“Good fight!”

Looking at such a bloody and cruel scene, the Demon Race martial artists around the ring immediately broke out one after another excited roar, their eyes full of fanaticism.

“Gerson, you are so brave!”

A female dwarf kept screaming. Seeing her face flushed with excitement, she seemed to have something to The impulse to run to the stage immediately, and the dwarf warrior can’t wait to vent on the spot.

Obviously, the name of this dwarf warrior is Gerson, and in the moment when the troll martial artist completely died, the blood-colored talisman seal on the palm of the corpse suddenly turned into a pure energy wave. Escape.

Long Bufan’s gaze narrowed slightly, and the Spiritual Consciousness swept out quickly, and found that the energy contained not only the dark energy of the magic crystal, but also the blood-reeking qi.

Following the Spiritual Consciousness, Long Bufan also noticed strangely that nearly 20% of that energy suddenly dissipated strangely, and most of the remaining energy was poured into the dwarf demon. within the body.

“It’s so cool! Hahaha!”

After inhaling the energy, Gesen seemed to have a feeling of drug addiction, with a very enjoyable expression of excitement on his face. The physical strength is also restored instantly.

Gesen took off the space ring of the corpse and immediately turned his eyes to the stage, his eyes filled with killing intent, and he yelled to the Demon Race martial artists below: “Who else is coming up?”

Chapter 2150 Long Bufan comes on stage

“Isn’t the giant Demon Race very strong? If you are daring enough, hurry up on stage and let Lao Tzu’s tomahawk drink your blood, hahaha!”

The dwarf Magesen raised his battle axe, and pointed to the area where the troll martial artists gathered provocatively, raging said with a big smile.

As his voice sounded, the dwarfs standing in other areas also immediately made a burst of laughter. There was an undisguised mockery in the laughter. As for the witches, it was Standing silently, with a gloomy look, no one knew what they were thinking.

“Motherfucker, this guy is so arrogant!”

Seeing the racially discriminatory laughter of Dwarf Gesen, the troll martial artists present suddenly became angry. , Holding weapons one by one, looking fiercely, wishing to rush to the stage immediately and tear the body of the dwarf Mogeson apart.

However, this impulse was finally held back. No troll martial artist ran up. They who had witnessed the strength of Dwarf Mogesen just now knew that they were not that guy’s opponent at all. If it rushes up, it will only become the fertilizer for the opponent to climb the 2nd floor of the Tower of Heroes.

“Damn it, I will meet him!”

A troll martial artist snorted, just about to go up, but was stopped by a companion next to him, whispering: “Don’t be impulsive, this guy has won nine consecutive victories, and the energy he has absorbed has far surpassed us, and he only has to kill one more before he can be promoted to the 2nd floor. If you go up now, you will only die.”


The troll martial artist yelled, but he managed to endure it, thinking that his companion had some truth in what he said. The dwarf Magesen absorbed the energy of the nine corpses in front of him. , Kill Dao should have been improved a lot, definitely the presence of the cream of the crop in the 1st floor in the tower.

So, instead of fighting the strongest person, it is better to wait for some weak guys to take the stage, and then go up and kill him to accumulate more energy absorption.

Of course, if no one comes to power within ten minutes, the staff of the Tower of Brave will come forward to choose at will, force them to fight on stage, and let the killing continue.

“so that’s how it is.”

The conversations between the two martial artists of the trolls were all caught in the ears of Long Bufan standing next to him, and his heart was stunned. In the coming days, each upper level of the Tower of the Brave must accumulate ten killings on the original tower level.

“In three days, the Azure Dragon Military Mansion will start enrolling students. This 1st floor, you can’t waste too much time here.”

Long Bufan muttered to himself So, at this point, his figure suddenly rose, and instantly he stood on the ring filled with the smell of blood-reeking qi.

“This is…”

When I saw that a challenger finally dared to take the stage, the many Demon Race martial artists present were slightly startled, but they saw the dragon’s blood of Long Bufan. When the demonic weapon was in the shape, they were all stunned. The original noisy atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Seeing the royal family members appearing here, Dwarf Mogeson’s original excited expression also instantly calmed down.

Long Bufan looked at each other indifferently. Although this guy has absorbed the energy of nine Demon Race martial artists, it is all accumulated within the body. Most of it is not at all completely digested, and the strength is almost the same. The cultivation base in the late stage of the Star Realm.

“The royal family members have a wealth of resources, and there are guys who can’t tell good from bad come here to join in the fun.” Dwarf Magsen stared at Long Bufan, perhaps in the Tower of the Brave, or The nine consecutive victories accumulated before made him expand his mentality, and he did not pay attention to Long Bufan at all.

Chapter 2151 The First Battle of the Blood Table

As Long Bufan took the stage, for a time, countless astonishing eyes focused on him.

In Demon Realm, it is easy to form hostility between various races, especially trolls and dwarfs. Because of their disproportionate body shapes, they appear to ridicule and ridicule.

However, the most serious racial discrimination is those of the royal family. They claim to be a noble race, and the other races are just inferior creatures that obey them.

So at this moment, when I saw royal family members suddenly appear on the killing stage, the Demon Race martial artists present were startled first, and then they all became agitated. , Turned to Long Bufan.

Here, they no longer need to abide by the outside order, no longer need to fear the power of the royal family, they can clamor freely and even kill the royal family members.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Suddenly, there was a feverish shout in the vast field.

“Boy, if you regard this as a place of experience, then you are wrong. If you know, you still have a chance to roll down.” The short-handled giant axe was held in the short-handled giant axe. Staring at Long Bufan ferociously, there was obviously a joke in his voice.

Long Bufan glanced at Dwarf Mogeson, coldly said: “Before you fight, there will be so much nonsense.”

Hearing Long Bufan’s ironic words, Dwarf Moge Sen suddenly turned gloomy, and yelled with murderous intention: “I have never killed a royal family member. Today I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity! Take it to death!”

As soon as it fell, Dwarf Magsen suddenly lifted the big axe, stepped forward, and slashed at Long Bufan fiercely and fiercely.


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