Obviously, the situation in this strength assessment is more severe than he thought. Although Long Bufan is confident that he will go all out and will not lose to Mo Yu, but if this happens, it will definitely be It caused a great sensation here, and even attracted the attention of Princess Ziluo.

If during this period, Princess Ziluo is aware of a little Ni Duan, it is very likely that her identity will be revealed.

Chapter 2242 Fighting together

While his mind turned, Long Bufan’s gaze shifted to the group of ghost phagocytic inflammation at the top of the stone tablet. As he thought of that phagocytic skill, The scruples in my heart immediately disappeared.

What’s more, this outstanding display of strength is, in a sense, part of his business plan with the skyscraper owner.

“How can the meat in your mouth make it run away, fight it!”

Long Bufan’s eyes flashed crazily, and immediately clenched the teeth, his body suddenly moved, that is Mo Yunchen took the lead and appeared in front of Stone Tablet.

Mo Yunchen’s face was slightly startled, and he stared at Long Bufan in amazement. Obviously he did not expect that he would be caught by side Long Bufan the early bird catches the worm.

Ever since he accidentally saw Long Bufan emerge from the Tower of Braves, he has been paying attention to the latter, and with the contact, he feels that this person is not the rumored Young Master, that In his determined eyes, there seemed to be a kind of confident assurance.

“I have always felt that this guy is weird. I just took advantage of this time to see if he is playing the pig to eat the tiger.”

Mo Yunchen’s eyes narrowed slightly , Staring at Long Bufan’s back indifferently, he thought to himself: “If I am really capable, I can consider letting him join my camp.”

“I don’t know whether this stone tablet can sense it. His own human bloodline.”

Looking at the complicated rune on the stone tablet in front of him, Long Bufan was actually a little bit upset, because before the strength assessment, he must use his Life Source Blood Essence on the stone tablet. Write down the name.

Long Bufan took a deep breath, try to relax the body while getting rid of all the distracting thoughts in the heart, and then cut through the fingertips, and the scarlet blood suddenly leaked out, and Long Bufan immediately rushed on the stone tablet Write down Huochen-Mola’s name.

Palace Master You Lingzi, who hovered over the square and stood holding his hand, noticed the Life Source Blood Essence of Long Bufan’s fingers, his deep eyes showed a hint of rays of light. It’s just a flash.

“It seems there should be nothing wrong.” Seeing any movement around not at all, Long Bufan secretly relaxed in his heart, comforting himself, and immediately within the body the powerful dark energy ran wildly, following the mysterious magic tactics. Jin’s cultivation technique begins to condense into the muscles of the whole body.

At a certain moment, Long Bufan’s eyes condensed suddenly, his body tightened suddenly, and he rushed out like a leopard.


A punch containing a secret force, directly hits the stone tablet, for a moment, the name of Huo Chen, who represents Long Bufan, rays of light It swiftly rose up, and then a frantic beating, and finally stabilized in the 97th place.

“Good guy, only with the power of the two wings, you can reach 97!”

“No, the power of the four wings is obvious to all, how can the power of trifling the two wings be possible? Brush them down, is this guy Innate Divine Strength?!”

Seeing this scene, the surrounding royal family members suddenly discussed spiritedly in surprise, and their eyes were full of incredible color.

Be aware that the four Winged Dragon blood demons can challenge ten two Winged Dragon blood demonic weapons at the same time and remain invincible. The difference between Heaven and Earth is obvious. But the strength Long Bufan showed now has obviously changed their previous concept, which is simply incredible!

“en? This guy is called Huo Chen, shouldn’t he be the Young Master of Setting Sun City, the Huo Chen who was snatched from Fiancee two years ago?”

Soon, a member of the royal family of Mora I recognized the identity of Long Bufan as Huo Chen and said in surprise.

As soon as these words came out, countless strange gazes immediately gathered on Long Bufan’s body, mocking, contempt, surprise… all kinds of expressions were revealed.

Chapter 2243 is the second place.

With the exposure of Huochen-Mola’s identity, for a time, Long Bufan became the focus of all royal family members present.

“It turns out that this guy is called Huo Chen.”

“With such a strong power, he will be robbed of Fiancee. It is really useless.”

“More Worry, it’s simply losing the face of our royal family.”

Even if Long Bufan hit the stone tablet for the first time and reached the 97th rank, he still didn’t shock everyone talking. at once, there were a lot of talks, but more with contempt.

“The trifling Mora caste can reach this point, and the talent is good.” Second Prince Mo Yu has arms around his chest. Although he speaks of praise, there is a kind of hard to hide Sense of superiority.

“There are two more opportunities.”

Long Bufan’s complexion was indifferent, and he ignored the ridiculed faces around him, and immediately the Spiritual Consciousness sank into the sea of ​​dantian caves, directly aroused The Strength of Primordial Spirit instantly opened the fighting form of the four Winged Dragons.


The violent baleful qi suddenly spread, transforming into a four-winged Long Bufan, his eyes are cold, his true essence circulates wildly, and gathers The right arm immediately punched out .

The fist blasted the air, as if piercing the void, and then hit the stone tablet hard.


The dull impact sounded abruptly, and the huge stone tablet trembled violently. As the terrifying power ripples spread on the stone tablet, the row of Long Bufan In the name of’Huo Chen’ in 97th place, it was like a tidal wave, constantly beating up and climbing, and finally fixed in the second only to top ranking, the same position as Princess Ziluo.

“How is this possible?!”

“Four Wings, this kid is actually the level of the four Winged Dragon Blood Demon Generals!”

“And With one punch, he reached the same position as Princess Ziluo.”

Seeing this scene, the royal family members present were shocked and their eyes were full of incredible color. Originally, Long Bufan With the strength of the second Winged Dragon blood demonic weapon, being able to reach the ranking of 97 is already incredible.

However, now, this guy not only hides his strength, but also immediately hits second place!

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