the aid of the medicine pill of Zunyuan, the true essence of Long Bufan within the body is also like a tiger that has grown wings. It’s no longer afraid that the damaged tendons will be too late to repair. Under the nourishment of power, the original sharp pain seemed to ease a lot.

Chapter 2011 Later Stage of Earth Venerable Realm

Perceived that the sharp pain is gradually diminishing, Long Bufan’s heart is secretly relieved, and the six senses are immediately closed again, and he concentrates on guiding the energy of the broken god crystal, within The body is constantly circulating, tempering with tendons, flesh and blood, skeleton…

In this way, Long Bufan’s mind is completely immersed in the cultivation, forgetting time.

It took about three hours before Long Bufan completed the tempering of all parts of his body. At this time, his skeleton is extremely dense and solid, and his body has great strength and defensive power. Promote.

However, at this level, at most, the increase in fleshy body strength is only a small increase in the true strength cultivation base.

So the last step is to absorb the remaining fragmented god element crystal energy, tempering Primordial Spirit.

Only after the last step of Primordial Spirit tempering, his overall strength and cultivation base will be greatly enhanced and breakthrough.

“Quenching the God!”

At the moment, Long Bufan’s mind moved, directly stimulating the flow of energy into the dantian acupoint, and he forcibly pressed it into the Primordial Spirit.


The moment the broken god energy poured into the Primordial Spirit, Long Bufan’s body trembled slightly, and he immediately felt his Primordial Spirit as if he was suddenly poured into hot molten iron. His expression was instant. It solidified like a sculpture.

Immediately, what followed was a burning pain that was more intense than the previous bracing of the veins!

Long Bufan is obviously well prepared early, just browse slightly wrinkle, because he knows that this kind of process must be experienced, only by burning off the impurities in the Primordial Spirit, can it be qualitative Variety.

“chi chi chi!”

However, this tempering method of removing impurities feels like throwing the Primordial Spirit into a pot of oil, which is extremely ruthless. A quick way to forcibly blow up impurities.

In this way, time goes by every minute and every second, the energy of the broken god crystal is gradually dissolving with the Primordial Spirit in the refining, the original violent medicinal power also becomes like a vast clear spring, nourishing With Primordial Spirit.

Until a certain moment, Long Bufan faintly, as if from the sea of ​​dantian, heard the slight sound of the film breaking.

Following this light sound, Primordial Spirit finally broke through the last layer of film bondage burst out suddenly, one after another extremely pure and powerful Zhenyuan, flowing all over the body, even more than spider silk The ends of the tiny blood vessels are filled with Zhenyuan.

“It’s finally breakthrough, Earth Venerable Realm, and it’s still a late stage.”

Long Bufan opened his eyes in ecstasy, his pupils flickered, and immediately put out a breath, This air current actually formed a sharp arrow in the air, which shot straight out, then hit the rock wall, suddenly causing a slight depression on the wall.

This time to swallow the broken god crystal, Long Bufan’s cultivation base went directly from Transform God Boundary Peak to the later stage of the Earth Venerable Realm. Indeed, just as Huo Rong said before, it improved a great realm. .

This feeling of being full of power gives Long Bufan absolute confidence. Even if he faces the Demon Race Third Prince ink dust now, at least he won’t run away in embarrassment as before, and After transforming into four Winged Dragon blood demon generals, he has a certain degree of certainty that he can kill the opponent.

After that, the Twelve Blood Guards also came to wake up from the cultivation state one after another. Long Bufan discovered that the aura in each of them was enhanced a lot compared with the previous ones, reaching the Earth Venerable Realm. Early-Stage and mid-stage.

“It’s a breakthrough, it’s finally a breakthrough!!”

The Twelve Blood Guards stood up almost at the same time, each of them showing ecstasy, cheering excitedly.

Looking at the strength of his subordinates, Long Bufan couldn’t help but smile with relief at the corner of his mouth. He immediately moved his mind and directly removed the time domain in the stone house.

The five hours spent in the field of time this time, in the outside world, if the flow rate is converted twenty times, it is less than one hour.

“Bang peng~ peng~!!”

With the removal of time domain, Long Bufan and the others heard one after another fierce strikes. The sound came from the stone gate again.

Furthermore, the stone gate, which has experienced a long period of violent attack and slam, has already begun to appear cracks on the surface, and it will face signs of collapse at any time.

However, at this time, Long Bufan and their expressions are extremely calm, instead, the rays of light flash in their eyes, and the fighting intent burns.

This is the difference brought about by strength, self-confidence after cultivation base breakthrough.

Chapter 2012 is handed over to you


When the cracks on the stone gate are increasing and spreading to the extreme, suddenly , An astonishing cracking sound, as expected, the stone gate finally cracked completely.

whiz whiz whiz! ! !

Immediately, a large number of silhouettes, in the sight of Long Bufan and the others, imposing manner fiercely broke into the door, depending on the number, there are at least about 30 powerhouses, compared to Long Bufan and their side , Three times more!

“Blood Race.”

Looking at the powerhouses rushing in, Long Bufan recognized the identity of the opponent at a glance.

“It turned out to be you.”

This group of Blood Race martial artists stepped into the stone house, just blocking the exit tightly, and found that the person inside was Long Bufan After them, their faces suddenly grinned. After all, before this, these humans, but they fled in embarrassment after being chased by them, just hid in the Martial Saint’s secret palace.

A Blood Race martial artist headed by, glanced around, and when he saw the empty stone house, he understood that the treasures must have been collected by these guys at the moment. His eyes were dark. Staring at Long Bufan and the others, he yelled: “Humans, if you are acquainted, hand over the treasure!”

Long Bufan expressionless, he has been aware of this group of Blood Race martial arts By the time, among these thirty Blood Race martial artists, two of them are in the Early-Stage of the Earth Venerable Realm, ten half-steps of the Earth Venerable Realm, and the others are in Transform God Boundary Peak.

Such a lineup is not weak. If it hadn’t absorbed the broken divine blood crystals before, all of Long Bufan might really not be able to retreat.

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