Jiang Yu is summon’s bloody evil puppet. As soon as the huge scarlet silhouette appeared, an extremely brutal and bloody aura swept away. Even the Demon Race fighters watched. A touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

When the three people of the Eagle Claw Group Qin Yuxuan, Lin Yan, and Jiang Yu of the long-range attack type stood out one after another, they stood in a row, as Ye Chen, Lei Meng, Lu Zifeng and Long Yunfei in the Panshi Group, Immediately stand guard by the eagle claw group in four directions.


Ye Chen aroused the Primordial Spirit and suddenly changed into the form of thunderbolt. One after another blue purple thunderbolt lingered around his body, full of violent currents. Lu Zifeng also suddenly displayed the shape of a rocky mountain in an instant, and his muscles were covered with a layer of hard rock skin.

Murong Yin stood at the forefront of their second group. Scarlet-red Qianying looked petite, but faintly burst into a fiery flame, which should not be underestimated.

After seeing the strength displayed by the Twelve Blood Guards, the disciples of the Temple Pavilion’s eyes flashed, and it seemed that there was still so much hope for this battle.


Longya glanced at all the temples and pavilions, slowly inhaling a breath, and an unusually low roar suddenly sounded: “This battle, we can’t let the sky continent be ashamed!!”

hearing this, the disciples of the temples present are all at this moment, there is a madness on the face, loud and neat roars, Suddenly resounded: “Strengthen me the temple pavilion!”

With the roar of the temple pavilion disciplines, echoing in this world, in the faint, an extremely tragic atmosphere is also suddenly diffused Open.

However, this kind of tragedy, but there is no bloody battle with Demon Race, but the slightest fear. Instead, there is a thick crazy fighting intent in the eyes, and under this fighting intent , But mixed with that indelible hatred more than five hundred years ago!

The ink dust floating on the top of the mountain, looking at this group of temples, which suddenly became imposing manner, from a distance, a sneer smile appeared at the corner of the mouth, and the sound suddenly became gloomy. Coming down: “Do it, don’t keep one!”

Chapter 2062 Blood War broke out

“peng!” It was the two great monsters of the Demon Race team. They laughed grinningly, and the powerful dark baleful qi burst out of their weapons, directly leading their respective Shadow Clones, rushing toward the temple and the discipline. Away.

Behind them, a large group of Demon Race fighters and Shadow Clone squeezed in darkness, just like the black tide, followed closely.


Longya instantly transformed into a Jackie Blood Fighter, with cyan scales covering the whole body, with red eyes looking at the rushing army of Demon Race , As the throat rolled, there was also an unusually low roar. In the next instant, his figure suddenly rushed out, his eyes locked on one of the two great alien generals.


Liu Yunluo also made a coldly shouted sound, and immediately held a heavy sword, turned into an afterimage and swept out fiercely, fiercely sweeping towards the sword glow Another aquiline nose stranger.

“Kill Kill Kill!!!”

follow closely from behind, many temple and pavilion disciplines all rushed out like jealous, deafening shouts of killing, with a The tragic meaning resounded across the sky.


As the two men and horses collide and fight together like two torrents, for a while, the tension that pervades this world is instantly hit by the fierce gold and iron. Replaced by Ge Sheng, the thick Qi of Slaughter rose to the sky!

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

The majestic Origin Force and baleful qi burst out, one after another fierce martial arts, almost all of them were displayed in an instant, and finally fiercely strikes toward the enemy ahead.

At this time, the two teams no longer have any reservations. Between the shots, there is a complete blood-to-blood battle, and even some of the temple and pavilion disciplines are on the verge of death, which directly aroused Primordial. Spirit, died on the spot Self-destruction, the ferocious and violent energy swept away from midair madly, directly destroying many Demon Race fighters and the blockbuster Shadow Clone!

The battle has just started, and the sky mixed with killing intents is already filled with a strong smell of blood. If you look at it from a distance, you can clearly see this At that time, the color of this area was rendered a faint scarlet color due to the continuous splashing of blood.

This bloody battle is not inferior to the melee between the Demon Race army and the human martial cultivator more than five hundred years ago. It can only be described with the word’tragic’.

Mo Chen stared indifferently at the two torrents that crashed together, and then stepped on the void, his tall and straight figure swept from the top of the mountain, and at the same time, the terrifying black baleful qi lingered in it. whole body.


However, at this moment, a fire red light and shadow rushed in and stopped in front of him.

“Your opponent is me.” Huo Rong was burning with hot golden red flames and staring at the ink dust with cold eyes.

“Your breath is stronger than what you saw a few days ago. It seems that you have also gained some from this Martial Saint secret.”

Looking towards Huo Rong indifferently, she could see her identity as Fire Phoenix at a glance, said with a sneer: “Fire Phoenix is ​​an extremely powerful Fire Element Spirit Beast, and everything in the world is hard to resist under its flame. Coming down, it’s a pity that you are not an adult Fire Phoenix.”

Huo Rong is expressionless. Although she is silent, she admits what Mo Chen said in her heart. She was indeed helped by Long Bufan a few days ago. After harvesting hundreds of demon spirits, after refining and absorbing, the strength has indeed increased a lot, but it is still one step away from evolving to adulthood.

So, now her strength, equivalent to human martial cultivator half-step Heavenly Venerable Realm, these abilities are already at the top level in the martial arts world, but for the Fire of the Spirit Beast world Among the Phoenix group, they belong to the weak juvenile group.

However, this kind of weakness, after evolving into adulthood, will have a transformation against the sky. Even the powerhouse of the emperor state can only escape when facing the Fire Phoenix in adulthood.

Chapter 2063 Misery

Mo Chen stared at Huo Rong with cold eyes, scanned his lithe and graceful lovable body, and then there was a joking smile at the corner of his mouth. indifferently said: “If you are willing to be the mount of this Imperial Prince, follow me back to Demon Race, I promise you will be a thousand times better than the life you lived by that bastard.”

Huo Rong’s eyes were slightly cold for Mo Chen’s jokes, but he didn’t get angry. Instead, he was sneaked: “Only a thousand times? It seems that you, the prince of Demon Race, are not very good, if you have ten thousand times. If you do, I can think about it.”

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Mo Chen’s lips suddenly solidified, and fierce rays of light flashed in the dark gold pupils, he knew , Huo Rong said this, undoubtedly wanting to make fun of him, not at all the true heart of following.

“In that case, then this Imperial Prince will use your phoenix blood to quench the thirst of the mark of blood evil!”

When the voice fell, the ink dust figure suddenly Sweeping out, in that form, like an ominous beast rushing to eat, the head immediately rushed to the Huo Rong, and at the same time, one after another scarlet blood evil seal whizzed out.

Huo Rong’s eyes condensed slightly, and his lovable body was instantly enveloped by golden red flames, and this raging flame, as if poured with kerosene, suddenly rose into the wind.

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