Seeing that their master has the upper hand, the dwarf demon suddenly showed ecstasy, and they couldn’t help shouting flattery.


The demon dragon phantom roared wildly, and the momentum remained undiminished, moving towards Long Bufan’s body fiercely rushing away.

“I thought it would be a little fun, but I didn’t expect it to be a straw bag.”

Seeing the spear glow exploding easily, a touch of mockery appeared on the face of the Young Master of the city.

However, in the next scene, the dwarfs were stunned, and the spear glow burst into pieces. Suddenly a scarlet rays of light sprang out strangely, avoiding the magic. The impact of the dragon phantom, and then at an extremely astonishing speed, it pierced through the void and blasted to the city Young Master behind.

“What’s the matter?!”

The sudden change caused the Young Master’s complexion to change drastically, and an astonished expression finally surged on the originally confident face.

Chapter 2135 The rhythm of Death God

“The Mark of Blood Fiend?!”

At the moment when the pupils tightened in his eyes, Cheng Young Master suddenly saw it. The blood glow that was shot turned out to be the seal of the blood evil spirit, and he just realized in his heart that it turned out that Long Bufan’s seemingly random blow had a real killer hidden in it!

Thinking of this, Cheng Young Master only felt that his back was cold, and it seemed that he had hit the iron plate this time.


At the crucial moment, the protective shield on the Young Master of the city was mobilized to the extreme, and at the same time it took out his mark of blood fiend and faced the blood glow that came.

Time Law, static mood!

But at this moment, a vague energy wave suddenly shrouded, instantly making everything in this area stand still.

“puff!” Under the control of Long Bufan, the Mark of the Blood Fiend was cast unabated. When it crashed into the Mark of the Blood Fiend of Young Master in the city, it directly acted in a brutal posture. It was cut into pieces and turned into a ball of blood mist, and the mark of blood fiend circulated like lightning, swallowing it up instantly.


With a loud shout, the energy in the magic crystal of Young Master within the body of the city completely exploded, breaking the restraint of Time Freeze.

“What?!” However, when he saw his Blood Fiend’s mark disappeared, his eyes were full of incredible color.

“xiu ――!”

At the moment when he was absent, Long Bufan had already swept forward with the Mark of Blood Fiend, the protective shield, Like a piece of paper, it was instantly cut open by the mark of blood evil, and it penetrated into the body of Young Master in the city.


As the blood evil imprinted into the body, Cheng Young Master suddenly let out a scream, the scales all over his body dimmed instantly, and the muscles up and down the whole body were also rapidly atrophy.

The Young Master, who knows the horror of the blood evil seal, finally showed a frightened face, hurriedly and madly mobilized the dark energy in the magic crystal, desperately resisting the blood evil seal Swallow.

Long Bufan expressionless, manipulating the mark of blood evil to penetrate into the heart of the opponent’s body, immediately stretched out the right hand, and the open five fingers suddenly gripped.


Suddenly, the heart burst open, and a deep voice suddenly came from the body of Young Master.

Cheng Young Master’s body suddenly shook, opened his mouth, but didn’t have any strength to say it, and then his eyes gradually dimmed, completely losing his look, and his body finally fell on his back!


Long Bufan’s mind moved slightly, and the mark of Blood Fiend suddenly sprang from the body of Young Master in the city, bringing up a flower of blood, watching to fly back With the blood imprint floating on his fingertips, Long Bufan noticed that a new blood-colored rune slowly solidified, and the surface exudes a rich blood-reeking qi, as well as enchanting scarlet rays of light!


Looking at this shocking scene, the dwarf bodyguards present were completely sluggish, and the powerful dragon’s blood demonic weapon was so easy. Beheaded by another dragon’s blood demonic weapon, if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they couldn’t believe it!


Seeing that the master was killed, the dwarf guards didn’t even have the idea of ​​revenge. They turned around one by one, panicking moved towards and ran to the rear.

Looking at the dwarf guards escaping in the grassland, Long Bufan took out the AK47 from the storage bag. When Space Power was poured into it, the whole gun body showed a strange transparency. form.

“peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!!!”

As the finger pulls the trigger, a series of transparent bullets are fired suddenly in the dull gunfire. Going out, and then as if with eyes, pierced through the void, chasing the dwarf guards who were running away.


For a time, the sound of mournful scream resounded one after another in this quiet grassland, just like the rhythm of Death God descending, and it sounded people Somewhat shocked.

After solving all the dwarves without fail, Long Bufan moved slightly and teleported to the side of Cheng Young Master, pressing his right palm on the latter’s forehead, and performing Soul Searching. Technique.

Although Soul Searching Technique is only useful for living bodies, the soul of this newly-dead corpse is not completely dissipated, so it can have some effects more or less.

Chapter 2136 Makes a Facelift

After a few more breaths, Long Bufan took back his palm and stopped Soul Searching Technique, but a huge flow of information was like a black cloud circle. Hovering in his mind, as long as his thoughts move slightly, Long Bufan can easily retrieve any memory information inside.

Compared with the information of the troll man, Cheng Young Master’s understanding of this World is obviously more comprehensive. There are also various details of the royal family, which let Long Bufan fully realize the arrogance of the royal family. bloodline tradition.

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