The so-called “image training” is, in Rolande’s view, no different from Dual Cultivation. A man and a woman training each other is tantamount to building a spiritual world together, that is, spiritual level connectivity!

Because this time is to “transmit information”, the spiritual level of connectivity is also deeper than the previous “image training”-it needs a completely unobstructed acceptance on the opposite side, and it must fully meet the exchange of information before the “insights” “Transferred.

Sephelia not at all “Dual Cultivation” concept, so not at all rejected, and soon the two people sat down, connected to each other’s spirit, and then trained in a consciousness space of vast expanse of white.

In the consciousness space, everything inside is shaped by the spirit of two people. Rolande is better than Spirit Power in Spirit Power because he has trained Spirit Technique, so he leads him in the spiritual world. Soon an environment suitable for comprehend Essence Ki was created, which looked similar to the “God Creation Planet”.

Rolande took Sephelia’s hand and peered into her spiritual world. Immediately’s approach to Essence Ki strengthening was passed on through consciousness.

Different from the previous simulation of Great Ape Transformation, this time Rolande directly transmitted Spirit Power to Sephelia’s mind.

With tenderly moaned in her mouth, Sephelia felt that her spirit body was completely under the control of the opposite side. This feeling that the entire person was controlled by the opposite side made her sense unsuitable. Rolande gave a glance, but saw that the opposite side was serious, and Sephelia trained silently with Rolande.

Sephelia is also an Elite Warrior. Training innate talent is naturally very good. Under the traction of Rolande, he gradually mastered the method of Essence Ki strengthening.

Time is flowing, and 24 hours have passed in the consciousness space.

In reality, it ’s just a moment of effort. This wonderful time difference is the difference between the spiritual world and the real world. Maybe the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in Earth The Lookout is a combination of image training components, and then built by some magical capability. .


After the image training, Sepelia’s grim face glowed red light.

“It feels weird!” Sephelia bit her lip, feeling like her own secret was completely spied on.

“Direct contact with spiritual consciousness is the most direct way to conduct insights. No one except you can enjoy these.” Rolande is serious, and you take a big advantage. This is indeed the case. If it was not for the intimate relationship between Sepelia and himself, he would not pass training insights at all.

Sephelia nodded, saying: “After passing this training, my understanding of Essence Ki strengthening is different.”

“Right!” Rolande smiled.

Rolande also hopes that Sephelia can use the method of Essence Ki strengthening to adapt herself to the vacuum environment of the universe. After all, as her strength continues to be promoted, the battle level is also constantly promoted, and she continues to challenge the High Power Level powerhouse. The risk of planet destruction is also Surge. If at that time the opponent was in desperate circumstances, and suddenly the planet was destroyed, then Sephelia without the ability to survive in the vacuum environment would be very dangerous.

It is true that Instant Transmission can help her out of such a dangerous situation, but everything has an accident, and if the syncope passes, it will really be dead.

Sephelia also recognizes this point, so she wants to master this ability so hard.

To some extent, she is also competing with Rolande, after all, she is such a woman who refuses to lose.

The two people took a short break, and Rolande remembered what Dr. Brief had told him about Saibamen Planet, and he told Sepelia the news of Alta’s ruins. After Sephelia listened, there was a smile on her elegant face, and she was very interested in the situation over there.

She missed Devil Pui Pui and God Creation Planet for a long time last time, so she must go to see it this time.

“I want to know what the ancient warrior race and Saiyan are different from.” Sepelia said with a hint of lightness.

Rolande said: “To be honest, I am not very clear about the appearance of Alta-seijin. Although I have seen their battle scenes, because the whole body is strong aura surrounds, I can’t see their looks at all.”

“Let’s go to Saibamen Planet.”


Sister and brother two people looked at each other and smiled. Sephelia took the initiative to raise Rolande’s hand, and Rolande starred down a little. Shouldn’t he go and take Sepelia’s hand at this time? This positioning is a bit inverse Ah!

Or because of this thin body, after a few years of growing up, he will seize the initiative … Holding Sephelia’s cold delicate hands, Rolande thought silently.

Oh la la !

A curtain of water suddenly appeared in the space, ripple rippled for a while, and the silhouettes of Rolande and Sephelia disappeared.

Saibamen Planet.

Enter here after a few years of absence, and look at the surrounding scenes. Compared to a few years ago, not at all is different. Saibamen Planet is a place where Saibamen is scattered everywhere, because when Saiyan hunted Saibamen, he used hunting by region one by one, which kept the reproduction of Saibamen to a great extent.

So even after years of hunting by the Saiyan warrior, the number of Saibamen has not decreased.

On a hill, the silhouette of Rolande and Sephelia appeared, glancing at the surrounding scenery lightly, and Rolande’s face was light.

At this time, the chaotic energy Ki on Saibamen Planet entered Rolande’s perception range. In addition to Saibamen with a Power Level between 1,000-2,000, there were many Saiyan warriors on the Saibamen Planet to gain experience. One of them was particularly powerful. , Which is closer to 20,000.

It should be the warrior responsible for guarding the security of Saiyan.

Rolande and Sephelia walked along this Ki Instant Transmission and found that it was Sonori’s younger brother Thorne.

Since the development of Ivy Star is on track, especially after the Humanoid Robot invented by Dr. Brief, in addition to the warrior to maintain daily order, powerful Warriors such as Thorne and Hertz have been withdrawn. After returning, Sonori started Saiyan training ground, and Thorne’s job is to look after the situation on Saibamen Planet.

On a shady slope, clear water flows by.

The protruding rock looks like a parasol, blocking the hot sun. Thorne lay comfortably on a deck chair, with a variety of fresh drinks on the small table next to him, Nolayian like him, most like natural vegetables and fruits.

When Rolande and Sephelia came to Thorne, the green-skinned Nolayian jumped up.

“Rolande Lord, Sephelia Lord!”

Rolande moved towards his nods, “Take me to discover the ruins of Alta-seijin.”

“Okay, please follow me.” Thorne hurriedly nods.

Then led by Thorne, Rolande and Sephelia followed, and soon came to a plateau on the other side of the planet. This is a very desolate place, there are not many plants around, there are some vegetation and mountain trees on the ground and the ground is very dry.

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