Chapter 2007 Dilemma

“Boss, this time we really made a lot of money. We harvested more than 1,000 Zunyuan Pills, plus the Xuanhuo Tiezhu and Chenjin before, compared to The previous team of the Temple Pavilion was many times stronger.”

Lin Yan, with a bow and arrow, walked to the side of Long Bufan and said with a big smile extremely excited.

Leimeng and Long Yunfei also walked over one after another, each holding a Zunyuan Pill in their hands, and they also said to be wild with joy: “The third child is right. At last, our group of temple and pavilion disciplines has finally lived up to expectations and will surely return triumphantly.”

Looking at Lin Yan, Long Yunfei, and Lei Meng who are in a state of agitation, the corners of Long Bufan’s mouth are also involuntarily He grinned, and then he laughed and cursed: “I want to return triumphantly for this gain? The three of you are too good-for-nothing!”

These three are ten Among the two blood guards, I have known him for the longest time, and is also the brother with the best relationship.

I think that when Long Bufan was promoted from handyman to the outer hall discipline in the Black Tortoise Mansion, he lived in the same dormitory house with their three people. Since then, he has been cultivation and crazy together. , Fight together, the four brothers share weal and woe.

Now, even after 5-6 years have passed, Long Bufan is full of emotion when seeing these three brothers still by his side.

Lin Yan laughed and said: “Boss, we are relatively easy to satisfy, but we don’t have as big an appetite as you.”

Long Yunfei on the side is also an immediate flattering said with a smile: “Yes, boss, you have this mouth, but you eat meat and don’t spit out bones.”

Their jokes, for a while, the stone chamber, which gave little space, sounded everyone’s Laughter.

In this plentiful harvest, everyone’s mood is obviously brighter. Everyone has a smile on their faces. Even Qin Yuxuan, who is usually quiet and silent, is also happy at this time. In the atmosphere, there was a silver bell-like laughter.

But Huo Rong is the only person present with a calm face, because for her, if this kind of Zunyuan Pill is placed in Divine Realm, it will only be given to some people who just cultivation Martial Dao. Brat is nothing more than a snack. It is not so precious at all.

At this moment, Huo Rong, who has more sensitive senses, seemed to have noticed something and suddenly said: “Long Bufan, there seems to be movement outside!”

“DaDa ~!”

hearing this, the face of the Twelve Blood Guards instantly sank, and immediately fell silent. Long Bufan suddenly turned around and swept to the stone gate, with his right ear attached to it. On the door, immediately, I heard some rapid footsteps from outside the stone gate.

And listening to the dense and messy footsteps, obviously there are not many people.

“Bang peng~ peng~!!”

As soon as those footsteps approached, they just started attacking the stone gate without saying a word, for a moment, intense rumbling The sound kept ringing, tearing the peace here.

Inside the stone chamber, there are walls on all sides, and there is no other exit. If you want to leave, you can only get out through this stone gate. But at this moment, a lot of powerhouses gathered outside. If you charge ahead recklessly, all of them may not be able to retreat.

However, if you keep hiding here, the situation you are facing will not benefit you much.

In this dilemma, Long Bufan started to have a headache. His eyes flickered, and his heart turned to get out.

“Boss, what should I do? Do you want to kill it?” Raymond frowned and asked.

The rest of the Twelve Blood Guards took out their weapons with tense expressions, and then stared solemnly at the trembling stone gate, ready to fight.

Chapter 2008 Time Flow Speed ​​

“Bang peng~ peng~!!”

The dull banging sound is constantly being transmitted from outside the stone gate Come, those fierce attacks, if it weren’t for the energy guardian of the stone gate, I’m afraid it would have been blasted into a powder long ago, how could it be so strong as it is now.

“I hope that the energy guard set by the Martial Saint will not be blasted so easily.”

Long Bufan brows slightly wrinkle, the intensity of the intensive attack, this When I was outside, it is estimated that there are at least dozens martial artists, and all of them are powerhouses with a strength of half an Earth Venerable Realm.

Long Bufan looked around the walls all around. He swept past the Spiritual Consciousness and found that in addition to the stone gate, the inside of those walls seemed to contain a barrier of laws, so even if the display space moved , Can’t get out of here.

“When the stone gate is broken, the four of our bloodblade group will try to hold them down. The brothers of the rock group have strong defensive capabilities, so they are responsible for covering the boss to leave.”


“Qin Yuxuan, Lin Yan, and Ye Chen of the Eagle Claw Group, you three are responsible for disturbing the enemy in the rear. As for Wu Moying of the Shadow Group, if there are too many enemies, you can act by yourself.”

At the critical juncture, as Captain’s Dragon Fang, he fully demonstrated his excellent command ability, looked at the four members of the Twelve Blood Guards, and formulated combat strategies at the fastest speed.

The main purpose of this strategy is to guard Long Bufan’s safe evacuation from here.


The four groups of members including blood blade, eagle claw, rock, and shadow were immediately nodded with awe-inspiring expressions. Although their eyes were extremely solemn, they did not have the slightest fear. Meaning.

Seeing Long Bufan’s side, there was a group of loyal and passionate subordinates. Huo Rong’s eyes moved slightly and she took a deep look at Long Bufan. For the first time, she discovered that this guy who usually pretends to be cynical , Actually possesses the charm of being a top-notch.

“I don’t want you to die.”

However, when the Twelve Blood Guards were about to fight to the death, Long Bufan said suddenly, and turned around. In an instant, the pupils of his eyes had already turned into a weird silver white, and in the pupils, the Totem of the time roulette slowly emerged.

As the time roulette appeared in the eyes, an extremely obscure and peculiar time Law Power also spread from Long Bufan, instantly flooding the entire stone house, forming a time Law Domain, Shrouded everyone in it.

Long Bufan’s Time Law is derived from the teaching of the deacon of the temple and the long “White Weng”. The so-called time has three laws of passing, knowing the present, and reaching the future. The origin of all things is to breed To destruction, in these three laws, there is only a transition and cycle.

It evolved into Martial Dao’s Time Law, with a total of 3rd-layer artistic conceptions, divided into Time Freeze, Time Flow Speed, and Time Countercurrent.

The Time Freeze of First Layer artistic conception and Long Bufan, which has been used many times, have reached the point of brought to the point of perfection. As for the Time Flow Speed ​​of Second Layer artistic conception, in Law Domain, it can be manipulated at will Time Flow Speed ​​can be slow or fast, forming a different time difference with the outside world.

Before, Long Bufan and their cultivation in the Profound Pagoda of Time was the origin, a day in the outside world, but in the Profound Pagoda at that time, it was equivalent to 30 days. Cultivation plays a very sufficient role.

For the Time Flow Speed ​​of Second Layer, although Long Bufan has quite some feelings for a while, he has not tried to use it.

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