five fingers of the palm were slightly bent , and with one capacity, the seven-foot silver long spear was instantly sucked into the palm by Long Bufan. The metal-refined gun body felt cool to the touch. Long Bufan’s Spiritual Consciousness was slightly surprised after scanning. “This silver spear is actually made of heavy black silver mine, which belongs to the Earth Grade Spiritual Artifact.”

Long Bufan swept the silver spear in his hand, and a steady imposing manner burst out suddenly, and he could not help but exclaim. “Good spear!”

“Boss, someone is coming.”

At this time, Xiaobai’s soul sound transmission came in his mind, and Long Bufan immediately put the silver spear into storage. bag leaped in shape, quickly left Medicine Garden, and swept away from the Core Zone of Chaozong Hall…

Chapter 278 Spirit Treasure exists

The night is like a flower, and the moon hangs high. Long Bufan stepped on the tip of the grass, advancing fast, and each ups and downs was more than ten feet away.

It was almost an hour before Long Bufan walked out of the jungle in the Medicine Garden. Although he encountered some decent spirit material treasures along the way, Long Bufan was not at all excessive. Staying, those things can’t be considered how tempting to him now.

“Presumably those sect forces are all moving towards the Core Zone of the Secret Realm Zongdian at this time.” Long Bufan muttered to himself, touching his nose. Those guys are in the sect itself. The inner temple is rich in discipline and cultivation resources, and has developed a very high vision. Ordinary babies can’t get into their eyes at all.

So, I am afraid that those people now, just like Long Bufan, also target the Core Zone of Zongdian. Because there is where the entire sect is!

“Since you are here, you can’t be preempted by others every time!” Long Bufan’s mouth was slightly tilted, as he gradually deepened, he found that the silhouette around here was unexpectedly dense. Many, no longer as sparsely populated as the rear.

Looking at the many silhouettes, there are also many powerful people among them, and they are all in the same direction.

Following the direction of pedestrians, Long Bufan’s line of sight was far away, only to see the rolling mountain peaks not far away, where the towering and undulating palace finally appeared where he could see.

This Samsara Sect relic is huge and shocking… At first glance, various magnificent buildings are connected in a line next to the peaks, spreading directly to the end of the line of sight. The tall towers used for cultivation stand upright, and under the washing of the years, it reveals a green mulberry and primitive taste.

In the ruins of Samsara Sect ruins, I don’t know how many precious treasures are buried. While waiting to see the sun again…

Looking at this huge sect In Long Bufan’s eyes, there was also a shocking color that could not be concealed, and he immediately sighed in his heart. In that era, Samsara Sect was actually so powerful to such a terrifying level. On such a scale, it was at least the Grade 4 top sect in the sect. .

In the Heavenly Flame Empire area, excluding those ancient martial arts Aristocratic Family and some low-level sects, there are a total of Five Great Influences, namely: Ling Black Tortoise Mansion, Heavenly Sword Sect, Yin-Yang Sect, Five Rank Three Sects, Wu Gangzong and Fu Zong.

In order to be promoted to Rank Four Sect, Heavenly Flame Five Sects often have occasional frictions and contain each other, but there has never been a major war.

“The area here is extremely vast, and there are a lot of secrets in it. Even if many people have already come here, they must not be able to fully understand it.” Long Bufan looked at it. The ruins filled with ancient flavors said to himself.

Among them, there is a mountain on the left side, up to several thousand zhang. At the top of the mountain, there is a faint white light flashing, one after another strong and terrifying vitality gathers here, It actually formed a circle of fog.

On the mountainside, the palace stands in great numbers, Long Bufan guessed that this mountain has gathered such a strong vitality, it is very likely that there will be Spirit Treasure!

When Long Bufan came to the foot of this mountain, he immediately noticed all around. Some gazes came from everywhere, these all are the warriors who arrived here first. After all, this mountain is so majestic, even in this vast ancestral hall, it is extremely conspicuous with the white glow flashing with the vitality of the mist, so many people are attracted to come and cover the mountains and Plains searches for various treasures.

Chapter 279 Shenbing Hall

As for the arrival of Long Bufan, some people are wary, but no one takes it lightly.

No one came up to bother, Long Bufan was also very happy, so he took Xiaobai straight into the dense mountain, along the mountain road, twists and turns toward the palace on the top of the mountain.

In the mountainside, a faint Origin Force mist was surging, Long Bufan’s sight was also obstructed, so he walked slowly, as the mountain trail came to the end, he saw a transparent The majestic stone gate with the breath of Cangsang.

There are several ancient fonts carved on the stone gate, but after years of corrosion, it has long been dilapidated, and it is vaguely unclear what the word is, and weeds are growing around the stone gate.

Stepping into the stone gate passage, what you see is an extremely vast, square-like hall, and around this hall, there are also several direct passages.

“So many people!”

Long Bufan, who came here, found that there were already a lot of silhouettes walking around in this large hall. I looked at it roughly, I’m afraid it won’t be enough. Hundreds of people, and among them, Long Bufan also saw Wugangzong’s Black Rock and the others, and the entire group of Yin-Yang Sect.

But at this time, Black Rock and the others, obviously did not notice the arrival of Long Bufan, because everyone in the field blasted out one after another formidable power with a powerful attack, blasting towards the hall. Above, a huge mask hovering in midair.

“Bang, bang, bang…!”

The combined attack of so many people also caused the light mask to continuously rippling with layers of ripples, giving off dullness Quake.

“Boss, look at the top!” Xiaobai’s voice sounded in his mind.

Long Bufan’s gaze immediately looked towards the mask above, and he was surprised to find that within the mask, there were several lights and shadows flying, so he released Spiritual Consciousness. Through the mask, he sensed that Several glorious images appeared in the mind, such as knives, swords, bows, long spears, armor… etc.

“Spiritual Artifact!”

Long Bufan couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva secretly as his eyes swept across the light and shadow in shock, his pupils shrank, this piece of light mask The dozens of lights and shadows in it are all weapons!

Moreover, among the dozen or so weapons, there is a sword-shaped light and shadow, which is extraordinarily bright, that kind of luster, even the blue ice sword that I own now, I am afraid it is impossible to compare. I want to come at least Heavenly Grade Spirit Treasure!

The value of such a Heavenly Grade Spirit Treasure alone is probably enough to surpass the Purple Jade Dragon root that Long Bufan acquired! In Rank Three Sect, only Sect Master and Elder level senior figures can have it.

“Could it be that this is Samsara Sect’s magic hall?!”

Long Bufan took a deep breath.

“As expected of Rank Four Sect, the background is so strong!”

Long Bufan suppressed the excitement in his heart as much as possible, and immediately swept his eyes and found almost everyone in the field. They all showed greedy expressions, and stared frantically at the more than a dozen Spiritual Artifacts in the mask.

34 Loose Cultivator, 21 Wugang Sect headed by Heiyan, 35 Yin-Yang Sect, and Heavenly Sword Sect and Ling Black Tortoise Mansion add up to more than 20 people.

These five forces are now working together, trying to break the mask, and then seize the Spirit Treasure!

Everyone with a discerning eye can see that their current cooperation is only short-lived, and when the time comes, in order to capture these Spirit Treasures, it is not difficult to imagine that an extremely fierce battle will erupt here!

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