“It turns out that this is the artistic conception of the domain…”

Princess Ziluo is in the spatial domain, and she can clearly feel the laws surging here. She is slightly startled, as if Feeling a little, a thoughtful expression flashed across the cold eyes.

This kind of meditation, not at all, lasted for a few breaths, Princess Ziluo immediately recovered her calm, after all, the enemy she is facing now does not allow her to be distracted.

However, when she swept her gaze to the front again, she suddenly found that the place where Long Bufan was originally standing had become empty, without any trace of silhouette!

Chapter 2058 Scarlet Font

Seeing Long Bufan disappeared, Princess Ziluo’s heart sank, thinking that this guy was doing something tricks, and immediately jumped into the air without lag. Up. As Qian Ying rose, she also glanced around from this downward angle.

Because the walls of the main hall are inlaid with night pearls, every corner of Princess Ziluo’s sight is unobstructed.

However, this scan still yielded nothing. The empty hall did not show the silhouette of Long Bufan, and even a slight breath fluctuation could not be noticed.

“The shameless disciple, did he use Space Law’s imprisonment mood?”

Princess purple slowly fell to the ground, her right hand gripping the purple whip, her eyes Looking around all around vigilantly, his voice whispered to himself with some confusion.

She is very aware of the skill of imprisoning artistic conception, not only can conceal her own breath and body, but also can freeze the space, trap any movable things, and let it be slaughtered.

However, just as Princess Ziluo looked around with a guarded look, and when she was on guard against Long Bufan’s sudden attack, a silhouette suddenly sprang out of the lava and settled down. It is the extremely fast moved towards that exit rushes away.

This silhouette is undoubtedly Long Bufan.

Just taking advantage of the moment when the purple princess had a clear comprehension to the Space Domain, he immediately used the’imprisonment’ of the space artistic conception to block his breath and quietly left there.

Although the purple princess at that time exposed a weak spot, there were various methods to seriously wound or kill it, but Long Bufan was unable to kill the Demon Race princess with a passion. .

Perhaps…this is the pain of most men.

So, instead of continuing to struggle with the other party like this, it’s better to avoid them quickly.

In this way, Long Bufan ran all the way, and soon left the main hall, his figure swept directly to the cluster of palaces outside, and jumped to the top of one of the palaces, sharp eyes, ringing Sweep away.

Suddenly, what came into view was a broken ruin!

As far as the eye is concerned, only the cluster of palaces in the Martial Saint’s secret collection can be seen. At this moment, most of them have been destroyed and collapsed, as if they have experienced some fierce battle, and they can see In the ruins, there lay a bloody corpse.

These corpses include humans, Beastman Race, Blood Race, and a small number of Demon Races. As for the scattered metal remains, they are most likely to be Machine Races.

Moreover, what is even more amazing is that the originally closed Martial Saint secret space seems to have been completely unsealed. Together with the world fuse outside, one after another Space Crack appears in the sky. .

“the past few days, what happened?!” Looking at the seemingly tragic scene before him, Long Bufan brows slightly wrinkle, his voice with a solemn said solemnly.

In doubt, Long Bufan’s figure suddenly moved, swept into the ruins below, and gathered the dozens of temple and pavilion disciplines that had died together. Seeing their death, there was one The common feature is that they are all stabbed in the abdomen by a sharp weapon, crushing the dantian to destroy the Primordial Spirit, and completely blocking their ultimate means of Self-destruction Primordial Spirit.

Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness radiated away, and found that these tragic deaths of senior and junior brothers had all their storage bags swept away.

Obviously, this dispute is very likely to be robbed of wealth by other planes!

However, this idea came from Long Bufan when he saw the ruins. When a stone pillar disappears instantly!

I saw that on the gray stone pillars, there were a few bloody palm prints and a line of scarlet fonts:

“Long Bufan, if he does not appear again, kill all humans! Ink dust words .”

Chapter 2059 Hunting

The scarlet bloody palm prints and fonts exude a faint bloody smell, like a provocation, red appeared in front of Long Bufan’s eyes .

Looking at this scene, Long Bufan remained silent all the time, but the chill in his eyes became more and more intense, and his hanging hands were suddenly clenched into fists. The harsh murderous aura permeated.

At this moment, the air seems to be solidified.

Immediately, Long Bufan took out a space ring and included all the dead temple and pavilion disciplines in it, intending to bring it back to the sky continent for burial and erection.


After doing all of this, Long Bufan within the body’s vigorous essence burst out, and his body violently rushed up, the stone pillar behind him In a fierce wind, it suddenly broke into pieces.

Because Martial Saint’s secret space has been unblocked, and there is no previous rule-based restraint, the moment Long Bufan leapt up, he suddenly flew out and completely resumed his flight. ability.

“Ink dust, since you used the life of all the temples and disciplines to force me to show up, I will let you have a taste of regret this time!”

in midair, Long Bufan’s speed is spurred by the law of wind, and the storm rises. The black silhouette is like a lightning bolt, piercing the sky, his eyes are cold and bloodthirsty, and he slowly climbs from the corner of his mouth. It started, faintly, with a fierce smell!

Shortly after Long Bufan left, Princess Ziluo also rushed out of the underground stone palace angrily. Obviously, after discovering that Long Bufan had played with him again, she immediately caught up.

However, when she saw the broken ruins and bloody scenes before her eyes, there was also a touch of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Feeling the residual breath of Long Bufan in the air, the four wings behind vibrated immediately, and the lovable body flew up, following the direction of Long Bufan’s flight.

The number beyond a thousand li from the Martial Saint Vault, and the abandoned place is in the north.

Here is the area where the temple pavilion team transmitted in, and it is also the target location where the Transmission Gate will be opened two hours later.

At this moment, in the sky above this Desolate Land, there was a sudden sound of one after another intensive wind breaking, and I saw more than a hundred silhouettes flying in front of me, exuding blood-reeking. Qi, if you look closely, you can see that most of these silhouettes are actually injured.

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