Raditz lay down on the edge of the deep pit, his head resting on his head, and underneath his soft grass. He looked at the long white clouds, relaxed and his eyes slowly closed.

Since the advent of Dragon Ball World, the daily followers Vegeta have fought, or they have been honing their own promotion strength, and they have routinely slept in the Universe boat, and have never enjoyed the fun of leisure.

Instead, I was busy sneaking today, and I rested quietly for a quarter of an hour. I didn’t have to think about it. I only used to enjoy light wind, grass, sunshine… What about sunshine?

Raditz felt suddenly covered in shadow and suddenly opened his eyes.

“I Go!” Raditz had a scare, in front of Son Gohan’s face, “You want to scare me Ah!”

It may be that Raditz is not terrifying as before, and Son Gohan dares to take the initiative to approach.

“I… I am done.”

“What’s done… you, are you finished?” Raditz said half of the reaction came and was shocked.

Is the four-year-old child so quick to solve the problem? Raditz’s expression is very embarrassing, and he said that Chi-Chi’s education is really good…

Just then, the two very strong qis approached here, one step faster than the Scouter, and Raditz looked towards the air. Then, the sound of “哔哔哔” sounded.

Sensitive to the air, it really wins the machine.

Raditz is happy, but fortunately Son Goku appears in time, otherwise it is not good to let go of Son Gohan. As Goku and Piccolo approached, he greeted him.

“Kakarot, you are finally here.”

“I am coming back to my son!” Son Goku yelled, aura full.

On the other hand, Piccolo’s white robe fluttered in the wind, like a raging tide, and his expression looked at Raditz sullenly: “I had a very strong Power Level at a very early time and suddenly fell on Earth, it seems to be you. However, don’t get me wrong, I am different from Son Goku, just to bring you down! You have become an obstacle to conquering the world.”

Having said that, Son Goku on the road has told him about the power of Saiyan, and Piccolo does not dare is half-hearted and serious.

Raditz smiled and took Scouter off and threw it aside. There are not only communicator pieces, but also Frieza’s eavesdropping device, even if it is turned off.

One of his movements attracted Son Goku and Piccolo to be wary.

“It doesn’t matter, you’ll come.” Raditz picked up Son Gohan. “Gohan, you father came, go back.” Then, with one wave, Son Gohan was returned directly to Son Goku.

Goku hugged and touched Gohan’s head. “It’s okay, Gohan.”


“What the hell are you going to do!” Piccolo was awkward, and he was more prepared.

Goku hurriedly let Son Gohan run to the distance first, free of time being affected.

“Don’t be afraid, I just don’t want other people to hear what I said. This device can detect people’s strength and position, but it is also easy to be eavesdropped. So, for security reasons, don’t use it first. Then I want to tell you All of them are true and important.”

“Hey, I can do not dare to be sure.” Piccolo grinned and didn’t believe it.

He is the incarnation of Demon Clan. At the time of the Great Demon King Piccolo, it was a common thing to lie, and the evil spirits did not have the word credit. So what Raditz said, he didn’t believe it.

“Kakarot, your son has already returned it to you. This is my sincerity. In fact, I took him away, just to lead you to come with Piccolo. And… it’s a little prank that’s all.”

“This…” Son Goku was hesitant, after all, he was in front of his Big Brother and really didn’t hurt Gohan.

He would like to hear what Raditz would say.

Piccolo is not as good as Son Goku, and he is still vigilant: “With this alone, I can’t convince me.”

“So, that’s it!” Raditz knew it was difficult to communicate directly, just to show the strength, and let them know the terrifying of Saiyan.

Raditz leaned forward and suddenly accelerated!


The sound of the break sounded a little, Raditz disappeared in front of them, and Son Goku and Piccolo had not had time to take off the reload, and the reaction was slow. When they noticed the aura behind them, they turned their heads and Raditz had one and one elbows on their backs.

The huge impact made the two people unsteady and saved forward, jumping several times in a row to stand still.

At the same time, two words appeared in my heart – so fast!

Raditz didn’t give them a chance for gasp for breath, rushed directly to Son Goku, hitting the fist shadow in both hands, and then hit Son Goku no force to fight back.

At the moment, he has been trained to 1800 Power Level, more powerful than 1,500’s full strength period. Speed, power, not Goku at all, they can keep up.


Son Goku tried to counterattack, and the strong fist strength was always easily resolved by Raditz, but Raditz’s every punch hit him so badly. At this time, Piccolo came from behind, and the right hand crossed the chest for a hand chop.

Piccolo’s speed is extremely fast, the wind is breaking, and the hand chop contains powerful Ki. It seems that everything can be opened.

However, Raditz is faster!

After seeing it, he directly pulled a tail and hit Piccolo’s knee. The huge power hit Piccolo’s center of gravity and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, a swipe hit Piccolo’s head and pulled it out of 100 meters.

“tail!” Son Goku saw hope in the midst of a crisis and rushed over with the biggest strength.

Raditz’s mouth rose slightly, stopping Son Goku, blue’s Energy-Ball instantly gathered in his hand, “Boom-“

As the smoke and dust began, Goku was smashed and shattered, and flew out to the distance.

“The…damn, it looks like it’s not an implant…” Son Goku stood up again, sweat coming out of the pores.

Piccolo also violently gasp for breath, only two strokes by tail, his physical strength has been greatly reduced.

“I still have a new technology, just need gathering power, can you entangle him?”

“Try it, tail… I just managed to catch the tail.”

“hmph hmph, your Big Brother is much stronger than you, Saiyan… It turns out that you are so powerful for a reason.” Piccolo showed his fangs and smiled.

Son Goku can only smile.

They have never seen Raditz’s powerful opponent, the gap is almost as different as heaven and earth. Son Goku even thinks that Raditz is already releasing water, or it is easy to kill any of them.

“Okay, just hit here.” Raditz took the initiative to raise his hand and stopped the war, shocking the two people.

In fact, what Raditz thinks is that his tail has not yet had time to train. In case of too much wave, I will be caught in tail, and I will be able to do it with a special Beam Cannon. Although their Power Level is higher than them, the combat skill and experience are far less than the two people who have fought.

Anyway, the purpose of the shock is also achieved, and now it should be much better.

“Now you should believe me. I want to kill you very simple, but I just left a hand, just to tell you, I am not an enemy, and the next words, no – than – heavy – want!”

Son Goku and Piccolo look at each other at a glance, nodded, no longer rebutted, listening quietly.

That’s exactly what Raditz wants. After getting the initial-stage trust, it’s time to start wooing the companions.

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