” Impossible , if there is such an anti-theft , then the Demon Sovereign position of this generation will probably be born.”

The tower master shook the head with a sneer, seemingly to himself Thinking a little bit self-deprecating, he swept his eyes behind him, indifferently said: “ghost shadow, go and check the origin of this kid.”


As soon as the words fell, A shadow on the ground behind the tower master squirmed strangely, and suddenly stood up, and then the originally flat shadow, like an inflated balloon, quickly expanded and solidified, exuding a gloomy coldness all over the body. Breath.

ghost shadow stared at the tower master in front of him with scarlet eyes, and said with a hoarse voice: “Master tower master, I have already gone to investigate when you started paying attention to this kid two days ago.”

hearing this, the tower master moved his eyes slightly and asked: “Who is it?”

The ghost shadow immediately replied: “The royal family’s Mora, named Huo Chen, His father is the City Lord of Setting Sun City. He came to Demon Tian City this time to prepare to enter the Azure Dragon Military Mansion for training.”

After the tower master was silent for a while, he said:” Morayi clan is the lowest branch of the royal family, and can be counted on one’s fingers as a member of the six Winged Dragon Blood Demon King. It is unexpected that such a genius will emerge.”

Ghost shadow is also confused. Aloud: “According to the investigation, Huo Chen’s Martial Dao talent is ordinary. Until now, it is in the form of dragon’s blood demonic weapon. A few days ago, he led a dwarf demon guard to pass through the Moda grassland. , The dwarf guard team disappeared mysteriously, and this kid was promoted surprisingly fast after our tower of brave appeared, is it possible that he was hiding his strength before?”

“oh? “Hearing this, the masked tower master’s eyes flashed with contemplation. From the description of the ghost shadow, he seemed to be suspicious of Long Bufan’s identity. Soon, his gaze turned back to the illusion of the formation, paying attention to Long. Bufan’s every move tried to see something in it.

However, at this time, Long Bufan knew that the space isolation Formation in the house had collapsed just now, so he did not return to his human appearance. He has maintained the battle form of six Winged Dragon blood Demon Kings.

Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness radiated out, faintly, feeling that there seemed to be a trace of Formation energy fluctuations in the sky. He knew in his heart that due to the previous movement, he was being peeped at this moment.

As for the peeping person, Long Bufan guessed in his mind that it is most likely the tower owner of this tower of brave.

“Since I like peeping so much, I will play with you for a while.”

Long Bufan touched his nose, a wretched smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and immediately went to the toilet …

Chapter 2181 is suspected

According to the rules of Tower of the Brave, martial artists on the 1st floor and 2nd floor are not allowed to break into the final Slaughter without permission. Land, once it violates the rules, it will be hunted down by the Law Enforcement Group in the tower.

In the early morning of 2nd day, Long Bufan walked under the guidance of a giant Demoness slave and walked towards the entrance of the 3rd floor tower. As he reached the end of the passage, a black stone platform appeared alone in Long. Bufan is in sight.

Long Bufan’s eyes narrowed slightly, only to see a rune formation engraved on the stone platform, feeling the spatial energy fluctuations emanating from the formation, which was obviously a small Transmission Array.

“Dear lord, as long as you press the permission token given to you by the previous referee on the stone platform, you can directly transmit it to the 3rd floor.” The giant Demoness slave bowed slightly in awe Said.

At this time, Long Bufan is in the form of four Winged Dragons. Even so, the noble image with royal characteristics is enough to make these lower races full of awe.

hearing this, Long Bufan took out the scarlet-red token from the storage bag, but when he was about to press it on the stone platform, he suddenly felt that there was a very cryptic murderous intention behind him. , Locked himself instantly.


Long Bufan heart shivered with cold, while the baleful qi surged open all over his body, his eyes were also cold and severe swept behind him.

At Long Bufan’s sudden scream, the giant Demoness slave next to him was startled, but when he saw that there was no silhouette in the dark corridor behind, he couldn’t help but feel strange.

In the corridor, after about Mo was silent for a few breaths, Xuan even heard a hoarse, dark laughter: “Hehe, it’s quite sensitive.”

The voice fell off. At the same time, the void on Long Bufan’s side suddenly twisted strangely, and a black shadow also slowly wriggled and appeared in front of Long Bufan’s eyes.

Long Bufan stared at the other side guardedly, and found in his heart with suspicion that although this black figure stood out, his face had no facial features, only a pair of scarlet eyes flashing with bloodthirsty rays of light, it looks like a shadow.

Seeing this, the giant Demoness slave complexion slightly changed, and quickly knelt on the ground, and said in panic: “pay respects to ghost shadow.”

Obviously, this guy is exactly what The ghost shadow next to the tower master, he came to meet with Long Bufan this time, to find out the truth about it.

Long Bufan expressionless, within the body, the true essence operates secretly. Although he can’t accurately sense the opponent’s cultivation realm, based on the opponent’s imposing manner, his strength is probably higher than himself.

“You don’t need to be nervous, I’m not here to trouble you.” Looking at Long Bufan’s guarded look, ghost shadow coldly smiled: “Don’t worry, I’m looking for you this time, just want to chat with you “

“Sorry, I’m not interested in chatting.” Long Bufan’s eyes were dim, but he said in a cold voice.

ghost shadow not at all, because of Long Bufan’s attitude, I have the slightest anger, said with a sneer: “Hehe, it is said that members of the royal family are always proud. I saw it today, and it is true.”


“Here is the personal guard of the tower master, named ghost shadow. If you don’t mind, can you show me your race token?”

Speaking, ghost shadow The body flashed instantly disappears in place, and when it reappears, it is already standing in front of Long Bufan less than one meter, and this speed is almost teleportation.

Looking at the ghost shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him, Long Bufan had dark golden eyes slightly shrink, which seemed to be exactly what he expected. Because of the strength that he constantly displayed in the tower, his identity has begun being doubted.

Chapter 2182 Investigating Identity

In the dim corridor, there is silence, ghost shadow and Long Bufan standing and looking, the giant Demoness slave next to him is still kneeling trembling. He didn’t dare to get up, obviously he was very afraid of this ghost shadow.

“The caste token of this Young Master is something you can see if you want to see it!” Long Bufan’s complexion is slightly dark, his eyes are cold and severe, so he has a domineering and arrogant appearance.

“Hehe, don’t rush to refuse. In this brave tower, our master is in charge of all killings. If you don’t obey, you may regret it then.” ghost shadow said confidently , Scarlet stared at Long Bufan with dark eyes, and there was a murmur of murderous intention in the words.

Hearing this, Long Bufan felt chills in his heart, but did not reveal the slightest, said with a smile indifferently: “It turns out that it was your tower master who wanted to see it. If you said it earlier, it won’t be so troublesome.”

Speaking, Long Bufan flipped the palm of his hand lightly, and a gold medal appeared in the palm of his palm. There was a lifelike dragon carved on it, hovering in a circle, and in the middle there was a four Dark golden font.

Ghost shadow took the gold medal, seeming to observe at will, but an obscure energy fluctuation quietly poured into it.

After this investigation, he found that the material of the gold medal was made of Chenjin. Except for the plane of relic, the rare minerals not at all in the demon realm are exclusive to the royal family, so even if you want Forgery can’t be done.

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