Rolande and Sephelia. Of course, they don’t know that in another distant star territory, the Chief of Porto Race is working with their Chief Scientist to study the production of Super Warrior. At this time, Rolande, accompanied by ebony, was visiting the spaceport in the asteroid belt.

Because, the suspended Space Island that Rolande had given to ebony was finally completed.

Under the dark red Universe background, in the vast and astral belts full of stars, various bright lights flicker in Starry Sky. That is, the intelligent robot is welding the plate. The entire asteroid belt not far from Planet Sadala has been transformed by scientists from Lyss Race, and the work of the gods has become a manufacturing base for space battleships.

Almost every day, a variety of Spaceships pass the inspection from the dock. These Spaceship models are divided into many types, including spherical Spaceships, waterdrop Spaceships, and large Disc Spaceships such as Rolande vehicles.

Some of these Spaceships are supplied to Alien of Saifi influence, and the other part is sold on Ivy Star.

Several people entered the dock of the spaceport, and then led the robot through the long corridor, and soon came to an open area.

The interior space is extremely wide, as if entering a small world.

The interior of this spaceport is completely isolated from the outside world, and the ceiling uses holographic technology. If you stay inside, you will not feel that you are in outer space. In wartime, this spaceport can also be transformed into a space fortress armed with teeth, just like the space corridor outside Planet Sadala.

Walking half the spaceport along the long corridor, Rolande and others came to a giant dock. Said to be a dock, it is actually more like a Universe Space surrounded by a transparent energy shield.

The entire dock is extremely huge, with hundreds of meteorites-based anchorage points floating in various directions. These anchor points are connected together to form a light blue energy shield, which separates the dock from the outside Universe Space. If you look up, you can see through the energy shield the universe with a faint starlight.

At this point, both Rolande and Sephelia showed a surprised look.

Such a huge dock is really rare, enough to see the technological development of Lyss Race.

ebony pointed at a huge island in the center of the Starry Sky shipyard. The lower tip of the island was flat, showing an inverted cone shape, as if a huge “mountain peak” had been inverted. On the level of the island, mountains, rivers, and bamboo forests are all available, just like a small ecological space with a circleference of about 10,000 meters in size.

The top is covered by a lighting and translucent light blue protective cover.

“This suspended Space Island has a space radius of 10,000 meters and is covered with a layer of high-intensity energy shield. Because the core structure is made of perak steel, even a more then 1 Million energy attack cannot completely destroy it. . “

ebony proudly introduces that this Space Island brings together all the technologies of Lyss Race.

Rolande admired nodded, and then landed on Space Island with Sephelia and others. As soon as he entered, a Gravity Field beyond the ordinary planet was applied to his body. Rolande estimated that it was about 15x standard gravity and the gravity of Planet Sadala. almost.

At this time, ebony has activated the gravity watch on his wrist, saying: “All data on Space Island is set according to the standard of Planet Sadala, so the initial state has 15x Gravity. The entire island has a unique source of gravity. Adjusted to 200x Gravity, and equipped with a special training field in the central living area of ​​the island, all made of the strongest perak steel, enough to withstand the training of the master. “

Next, Rolande and Sephelia visited the entire Space Island under the leadership of ebony. Because it is mainly used for training, all the facilities on the island are set around this point. Naturally, the beauty of the natural island is less colorful, but Rolande ’s This is very satisfactory.

“Yes, with this island, the next training is much more convenient.” Rolande said with a smile.

Sephelia is particularly satisfied with the training field on Space Island. The large field with a length and width of a kilometer has floors made of perak steel. All around is also surrounded by a sloped blocking wall to prevent energy attack from going out. See It looks like a large stadium.

In order to build this training field, the scientists at Lyss Race took a lot of brains to melt and shape the perak steel.

Sephelia moved towards the blocking wall to release an energy wave, and only heard rumbling sound loud noise, the hot energy hit the perak steel wall, and quickly sparse energy flow, but there was no mark left on the wall.

You should know that during these months of training, the power level of Sepelia has risen to 84,000 energies. In this attack, the smaller planets have long disintegrated.

Satisfied nodded, Sephelia’s bright eyes bent into a crescent moon shape, a little can’t wait to have a great battle with Rolande in this large training ground.

“Set the gravity of the training ground to 100x Gravity.” Sepelia’s voice was cold.

“Do what she says,” Rolande said.

“Ah… obey!”

ebony stared down, and soon reacted. He first provided himself with sufficient protection, then moved towards the control panel, pressed the control panel button, and buzzed, the gravity source at the core of Space Island started to work, Shua !! Suddenly, a downward Gravity Field is applied to every corner of the training field.

The whole training field showed a strange color.


Sudden gravity was applied to the body, and Rolande’s complexion suddenly changed. The complexion sank quickly raised the energy within the body to resist, and sweat permeated the clothes on his body.

100x standard Gravity Field, ordinary-person will be directly pressed into a pool of meat paste.

However, both Rolande and Sephelia have a power of more than XNUMX Power Levels. The body was nourished by Essence Ki, and suddenly suffered such a strong impact of gravity. After a period of time, they were barely able to bear it.

“Well, this gravity is really uncomfortable.” Rolande sense.

“But I can train my body, right?”

Sephelia’s eyes showed a hint of madness.

When Rolande saw this, he couldn’t help laughing. Once Sephelia was training more mad than he was, she was really worried that her body would not be able to bear it. Fortunately, now that she has advanced technology, she doesn’t need to worry about this issue.

“100x Gravity. In the original work, Son Goku needs 90,000 Power Level to withstand it. Sepelia and I have stronger bodies. More than 80,000 Power Level is enough.”


Ps: After editing and editing, this book will be available in the early morning of October XNUMXst. I hope everyone can support it at that time!

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