“Why do some of the energy absorbed by the scarlet talisman seal disappear?” Long Bufan was puzzled, and he felt a little strange about it, because when the dwarf talisman won the victory, he Nearly 20% of the energy has disappeared, and he is doing the same now, and no more, no less, exactly 20%.

He doesn’t believe that there will be such a coincidence, so it is most likely that some Formation is set up to secretly swallow that part of the energy.

hearing this, the giant Demoness slave was stunned, but did not hide it and said truthfully: “My lord, it looks like you should be the first time to come to the Tower of Braves, because according to the rules here, if the winner absorbs Some of the energy of the loser will be drawn by the tower owner.”

Hearing this, Long Bufan’s heart was slightly cold, and he sneered to himself. It seemed that the tower owner was quite clever. This set up a killing area, aiming to allow those martial artists of cultivation killing to bring it up a level. In fact, they don’t need to do anything secretly. No matter who wins and loses on the killing platform, they can easily extract the results of others.


Long Bufan looked indifferent, and he took out a thousand demon crystals and rewarded the giant Demoness slave. Anyway, in the space ring just harvested, There are tens of thousands of evil spirit crystals piled up, and the number of these thousand is just insignificant.

“Thank you, sir, you are the most generous powerhouse I have ever seen.” The giant Demoness slave suddenly to be wild with joy, actually squatting down with excitement, kissing the soles of Long Bufan’s feet, and then reluctantly ‘S left the killing platform.

Because the next match is about to begin.

“Don’t waste time, you gather nine by yourself, and come up together.” Long Bufan glanced at the Demon Race martial artist who was all around the stage, his indifferent voice was full of arrogance. Potential.

In the martial artist on the 1st floor of the Tower of Brave, there is no strength that can make Long Bufan feel threatened, and if you want to climb the 2nd floor, you need to kill nine more. Rather than doing this, it’s better to kill them once. Get it done, save time and effort.

Chapter 2154 is one enemy nine

“Who dares to come up!”

Below the killing platform, was originally shocked by Long Bufan’s powerful force, The group of Demon Race martial artists that became quiet, but in the unceremonious provocation of Long Bufan, suddenly exploded!

“This guy actually dared to fight one against nine. It’s too arrogant.”

“Fuck, I just won a round, do you really think you are invincible? Let’s go up and kill him. !”

When the violent shouts rang out, I saw a black clothed troll leaping suddenly. That strong body, carrying a bronze giant sword of hundreds of kilograms on its back, landed on such a heavy weight. On the killing platform, like a heavy Iron Pagoda, they stepped down, directly crushing the floor tiles.

“I’ll make a copy too!”

As the black clothed troll came on stage, a silhouette came immediately after landing, and it was like a wild beast. Roar wildly.


This roar is deafening, and he is also a troll warrior. His upper body is shirtless, and his cyan-gray color skin is as hard as steel. His muscles and his arms are wrapped in thick chains, giving people a fierce feeling.

As the two trolls came to the stage, the next, naturally, those guys who had great resentment towards the royal family, jumped one by one and gathered nine challengers on the killing stage.

Of these nine Demon Race martial artists, there are five troll warriors, three dwarf martial artists, and the last one is a witch demon exuding gloomy and cold aura.

If they were fighting alone before, they might be afraid of Long Bufan’s strength and dare not take the stage to challenge, but now, with nine joint attacks, they don’t believe Long Bufan can contend.

Looking at this scene, the staff of Tower of Valor outside the court did not come forward to stop it, because this situation was not unprecedented before, so this is the default. One challenge with multiple enemies.

After all, in the killing platform of the Tower of Brave, the only rule is to keep killing, as long as you think you have enough power, then the way of killing is customized by yourself!

Long Bufan expressionless, glanced at the nine Demon Race martial artists on the stage. Such a lineup, in terms of imposing manner alone, is indeed not weak, but the overall strength still cannot threaten him.

“What I hate most is you aloof and remote, believe oneself infallible members of the royal family. Today’s killing platform gives us the opportunity to dismantle you, drink blood and devour meat. !” The black clothed troll who took the stage first, stared at Long Bufan with gloomy eyes, said with a malicious smile.

hearing this, the other eight Demon Race martial artists also unconsciously licked their lips, their bloodthirsty gazes gathered on Long Bufan as if they were looking at prey, obviously eager to taste these royal families What kind of taste is the flesh and blood of the dragon man?

“I’m afraid you don’t have this ability.” Long Bufan coldly smiled, standing there calmly, without even taking out his weapon.

“What a mad tone, I decided to tear up your mouth first.” Hearing this, the black clothed troll eye shows the ominous light, and the sound suddenly fell sharply: “Hands, kills together It’s him!”

As soon as the voice fell, the black clothed troll had a grim complexion and rushed out first. The majestic demon Yuan Energy burst out with the long knife in his hand, flashing a powerful Knife mans.

When the black clothed trolls started their hands, in addition to the witches, the other seven Demon Race martial artists were almost all at the same time. Their movements spread quickly. Although they joined forces for the first time, they scattered But the position is quite tacit, vaguely, blocking all the way out of Long Bufan.

Obviously these guys have rich combat experience.

Chapter 2155 The Killing Way of Long Bufan

On the killing stage, looking at the Demon Race martial artist, Long Bufan expressionless, who rushed from all directions, the only thing that made him hug Somewhat wary is the witch demon standing behind.

Because, as far as Long Bufan knows, the witch demons, due to the physique, are not good at close hand-to-hand combat, and they have an innate talent, that is, their soul is better than the demon domain. Other races are powerful, so they specialize in martial arts in spirit strength. Their attack methods are extremely strange.

The black robe witch’s eyes were as cold as a wolf, staring at the Long Bufan who was in the siege. The skeleton scepter in his hand suddenly lifted up and locked the silhouette of Long Bufan in the direction he pointed.


Sure enough, when Long Bufan was on guard, a dark gray spirit strength fluctuated like a sharp sword, carrying extremely sharp The cold murderous aura, comes strangely.

Long Bufan, who was on guard for a long time, immediately in the sea of ​​heavenly spirit caves, two Life Source spirit talisman seals burst out a vigorous spirit strength, but not at all condensed into a layer of soul The defensive cover, instead, used offense as defense, directly forming a sharp dark-green arrow, which burst out.

At the same time, he stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his figure suddenly jumped to the sky, avoiding the circle of eight Demon Race martial artists.

Because of the previous purpose to open the rune puppets, there are only two Life Source talisman seals left. The energy contained in them is only the equivalent to Divine Sea martial artist level. The formidable power is obviously not as good as that of the witchcraft. s attack.

Only listening to a light sound of’bang’, the dark-green spirit strength arrow is directly exploded, but at the moment of exploding, an obscure decomposition force is It diffused and swallowed the spirit strength offensive of the witch demon instantly, and wiped it out.


The martial artist of the sorcerer startled, and a look of surprise emerged in the green eyes.

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