Demon Race, Blood Race and Treant Race have such a powerful alliance lineup today. If Long Bufan and the others really escape, it will be spread out in the future, they how to save face!

Moreover, the guardian beast is an ancient ominous beast with the bloodline of the dragon. Whether it is flesh and blood, bones, scales, or demon spirits, they all symbolize a precious resource. If you let it escape, the previous Hard work is a waste of energy.

So, this guardian beast must not be taken away by Long Bufan!


However, at this moment, a tall metal silhouette suddenly jumped into the air and fell fiercely in front of the team led by the ink dust.

This metal silhouette is undoubtedly the Captain of Machine Race.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

follow closely from behind, and there is one after another huge metal silhouette, which also landed in a sturdy posture. The strong gravity pressure suddenly made the ground in this area all Some trembled.

“What do you mean?” Mo Chen stared at the head of the Machine Race with a gloomy look, coldly said.

For these extremely intelligent and powerful robots, Mo Chen has always had some fear in his heart.

“Long Bufan, you can’t kill.”

The words of the leader of Machine Race are very simple, the cold and deep voice sounded slowly.

Hearing this, Mo Chen’s eyes became completely gloomy, and today’s affairs were repeatedly blocked. He, who is cruel and ruthless by nature, didn’t ask the reason, and said coldly, “In that case. , Then you are the ones who die!”


As soon as the voice fell, the powerful dark energy burst out in the hands of Mo Chen, suddenly turning into a huge black palm print, and fiercely patted the leader of Machine Race in front of him angrily.

This black giant palm faintly heard a burst of explosive air, which obviously contained the power of the mysterious magic cultivation technique.

Mo Chen knew in his heart that dealing with these hard Machine Races, ordinary attacks would hardly cause them to be traumatized. Only the shock energy of the dark energy can hurt the roots.


Machine Race’s head has cold eyes. He is covered in metal, but suddenly turned into a muscle-shaped dark gold color. For a while, his strength skyrocketed. The arm also turned into a huge golden stage quietly, and then fiercely smashed it against the black palm print photographed by the ink dust.


The dull voice suddenly exploded, accompanied by a violent energy wind swept away, I saw the golden stage, directly This extremely fierce posture blasted away the black palm print.

However, although the black palmprints were blasted to pieces, the hundreds of thousands of dark power contained in them rushed into the golden stage in the shape of black ripples.

Under the intrusion of the black ripples, I suddenly saw the golden stage at the end of the machine race’s head arm, and cracks began to appear, and then, when the cracks spread to the extreme.


Another low-pitched voice rang out, the golden stage burst completely, and the entire arm of the head of Machine Race was only half left.

However, Machine Race is made of metal. They don’t feel pain at all. The leader of the injured Machine Race is still expressionless and nothing happens.

Furthermore, what is even more surprising is that the metal at the end of his broken arm suddenly turned into a liquid shape, and while squirming quickly, the lost half of the arm recovered intact.

Chapter 1993 Six Winged Dragon Blood Demon King

“en? Didn’t catch up?”

At this time, Long Bufan, complexion pale riding on Fire Phoenix was flying fast on Phoenix’s back. He suddenly discovered that the hostile forces such as Demon Race, Blood Race, and Treant Race in the rear had not chased them, and he couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

Long Bufan turned his head and looked around, and was surprised to see that Machine Race actually stopped those guys, and looking at the movement, it seemed that the ink dust was fighting with the leader of Machine Race.

“Boss, what’s the matter with them?”

Liu Yunluo held a silver long sword in his hand, looked at the movement behind, and asked in confusion.

The rest of the Twelve Blood Guards are also puzzled. After all, the guardian beast they helped the Martial Saint secret store this time should have been attacked by other forces, but this one The Machine Race forces, not only did not oppose them, but at this critical moment, they even came forward to stop the Demon Race guys.

“I don’t know.”

Long Bufan shook the head. He glanced at the AK47 in his hand and thought it had something to do with this gun. When Machine Race saw the appearance of AK47 just now, it was able to pronounce its name, so it did not join the group of forces that encircled them.

“Are they from the earth?” Long Bufan slightly frowned, thinking secretly in his heart, but soon rejected this idea. After all, according to the technology of the earth today, it is impossible to create such a superb The robot, let alone travel through the plane of space, came to this broken Plane World.

Looking at the leader of Machine Race who was recovering from his injury soon, Mo Chen’s cold eyes suddenly became a little serious.

Princess Ziluo walked to the side of Mo Chen and whispered: “Brother, according to the past experience of Demon Race and Machine Race, these Machine Race within the body have an energy core. If this is not severely damaged It’s hard to kill them completely.”

“I know.”

The ink dust is nodded, and this battle also corresponds to what he thinks.

“It seems that it is a bit tricky to eliminate this group of Machine Races with the strength of our Demon Race team alone.”

Mo Chen’s gaze sinks slightly, and his mind turns. , He turned his head and looked towards the two forces of Blood Race and Treant Race, Sen coldly said: “Get rid of these Machine Races, we can get another copy of Martial Saint’s secret. If any of you want a matter of no concern to oneself If I say this, it means to be an enemy of our Demon Race!”

When I said this, Mo Chen’s complexion became more and more gloomy. At the same time, the rich baleful qi of one after another black, from The ink dust within the body continuously burst out, filled with an extremely fierce aura, and the fingertips of its palms, the claws are more protruding, glowing with sharp cold light.

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