detached house and walked in.

Chapter 297 Erasing the Spirit


Pushing open a wooden door in the courtyard, in an instant, more than five hundred years of thick dust accumulated Immediately leaping towards him, Long Bufan released a ray of vitality vibration, shockingly shook the surrounding dust away, and kept the clothes on his body spotless.

Step into it slowly, and the furnishings inside the room come into sight. Although the room is very wide, there is only one long dusty table, four chairs, and nothing else. appliance.

Obviously, this is a hall, and it is very simple.

Sect disciple has always been immersed in martial arts, and has never paid much attention to daily life materials. For them, the dormitory is just a place to sleep after cultivation.

Long Bufan saw that on the left and right sides of the hall, there were two door panels on the left and right sides of the hall. I thought this should be the bedroom of the sect disciple.

Long Bufan casually walked into a dormitory on the left front. The furnishings inside were quite simple, with only a desk and a bed, all around was also dusty, spider web Everywhere.

“Xiaobai, please go outside and watch the door for me. When you find someone wants to break in. If you can block it, you will notify me immediately.” Long Bufan tilted his head to Xiaobai instructed, and then He took a big red apple from the storage bag and handed it to Xiao Bai.

As far as the Spiritual Imprint is given to the advanced talisman armour class, he must be cautious, but he does not want to repeat the same mistakes and commit the same mistake as Yin-Yang Sect’s Tuogu.

“Okay, boss.” Xiaobai grinned and took a bite of the apple, and then the white shadow flashed, and in a blink of an eye he rushed outside, guarding loyally.

I didn’t mind the thick layer of dust on the bed, Long Bufan just sat down, and then the Spiritual Consciousness moved slightly, and a black glow flashed in front of him, a huge black skeleton. The frame appeared on the bed, sitting cross-legged, facing Long Bufan.

“The unformed Spiritual Imprint of Taku’s remains in the body of the rune armor. You must erase it first.”

Look up at this advanced talisman. Jiabing, Long Bufan suppressed the mood swings in his heart. As soon as his voice fell, his right hand slammed out, and he grabbed the black skull’s head, and the dark vortex in his mind suddenly started to spin.

In an instant, the whole bedroom was shrouded in darkness!

After that, Long Bufan pressed the palm on the skull, and a reduced version of the black vortex suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a terrifying suction force surged out.

Immediately afterwards, the spirit strength at the center of the black skeleton’s eyebrows was swallowed by Long Bufan at a rapid speed!

Far away in the Cave Mansion of the Southern District Building, Taku, who just ran away from the Puppet Sect gang, is preparing to use the storage bag with Yin-Yang Sect’s senior and junior brothers. Hundreds of low-level rune puppets suddenly got a shock and stopped moving forward.

“First Senior Brother, what’s the matter with you?” Wang Yun on the side looked surprised at complexion ashen’s Tuogu , Asked strangely.

“It’s okay!”

Tuogu replied in a gloomy voice, but his pupils were terrifying shrinking, and his chest was full of anger. Obviously he had sensed that Long Bufan was Erase the Spiritual Imprint he planted in the Rune Armor within the body.


Takuo cursed in his heart, and his complexion became extremely difficult to look. The duck that was about to be cooked flew away in front of his face. Now, if this matter is passed back to Yin-Yang Sect, he will certainly be punished not lightly.

Because of this, his resentment towards Long Bufan also reached the peak of his life.

Chapter 298 New Trump Card

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