“Trifling humans, dare to be so rampant!”

Ghost shadow’s eyes suddenly became extremely gloomy at this moment. The slightly trembling silhouette was obviously extremely angry. His eyes Staring fiercely at the human man, coldly snorted: “Do you think that if you can climb to the killing stage ahead, you are really capable of arrogant in front of me?!”

The human man looks indifferent, but not at all continue. Speaking, instead turning around, looked towards the many Demon Race followers below that are clinging to the chains.

However, his actions undoubtedly made the ghost shadow’s eyes more and more gloomy. If it weren’t for the rules set by the tower master on the killing platform, I’m afraid I could not help but move Its kill.

Not far away, Long Bufan watched this scene silently throughout the whole process. Although he was surprised, he became more and more interested in the human man, looking forward to the opportunity to fight him.

After that, Long Bufan also walked to the edge of the killing table, his eyes swept down, the scene was extremely bloody and cruel, but he saw that the number of martial artists had been reduced by more than half after a fight. Those who are no longer fighting each other, one by one, clinging to the chains, climbing towards the killing platform at the top, lest they fall behind other people.

Long Bufan saw all this in his eyes, looking at the scene of corpses everywhere across the field, he felt a little emotional, Martial Dao Road, to say it better, is defying heaven changing fate, only In the pursuit of eternity.

However, in Long Bufan’s view, Martial Dao is more like a pyramid. Whether it is the sky continent, Demon Race world or Divine Realm, there are as many martial artists as there are sands in the Ganges.

In the pursuit of greater power, they bet on everything they own to fight continuously, stepping on corpses and climbing up, just like billowing waves washing the sand, and eventually they can become Martial Dao Peak. There are very few powerhouses standing at the top of the pyramid.

This is Marital Dao Path.

The current scene is the epitome of Martial Dao Road.

At this time, the tower master in the secret room on the top floor looked at the screen reflected by the phantom, and looked at the martial artists who were struggling to climb, as if ignoring a group of small trivials. ant.

As time goes by, the number of martial artists who have climbed to the top killing platform is gradually increasing. Long Bufan estimates that at this rate, 100 places will be available soon.

As for those who are behind, they will face the end of being obliterated!

Chapter 2191 Hidden Killing Formation

On the killing stage, as martial artists continue to climb up one after another, the originally vast venue has also become lively.

The Demon Race martial artists on the killing stage looked at the number of people who had already boarded. When they found that they were still within one hundred places, their faces were filled with unconcealed ecstasy. The color emerges.

Apart from their excitement, their gazes are also looking towards the martial artists who are still struggling below, with some disdain in their eyes.

However, this contemptuous gaze is undoubtedly a stimulus to the martial artists below who are still climbing, and the eyes are red immediately, and they accelerate crazily.

After all, in this case, once you fail to enter the top 100, it is not just as simple as losing a competition, it means the loss of life!

This fierce competition, not at all, lasted for how long, and soon, a hundred martial artists finally gathered on the killing stage.

Looking at the ashes of the eliminated people below, ghost shadow smiled sullenly, and said indifferently, “The 100 places are all, according to the rules, I did not climb to the kill within the prescribed quota. The martial artists of Taiwan will be wiped out!”

Hearing this, the desperate faces of those Demon Race martial artists suddenly showed a touch of anger.

“If you want to obliterate us, it depends on whether the Tower of the Brave has such capabilities!”

Immediately, those Demon Race martial artists roared unwillingly, loosely. After opening the iron chains in his hands, they landed steadily, and then drew out their weapons fiercely, preparing to fight hard.

All of them add up, the number is also quite a lot, about five-six hundred, and the strength is at least 3rd-layer powerhouse.

This lineup is extremely not weak. It is equivalent to a small army. If you want to wipe out all of them, the Tower of Brave will probably have to pay no small price.

Long Bufan’s gaze moved slightly, and he was also a little curious about what method the Tower of Brave would use to kill the eliminated group of Demon Race martial artists, without any mercy.

Because of cultivation killing, either you kill others or be killed by others. In this place, every martial artist is not a good kind. Whose hands are not stained with the blood of countless corpses?

Including Long Bufan, he never thought he was a kind-hearted person, as long as he thought it was right, then… his butcher knife would kill anything threatening.

“Final Struggle.”

ghost shadow looked at the many Demon Race martial artists who put up a desperate struggle below, suddenly coldly snorted, “Killing Formation is on!”


Long Bufan and the others on the killing stage, just when they thought that ghost shadow would send a large number of experts in the tower to kill, but as the voice of ghost shadow cold and severe sounded, for a while, it was originally only As the iron chain used as the tool to be climbed, the rune engraved on the surface suddenly flashed with a strange bloody rays of light.


The blood-colored rays of light spread rapidly, like a huge bowl turned upside down, instantly enveloping the group of Demon Race martial artists on the ground below, and at the same time, those thick iron bars The chain also wriggled strangely, filled with a breath of horror.

“What’s going on?!”

Seeing this scene, the faces of the Demon Race martial artists below changed drastically, holding the weapons in their hands, their faces were full of terrified look. .

Seeing this, Long Bufan couldn’t help passing a touch of surprise in his eyes. He couldn’t think of the rune chains under the killing stage. In fact, the real face was a giant Killing Formation! !

Chapter 2192 Scarlet Mask

With the opening of Killing Formation, the scarlet rays of light instantly covered the central area of ​​the entire hall, and the hundreds of martial artists eliminated almost There is not a fish that escaped the net.


Seeing that the situation is not good, a dwarf martial artist screamed and hurriedly moved towards the periphery, but hit the blood-colored light curtain Suddenly, after hearing a scream of “Ah”, everyone was horrified to see that his strong body was shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to naked eye, and in a blink of an eye it became a corpse. .

“I… don’t want to… die…” Only the skinny dwarf martial artist was left, obviously not yet exasperated, his mouth opened slightly, making a hoarse and feeble voice, a dark gray His skinny face was full of unwillingness and panic.

Seeing this scene, the martial artists in the scarlet mask suddenly had a touch of extreme fear in their eyes!

However, what makes them even more desperate is that the giant scarlet mask actually began to shrink at this moment. The amazing speed of shrinking made the Demon Race martial artist besieged here look instantly. Become pale.

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