Planet Sadala, the weather is fine.

The blue sky is as flawless as a mirror surface, and the light wind blows the surface, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

It’s been a period of time since Planet Aofei happened. After getting a lot of Tree of Might’s Fruit, Saiyan’s overall development has taken a leap forward.

Thousands of Saiyan per capita are filled, even if it is a Saiyan warrior with a poor aptitude, it has a large promotion. Now Saiyan has no clansman with a Power Level lower than 1,000, even some children who have just completed their early childhood training. , Power Level can easily exceed 1,000 in adulthood.

The innate talent even broke through to 5,000 Power Level and 10,000 Power Level.

As a result, the number of Elite Warrior on Planet Sadala has increased sharply in the short and long term. Now the strength of the Planet Sadala defense forces alone exceeds the previous special forces, and the original special forces members are even more powerful. Each and every is running Super Warrior’s level.

You must know that the standard of Super Warrior is to reach 100,000 Power Level. Although there are few Saiyans that are really close to this level, over time, there will be a lot of warriors to reach this level.

The magic of Tree of Might’s Fruit is that it has no side effects. After all, it is the fruit condensed by Planet of Life essence. It promotes strength and does not look like a seedling. Of course, the significant promotion of power will certainly bring some uncontrolled energy, but as long as you use a period of time to familiarize yourself, this problem can be overcome quickly.

The unprecedented growth of Saiyan Power, the most happy of which are Hertz and Asita, old veterans who have witnessed the state of the Planet Vegeta period, because they have experienced the original “weakness”, so they have a profound experience of the current strength. .

Wherever she went now, there was a smile on Hertz’s face.

On the contrary, Rolande and Sephelia, because of their own strength so much more than other Saiyan, the status of Planet Sadala is rather calm.

There are tens of thousands of Tree of Might’s Fruit harvested by Planet Aofei this time. In addition to some of the fruits that were later distributed and used, Rolande has more than 20,000 stocks in hand, which Rolande does not intend to use. Instead, he is going to reserve clansman for his future credit.

After all, the number of fruits is limited. Just saving it will sooner or later run out of the day, so finding new sources becomes very important.

Looking at the five golden fruit seeds in his hand, a smile appeared on Rolande’s face. After explaining a few words to Hertz, he went to Lesser Sacred World with Sephelia and Tights Instant Transmission.

On the divide-planet of Lesser Sacred World.

Vine Clan’s Al Liz and her clansman diligently looked after a senzu bean plant with bright growth, bright flowers blooming under the green leaves, and some plants were full of pods, and at a glance, I knew that there would soon be A bumper harvest.

The arrival of Rolande and others quickly attracted exclaimed vine clansman.

“Rolande Lord, Queen Lord!”

Vine Clansman saluted them to Rolande with great respect, his eyes filled with eager radiance.

“Can I get used to living in Lesser Sacred World? Just tell me what you need.” Rolande easy-going, smiling and asking about their lives.

Al Liz answered with a bright smile: “Everything is missing, Lesser Sacred World is the Sacred Land rarely seen. It is our blessing to live here, and my clansmans are very lucky.”


Looking at the bright smile on Vine Clansman’s face, Rolande couldn’t help but be nodded, it was an unpretentious race. After asking about the development of senzu bean, Rolande was even happier after another bumper harvest soon.

“Sephelia, you take Tights to see Luffy. I will plant the Tree of Might first.”


Sephelia watched Rolande nodded and took Tights to the place where the nursery was placed.

There are a total of six small planets in the Lesser Sacred World. At the time, the six planets were planted with senzu beans in a small area. After Rolande they transferred the saiyan child’s nursery to Lesser Sacred World, one of the planets was used as a special Parenting. After Sephelia and they left, Rolande glanced around the surrounding divine-planet and started looking for a place to plant the Tree of Might.

Tree of Might was originally a fruit tree growing in Sacred World. Plant them on the Lesser Sacred World divine-planet. Don’t worry about them absorbing the nutrients from the planet.

Away from Vine Clan’s temporary residence and the senzu bean plantation, Rolande used energy to plan a piece of land, then planted a golden Tree of Might seed, and lifted a bucket of water for a little watering.

Soon, the crack cracked lightly, and the soil was slightly raised, and a tender green seedling broke through the soil like a bamboo shoot. Then it grew as fast as a hormone. In the blink of an eye, the sprout-like plants began to stand upright, the stems became thicker and thicker, and they grew into half-human tall saplings.

Rolande was surprised at at, nods, “worthily is the plant of Sacred World, this is the place where it really fits.”

With the current growth of the Tree of Might, it only takes a few days to grow a towering tree, and it will probably not take much time to bear fruit.

Of course, because the special higher dimension environment of Sacred World restricts the Tree of Might, the Tree of Might in Lesser Sacred World does not grow up like the Real Realm out of control. It is already the limit to grow to about 100 meters. By then, Tree of Might continuously produces fuller fruits, and its nourishing ability is not worse than that of Lower Realm.

After planting the first Sacred Tree, Rolande kept planting on several other divine-planets, and soon all five golden Tree of Might’s Fruit were planted.

Calling Al Liz, Rolande instructed her: “It is important to take good care of these fruit trees and to collect them when they produce fruit.”

Rolande emphasised seriously.

Al Liz was a virtuous girl like Blue Haired Launch. When she heard Rolande’s so solemn tone, she immediately and seriously nodded.

“Please be assured, Rolande Lord, my clansman and I must take good care of the fruit trees.”

Rolande smiled and stroked the silky silky beautiful hair on the opposite side, and Liz immediately narrowed his eyes like a kitten, revealing a comfortable expression. Really an innocent girl, Rolande sighed, and then under the guidance of Al Liz, browsed the view of the divine-planet.

The divide-planet in Lesser Sacred World is smaller than normal planets, and even Moon’s size is much larger than it.

The size is a bit smaller, but because of the high-level dimension, the Godly Ki contained in it is incomparable to Kai’s Planet.

Living here for a long time has a great effect on improving the body. If the Lord Slug of Lower Realm had the opportunity to enter the Lesser Sacred World, living here alone can greatly extend his life. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to enter Lesser Sacred World.

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