generous rewards were announced. The students in the square, including the members of the Imperial Family of the Disha caste, were a little surprised and speechless. Some of the weaker ones could only express a sense of depression and Helpless expression.

Because they all know very well that the guys in the Disha are powerful, so they can’t get the first me. Even the top 100 feels bad enough. The higher the reward, the more depressed they will be, and those powerful royals The members are all gearing up, their eyes gleaming, and their faces are full of confident expressions.


At this moment, You Lingzi’s fingertips flicked, and a black light pattern burst out from his fingertips, as if piercing through the space, and it was shot in an instant In the stone tablet.


In an instant, the entire stone tablet trembled slightly, and there was a powerful wave of shocking energy.

“Look, the ranking on the stone tablet has disappeared.”

After that, all eyes were fixed on the changes on the stone tablet, and then they I saw that the ranking above showed signs of becoming faded until it disappeared.

This disappearance means that their current royal family members have officially started the ranking battle!

At the moment, countless line of sight is hot instantly.

Although they don’t know how the next ranking battle will proceed, at this moment, a thick fighting intent is quietly condensing in this world, and a solemn killing aura is also enveloped in an instant. The entire square.

“Because there are many students in this session, there are tens of thousands of people, so this ranking competition is simplified, and the strength is tested.”

However, as you As soon as Ling Zi’s words came out, everyone looked stunned. Originally thought it would make everyone start a fierce battle, but unexpectedly it was just a strength assessment. At the moment, the kind of strong fighting intent and solemn killing aura that have just been condensed, but it is Dissipated for the most part in a sudden.

“en? Is it just a pure test of strength?”

“This is too pediatric, right.”

“Hehe, strength is my strength, This ranking, the top 100 should be easy to get!”

For a while, the royal family members present were all in a commotion, and the surprise voice spread, and everyone stopped fighting so much. Intent burning, or extremely nervous.

“Although the assessment of strength is not difficult, in combat, besides speed, the most important point is strength. The same offensive, however, changes the situation due to the disparity in strength. I don’t need to say this. You all have a deep understanding.”

Perceiving the loose atmosphere at the scene, You Lingzi said solemnly with a cold face: “There are three rounds of opportunities for the assessment rules, you can use them. Hit the stone tablet three times by any means, and the rune on the stone tablet can change its ranking according to your strength. Now start.”

As soon as You Lingzi’s voice fell, the staff below were conscious In action, although this assessment is not complicated, it is not that simple to maintain such a large number of personnel.

Suddenly, in the square, a crowd of black people surged violently, and everyone desperately wanted to squeeze into the stone tablet standing in the center of the square.

“Line up one by one, and then perform the assessment on the stone tablet, you must first use your Life Source Blood Essence, write your name on the stone tablet, and record it.”

Because of the presence of the palace lord, those staff members also yelled with confidence, without putting any noble princes in their eyes at all, they all focused on rules.

Chapter 2239 The power of the purple princess

This ranking assessment, as rewards, the netherworld inflammation and blood evil fruit, these rich resources, immediately made the royal family members who hold their own genius They are extremely excited.

As You Lingzi announced the start of the assessment, all of them showed enthusiasm, with wings swinging behind their backs. It was obvious that all impatients were going to show off their skills immediately. However, when they really came into contact with the force measuring stone tablet, their rankings were swept down one by one.

“Bang peng~ peng~!! !”

One after another dull beating sound, resounding one after another in the square, new rankings are constantly refreshed When they came out, the scene was extremely fierce. The losers who were squeezed out of the 100th place were downcast, while the winners within the 100th place were extremely excited or indifferent.

For those geniuses of the Disha caste, being able to reach this rank is as it should be by rights.

With the impact of the members of the Imperial Family of the Disha caste, almost all of the top 100 on the ranking stone are monopolized by the Disha caste and cannot be shaken.

“You can’t even get into the top 100, it’s a bunch of waste.”

Looking at the low caste members whose top 100 positions on the stone tablet have been eliminated, Second Prince Mo Yu sneered. With a cry, his eyes were full of contempt.

Beside Mo Yu, besides the body of Princess Ziluo, there is also a young subordinate who seems to be a close guard. He flatteringly said with a smile: “These low-caste guys are really overestimate one’s With capabilities, Nether Devouring Flame is almost in the bag of His Royal Highness Second Prince. They want to get involved because of their ability? It’s ridiculous.”

Princess Ziluo was silent, for this She was very clear about the second brother’s madness, and she moved lightly towards the stone tablet with a cold expression.

“It’s Princess Ziluo!”

“Quickly, get out of the way.”

Although the stone tablet is crowded with silhouette, but with purple As soon as Princess Luo stepped forward, there was soon a spacious passage vacated. There were even some female royal family members present, who might be jealous and unwilling to move their positions, but they were rudely pushed away by some fanatics.

Looking at the purple shadow, Long Bufan’s eyes moved slightly, and in his mind he couldn’t help but recall the shame picture of the yin and yang blending between the two in the Lost Plane. At the same time, he also remembered that Little Lass had The beauty of the human form.

Until now, Long Bufan’s mind is still full of doubts. Does this Princess Ziluo also own half of the human bloodline?

If this is the case, does this bloodline inheritance originate from her mother or from her Imperial Father?

If the emperor originated from the royal family, once this incident is leaked out, it will inevitably cause a great sensation in the entire royal family and even the entire Demon Realm!

Princess Ziluo stood in front of the stone tablet casually, forced a drop of Life Source Blood Essence at her fingertips, and wrote her name directly on the stone tablet, and then she did not see any preparation activities, covering Purple A slap on the right palm of Gold scale armor.


A loud impact sounded, and immediately I saw rune on the stone tablet squirming, and the rays of light flashed, her name , And finally stabilized in the first place.

“Really strong power!”

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