Although the appearance of six wings and eight wings is only inferior to the two wings, they have the difference between Heaven and Earth in strength. Facing the attack of the deputy commander of the eight wings, Mo Yu When I reacted, the densely packed blood glow had already arrived in violent looting, and I wanted to retreat all over, almost impossible.

Of course, even if it is hard work, with Mo Yu’s strength alone, it is also impossible to resist it all.

“sou sou!!!”

However, at the crucial moment, the purple princess and Long Bufan on the side started almost at the same time.

“peng peng peng! ”

Long Bufan fists dancing wildly, and the dense shadow of the fist contains the power of the extremely violent mysterious magic technique. There are dozens of bloody evil marks in front of Mo Yu, and taking advantage of this short gap, Princess Ziluo is already using instant movement, and the ink feather suddenly disappears in place, letting the remaining large amount of bloody evil marks fail. .

Chapter 2276 Guarding Dignity


After using the shadow of the dark fist to block the next part of the blood mark for the ink feather, Long Bufan There was no stay at the moment, and the six wings behind him vibrated suddenly, and his body quickly retreated backwards.

In the face of this powerhouse with a strength of eight Winged Dragon Blood Demon King, without the rune puppets, even if he has all his cards, he is not an opponent at all, and now, he is trying to hide his identity. , Chaos Zhenyuan, Time Law and Martial arts of space, as well as Yin and Yang ancient formation, cannot be exposed.

With only a mysterious magic formula, I am afraid that within a few moves, he will be severely injured by the eight-wing deputy head.

Long Bufan’s help was not because of the kindness of a knight or acting rashly. He knew that once Mo Yu, a Second Prince, was dealt with, it would be equivalent to killing the chicken to warn the monkey, other royal students are very likely to submit to humiliation because of this, and accept the way that the blood evil seal penetrates into the body.

This way, it is obviously very disadvantageous for Long Bufan, so instead of being so passive, it is better to shoot directly to prevent this from happening, and also take this opportunity to make Mo Yu owe it. With my own favor, when the time comes, the development of Demon Palace will be smoother.

“en? Six Wings!”

Perceiving Long Bufan’s six-wing combat form, a strange look appeared in the cold eyes of the eight-wing deputy commander. Obviously, among the royal students present, in addition to Second Prince Mo Yu, there is also a fellow who is also a Six Winged Dragon Blood Demon King.

You must know that the royal students who can reach this level can be said to be the peak genius of the younger generation of the royal family. The future is unlimited, and there is even hope to cultivate to the terrifying field of the Ten Winged Dragon Blood Demon Emperor.

“Is he just…”

The deputy commander of Eight Wings turned his eyes and suddenly looked towards the huge stone tablet in Azure Dragon Army Plaza. Although it is late at night, He turned a blind eye to the fact that the rows of dense names on the stone tablet were all ignored by him, and they were directly placed at the top of the list. The scarlet font’Huochen-Mola’!

Although he saw Long Bufan for the first time, today Long Bufan’s excellent results in the rankings have already been spread in the Demon Palace, and the Great Influence even included him as the target of wins, Eldest Prince Mo Wuji also meant to win him over.

Because, before coming here, Eldest Prince had deliberately confessed to him, no matter what, no grudges with Long Bufan.

“Sure enough, there is some ability.”

Long Bufan’s shot, the deputy commander of the Eight Wings is not only not angry, but there is a strange color in the dark golden pupils. Emerge.

“damned bastard, dare to move this Imperial Prince!”

At this time, the ink feather that was teleported to the ground below by the purple princess, his face was raging, Looking at the eight-wing deputy commander in the sky above cold and severe, coldly said: “I will tell the Imperial Father about the matter tonight!”

The eight-wing deputy commander glanced indifferently at the ink. Yu, as an confidant of Eldest Prince, obviously does not have this Second Prince in his eyes, coldly said: “I said that this operation was ordered by the emperor. If you interfere with our search, I want to counter You look like you.”


Hearing these words, Mo Yu suddenly became very angry, his complexion, at this moment, was extremely gloomy, an extremely rich The black baleful qi burst out from the body abruptly.

Although Princess Ziluo is calm in her work, she is very disgusted with the search method of the bloody evil within the body. She looked towards the eight-wing deputy above with a cold look. The head, coldly said: “If this is the order of the Imperial Father, then I will obey and obey. If this search method is only your thoughts, then…I will not obey and protect my dignity!”

Chapter 2277 Swallowing the Starry Sky

Princess Ziluo’s complexion as cold as ice and frost, there is a touch of cold as ice and frost in the beautiful eyes. When she was on the plane of Lost, her body was already Suffering all kinds of abuses by Long Bufan, and at this moment in such a place, she dignified a princess, if her dignity is trampled on, she will never tolerate it!

“Princess Ziluo is right, if it is not the order of the emperor, we will swear to protect our dignity!”

For a while, the night sky in this area, one after another angry The great shout kept ringing, and tens of thousands of people gathered together. The momentum was not weak!

Looking at this scene, Long Bufan couldn’t help but admired Princess Ziluo for the first time in his heart, because what he wanted was the chaotic effect of this group of resistance. Only in this way could he be able to hide. After a disaster!

“Okay, I’m so courageous! In that case, I want to see what you guys can do…”

The head of the group smiled sensibly, and there was a blade-like coldness in his smile. Obviously, he was already a little impatient.

Immediately, his smile gradually reduced, and his voice suddenly and completely gloomy: “Start!”


The sound fell suddenly. Then, the dozen eight-wing powerhouse in the formation of encirclement and suppression, with a disdainful grin, one after another dark, bloodthirsty black baleful qi burst out on them, and then it was like a wolf entering a flock, suddenly Rushing at the royal students!

“whiz whiz whiz!!!”

At the same time, one after another scarlet blood fiend is also densely packed and quickly spread, blocking all royal students All retreat.

There is almost no suspense. Although there are a large number of royal students present, the eight Winged Dragon blood Demon Kings, who are experienced and powerful in combat, have no strength to contend at all. .


Suddenly, screams of horror echoed one after another in the night sky, but these eight-wing powerhouses obviously did not kill. The blood evil seal penetrated into their bodies, and after wandering around, they absorbed a small amount of blood essence and swept out.

In this way, tens of thousands of royal family members are undoubtedly in a position to be slaughtered.

“overestimate one’s capabilities.”

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