“en? Help the guardian beast?!”

Hearing this, Laosa’s complexion changed slightly, staring at Long Bufan in surprise, and asked: “Long Bufan, are you here? Are you kidding me?”

Long Bufan indifferently said: “Are you joking when you look at me?”

Seeing Long Bufan’s serious look, Lautha’s originally surprised expression , Suddenly became serious.

The surrounding Temple Pavilion and Beastman Race fighters were all dumbfounded looking towards Long Bufan, frowning. After all, this idea is really crazy.

You must know that although this blood-winged bat dragon is already in old age, it is cruel and violent by nature. Even if it really succeeds in saving the opponent, it might still bite itself back, which is meaningless. In the end, it offended the other four teams, especially Machine Race and Demon Race, the two strong Great Influence.

“Now we have feuded with Demon Race, and now they have united with the other three forces. Do you think that even if we assist now, Demon Race will really shake hands with us and make peace? I can only say, This kind of thinking is too naive.”

Long Bufan’s eyes were half-squinted as he looked at Lausa, and there was a faint fierce glow in his eyes, coldly said: “Instead of this, it is better to take a gamble. , Help the guardian beast, believe that this big guy should have a high spirituality, know that we are not hostile to it, and then rush us into the core area of ​​Martial Saint’s secret!”

Chapter 1985 Fight hard

“Since there is no way to go back, then we all fight desperately.”

Long Bufan expressionless, glanced at the surrounding temple and pavilion discipline and Beastman. Race warrior said: “I have already said this, and those who believe in me will go together. I won’t force it.”

After saying that, Long Bufan glanced at the corner of his eye inadvertently. A dark shadow in the distance.

This shadow is the Third Prince of Demon Race, ink dust.

He now knows that the Dragon Mark ring in his hand seems to be of great interest to the Demon Race royal family, at least it can be seen from the eager and greedy expression of Mo Chen just now.

However, it is very likely that there are Space Teleportation coordinates on Mo Chen’s body. Both sides have their own needs. Therefore, Long Bufan believes that even if he leaves, Mo Chen will come and look for it. The situation of fighting is best.

Hearing this, Lautha and the others couldn’t help secretly taking a deep breath. They had to admit that Long Bufan’s idea was indeed crazy, but its effect was much greater.

“Follow Junior Brother Long to the death!”

Since the experience of the Lost Plane, the Temple Pavilion is conquered by Long Bufan’s various abilities. In their eyes Suddenly flashed a crazy luster, and his face was definitely low shouted.

Seeing the human beings in front of him is so crazy and brave, Lautha hesitated for a while, and a very ruthless color appeared in his eyes immediately, and then he glanced at the men behind him, making a rough voice. shouted: “I decided to follow this guy to go crazy again, how about you?!”

After a short silence, the Beastman Race team suddenly burst into a loud shout: “Fight! “

Seeing that everyone continues to choose to believe in themselves, Long Bufan felt relieved, and the expression on his face was also a little serious, because this bet, if it succeeds, Martial Saint’s treasure treasure, They will be rich.

If they fail, they will suffer heavy losses, and they are more likely to be wiped out!

For this decision, Long Bufan was not at all shaken in his heart. Martial Dao Road is growing in constant striving for martial arts, treasure item, spiritual medicine…

He was able to grow up from a small Huojiaofang handyman’s discipline to the present day, relying on daring to fight and daring to fight, seeking danger in many powerhouses, and constantly competing for resources.

“Since everyone has no opinion, then… let’s start!”

At that moment, Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness sank into within the body, an invisible space Energy fluctuations rushed out from within the body quickly, and immediately formed a huge energy cover that swept away, enveloping all the temples and Beastman Race fighters in this bamboo forest.

With Long Bufan’s current Space Law attainments, he can already perform large-scale spatial movement, that is, large-scale teleportation, but this skill takes a little time and energy, and is not like a single person teleportation. So light and flexible.

Although everyone has decided to help the bloodwing bat dragon, such an aggressive rush will inevitably attract the attention and alert of the Demon Race guys. Therefore, in this case, Long Bufan can only take this kind of big The space of the scope shifted, teleported all horses over, hit them by surprise, and rescued the blood-winged bat dragon.

“Remember, our plan is to cut off those chains on the guardian beast. As long as it is released from the bondage, it will definitely become a great help!”

Long Bufan’s solemn voice , Sounded in everyone’s ears, and with the envelope of space energy, the silhouettes of all of Long Bufan and them gradually became transparent and began to melt into the space…

Chapter 1986 Demon dragon phantom

At this time, in the open space outside the bamboo forest, the blood winged bat dragon was besieged by martial artists from many planes. The situation at this time looked extremely embarrassed, and its scales burst in many places. Even one of the wings was broken, and the resistance was obviously weaker than before.

However, the four forces of Demon Race, Machine Race, Blood Race and Treant Race also suffered a lot of casualties. There were dozens of dead bodies lying on the surrounding ground.

Unexpectedly, after gathering so many powerhouses to join forces, such a lineup still can’t quickly defeat the bloodwing bat dragon. It is conceivable that the bloodwing bat dragon is worthy of being within the body with Dragon Clan Bloodlines. Ancient ominous beast.

“evil creature, your aura is exhausted, it is your honor to die on my shadow sword!”

Looking at the blood-stained guardian beast, ink dust A brutal smile appeared on Sen Leng’s face, and a baleful qi thick black long sword flashed out in his hand, and then one after another sword tactic was quickly shot.

For a while, a terrifying baleful qi whizzed out from the sword body, and quickly condensed in the sky. In the end, it was a huge illusory shadow that looked like a dragon. The surface of the body, dark rays of light flowing!


As soon as this Demon Dao Dragon illusory shadow condensed, there was a loud roar, and at the same time, a very powerful The monstrous ferocity, like a storm, erupted from within the body, faintly filled with a terrifying Dragon’s Might! !

As this terrifying aura spreads, the eyes of such forces as Treant Race and Blood Race can’t help but shrink slightly. Even the equally powerful Machine Race has cold eyes. , Is also a little dignified.

Obviously, the Demon Dao Dragon illusory shadow displayed by the ink dust made the martial artists present feel a strong crisis.

Looking at the huge illusory shadow that floats above the head, in the scarlet giant eyes of the Bloodwing Manta Dragon, the eyes are still fierce, without the slightest sense of tremor. I want it to follow at the peak period. Master Martial Saint fights, like this kind of small character attack, it can easily defeat it by opening its mouth with a blood glow.

However, since Lord Martial Saint ascended to Divine Realm, his strength became stronger and stronger. Bloodwing Manta Dragon could no longer keep up with Martial Saint’s footsteps, and was finally asked to guard here. Ten thousand years and a lonely life have made it gradually aging, and lifespan has almost reached the time when Dipankara is exhausted.

“Go to death!”

After the magic dragon phantom condensed, the ink dust was dark in the golden pupils, the killing intent filled, and the coldly shouted at the same time, suddenly a sword struck After coming out, the huge illusory shadow immediately roar towards the sky, sending out a sound of dragon’s roar, carrying an amazing energy wave, and rushing down fiercely, fiercely crashing into the blood-wing bat dragon!

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