Thinking of this, Long Bufan suddenly felt in his heart, no wonder the Third Prince ink dust at that time would want to snatch it at all costs.

Because, eating Dragon Mark ring not only masters the supreme power of Demon Race, but also means to gain powerful power!

In this case, according to Long Bufan’s knowledge, it’s like listing a lot of astronomical numbers, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. If you do manual calculations, I’m afraid I don’t know that the year of the monkey will arrive, and there may even be calculation errors It is possible, and if you use a computer, no matter how complicated it is, it will inevitably obtain the results extremely quickly and accurately.

Long Bufan’s eyes flickered. It seems that being able to come to the demon world this time is a blessing in disguise. After all, in the sky continent, except for the Hundred Sects battlefield, there is no dark baleful qi in other places. .

However, it is completely different in the Demon Realm. Due to the difference in the cultivation system, the martial artist here, within the body Demon Crystal contains extremely pure dark energy, which can provide Long Bufan to the Twelve The promotion of Winged Dragon Blood Demon Sovereign.

“How can I get a powerful magic crystal?” Realizing the powerful function of eating the Dragon Mark ring, Long Bufan’s eyes condensed slightly. While speaking, there was something in his eyes. This kind of throbbing thirst for killing.

For a time, Long Bufan had many ways to obtain magic crystals, assassinating, abducting, robbing…

But soon, these thoughts were taken by him one after another Denial, after all, his current status is a member of the royal family, especially in the outer city of fish and dragons mixed in together. With his features, he attracts attention wherever he goes. If found, it is very likely to cause disagreement. The small commotion, when the time comes into the inner city, I am afraid it will be investigated.

In this way, it will inevitably affect his future plans.

Long Bufan’s heart moved slightly, Spiritual Consciousness tried to scan the memory information in his mind, and soon he found a very suitable place, and this place is not far away. In the outer city of this magic Tian City.

“The Tower of Brave…”

Long Bufan muttered these four words in a low voice, and his eyes flickered immediately, and there was an urge to be eager to have a try.

Chapter 2146 The Tower of the Brave

The Tower of the Brave in the outer city is actually a Martial Arena with a magnificent building imposing manner. As long as you step into it, you can kill at will. And directly plunder all the wealth of the opponent.

In the Tower of Brave, it is perfect for those Demon Race martial artists who are cultivation kills. However, this bloody place full of killings must be under various pressures, whether it is strength or psychology, it is an extremely exciting challenge.

If a cowardly character enters it, it is estimated that only death will be a relief, so it was named “The Tower of Brave”.

After making up his mind, Long Bufan was also very decisive in execution. He immediately moved his mind and transformed into the form of dragon’s blood demonic weapon, and his figure swept out the window.

The Tower of Brave is located in the central area of ​​the outer city. The giant Iron Pagoda towering into the clouds, even though Long Bufan is far away now, but looking up, the dark red Iron Pagoda is Presented in sight.


Long Bufan’s wings vibrated behind him, and his body suddenly rushed up, and immediately turned into a black glow in mid-air, moving towards the brave at an amazing speed The tower flew away quickly.

Soon, Long Bufan’s figure landed in front of the gate of the Iron Pagoda. Looking forward, he saw the majestic gate, which is more than 100 feet tall and full of body. It is made of metal and looks extremely heavy. The rivets on the door are very large, and each one is like an inverted bowl.

At this time, the door was open, and the dark entrance gave people a huge mouth that looked like an ominous beast, swallowing all the Demon Race martial artist who entered inside.

As the gaze moved upward, the four characters’Tower of Brave’ were engraved on the door plaque at the top of the gate, the font was scarlet as blood, and awe-inspiring.

At the gate of the tower, standing eight troll guards, each wearing armor and holding a giant axe, looks extremely aggressive and aggressive. And in the vicinity, there is a lot of silhouette wandering around, seemingly hesitating whether to enter the Tower of the Brave and try to experience it, but worry about this entry, I am afraid that my life will have to be confessed.

Long Bufan walked straight to the gate, and the troll guards immediately stopped him. The Guard Captain headed him to see that Long Bufan was a member of the royal family. In his hideous eyes, he couldn’t help but pass a touch of surprise. .

Under normal circumstances, royal family members will not go to this kind of protected place. Once they step into this place, no matter their status, background, or bloodline, they have no effect in this tower of brave men.

Furthermore, even if the royal family members are killed in the tower of the brave, the royal family in the inner city has no right to interfere, or even to investigate, because this is the world of killing, if you are afraid of death, you can’t enter, since Once you have entered, you must accept the baptism of death!

The troll Guard Captain not at all showed awe because of Long Bufan’s special identity. After a few glances, he said indifferently with a strong nasal voice: “The rules of the tower of the brave , Entrance fee, 20,000 yuan of evil spirit crystals.”

The other troll guards also blocked the gate indifferently. They were not afraid of Long Bufan’s royal identity, because behind them, they also It is the tower master of the Tower of Brave. With its powerful strength, even the monarch of the Celestial Emperor must be in awe of 30%.

This is why even members of the royal family must abide by the Slaughtering Rule here in the Tower of Brave!

Chapter 2147 Scarlet talisman seal

Hearing that the entrance fee is so expensive, Long Bufan’s expression is indifferent. He directly took out 20,000 magic crystals from the space ring and paid it to Troll Guard Captain.

“This token is for you.” Troll Guard Captain flipped his hand slightly, and a scarlet metal token flashed out of his palm.

Long Bufan took the token and glanced at it, but saw that it was covered with blood rune. Just about to ask about its function, he suddenly found that the blood token in his hand suddenly became extremely hot. Then, unexpectedly There is a stream of heat gushing out of it, and it instantly penetrates into Long Bufan’s within the body.

Long Bufan’s heart startled like the intense pain of the flame, and immediately threw out the blood token in his hand, and then was surprised to find that in the palm of his right hand, it was like a brand. A scarlet and complicated rune appeared.

Seeing this, the troll guards at the door did not show a mocking expression, because every martial artist who entered the tower would experience this bloody rune brand.

This blood-colored talisman seal means that he has become a blood killer in the tower of the brave, able to kill any martial artist in the arena, and then with this blood-colored talisman seal, swallow the opponent within the body blood essence And magic crystal energy.

“Do you know the rules of the Brave Tower?” Seeing Long Bufan’s seemingly rusty appearance, the troll Guard Captain suddenly asked.

“Know, the rules here are that there is no rules, killing is not guilty.” Long Bufan turned his eyes to the opponent, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After saying that, Long Bufan ignored him and walked straight into the door.

“What a mad tone, worthy of the royal bloodline.” The troll Guard Captain was slightly startled and couldn’t help feeling.

“The royal gang are arrogant and arrogant, and always regard the Tower of the Brave as a place of experience, but only after entering it did they really understand that this is not the place where they enjoy the thrill of killing.” However, The troll’s men on the side said indifferently.

As he stepped into the gate, Long Bufan was also surprised to find that the architectural structure in this tower is very strange and complicated. There are various consumer places, restaurants, bars, hotels, and even brothels. Have.

It’s not difficult for Long Bufan to understand this. After all, the entrance fee to the Tower of the Braves is expensive, every time it costs 20,000 Demon Crystals. If you come here often, I’m afraid many Demon Race martial artists. Have to stay away.

So in the tower, there are some leisure places derived out for those Demon Race martial artists who can come here to relax after they fight in Martial Arena.

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