“How… what’s going on?” North Kai’s face suddenly changed, sweat dripping from the chin to the grass, and the corner of his mouth trembled.

Who can know? They obviously saw Raditz crushing Janemba and have won!

“Lord-Grand Kai, I feel that the situation is not good.”

“Raditz’s physical strength is no longer enough, and the monster has recovered!”

The Kais are anxious, even if they have a big gap with Raditz, they can use the naked eye to see the status of both sides. The restored Janemba is as stable as a mountain, and Raditz has one hand on the ground and long hair, and the whole body can be summed up with only one “tired” word.

“Son Goku, what do they say?”

“I already understand the situation, I should come to help. As long as they help, they can completely eliminate the monster.” Grand Kai said solemnly.

He shakes his white beard and tries to restrain his nervousness. When he says this, he doesn’t know if he really believes that Saiyan can win. In addition to the Majin Buu in the universe, it seems that there has never been such a terrifying monster, and Grand Kai faintly thinks that Janemba is more powerful than Majin Buu.

Other-World Battlefield, Janemba once again changed the long sword, the black scorpion stared at Raditz and slowly approached. He suffered a lot of pain and just lost to Raditz and was very angry.

Indeed, Raditz won, and Janemba was suppressed on power.

Janemba is an aggregate of evil. His existence is an accident. It is not uncommon for him to decompose and reorganize himself with spaceability. For this reason, Raditz can overcome him but cannot destroy him.

“It’s harder than the imagination to deal with, Beyond the Limit’s power is useless, this guy is not playing ‘death’.” Raditz hurriedly gasp for breath, took out a Senzu Bean suit.

Immediately, his physical strength is restored, the full-bodied power fills the whole body, and stands up again.

Janemba’s footsteps were obviously stagnation, with the ice-cold killing-intent eyes paused, and then licking his mouth and showing a crazy expression. In the gloomy tones, Janemba rushed again, and the sword in his hand opened the sword light as if to open a world.

Raditz sneered, his eyes flickering, and the moment broke out. Super Saiyan 3 reproduction!


A few words of light disappeared in a flash, and Janemba flew out.

Even if Janemba is hard to eliminate, Raditz still has the upper hand on power, and the result of the force force with force is still the same. I want to kill him completely, unless I clean up the evil! You have to use Gogeta’s power.

At this time, in midair suddenly had two more powerful Kis – Son Goku and Vegeta. The two people are Super Saiyan 2 Form, the golden light is shining, and the air mass is powerful.

The two people were allowed to come to Hell, instantly adding glory to the gloomy environment.

Raditz jerked up, his eyes both astonished and delighted. “How come you are? I want to find you!”

“Grand Kai said that the Hell crisis is difficult to solve. Even Big Brother, you can’t beat the monster. Hey, is that he?” Goku suddenly found Janemba getting back.

“His name is Janemba. It is the Fusion set of evil. The ability is very abnormal. Although I can win him, I can’t destroy him.”

“hmph, is that?” Vegeta squinted coldly, looking at Janemba look at each other.

Janemba just glanced at him and moved his gaze to Raditz. It is clear that Janemba has not yet taken Vegeta paying attention.

“Cut, this bastard.” Vegeta clenched his fist.

“Don’t impulsive Vegeta, the opposite side is very strong.” Son Goku is a serious measure of Janemba’s power, and he is not as good as himself. “Even even more than my Super Saiyan 3 form, only Big Brother can deal with this kind of monster!”

“Of course I know! But if you don’t fight, what are you doing here?!”

“Fusion!” Raditz is amazing.

Son Goku and Vegeta simultaneous.

At this moment, Janemba flashed like a red electric light, suddenly approaching, huge pressure rushed to face! Son Goku instinctively threw a few Energy-Waves and pulled away a distance, but suddenly there was a wormhole in front of Janemba, directly taking Energy-Wave absorb.

Then, space crack appeared around Vegeta, and several Energy-Waves were fired.

“Be careful!” Raditz reminded, rushing toward Janemba.

But the sound is not as fast as Energy-Wave. Vegeta never thought about such a strange skill. It just took the energy-Wave released by Son Goku and was hit hard.

“damn, Kakarot, don’t mess!”

“I do not know either.”

One face is angry, one face is innocent, and two people are arguing. Raditz kicked Janemba and continued: “You listen to me, you can’t beat him with ordinary energy. Just now you saw it. He has space and self-healing ability. But after Fusion, you can use the purification skill to make evil. Purifying and washing, this is the fundamental method of victory.”

Raditz said that fighting with Janemba, the overflowing Energy-Wave movement caused a devastating power, the explosion spread over thousands of kilometers of vast ground, and spread to the end.

Watching Raditz fighting, Son Goku and Vegeta can’t help but be bloody. The violent winds and the constant leakage of the pain caused each of their bodies to be nervous in the oppression. Too strong, even Super Saiyan 3 is not terrifying.

“This level of energy collision, it seems that Fusion is really unable to participate in the battle, Vegeta, just do it.” Son Goku also learned Fusion Technique, which is no stranger to this.

“I refuse to do that kind of movement!” Vegeta’s face turned red and shouted.

“Yes, isn’t it that you want to play well?”

“Kakarot, I didn’t say that I want to be with you Fusion! This kind of thing will come when you think about it!”

Vegeta hateful Fusion’s ugly posture, also hateful Kakarot is stronger than him, what do you want to do with these two hateful things? how is this possible? Raditz can make this suggestion.

Son Goku scratched his head. “If you don’t have Fusion, you can’t beat Janemba, and you can’t close the entrances of Other-World and World of the Living. It will be a problem at the time, and it may endanger the universe.”

“hmph ……”

This sentence has been slightly weaker.

“And Bulma and Trunks are also in danger,” Son Goku continued.

Vegeta is tight gnashing one’s teeth, and the brows are wrinkled together, as if they are doing a fierce and ideological struggle. At this time, he is very different from the past. He has deep feelings for life and for Bulma and Trunks. Fusion is only 30 minutes, and I will endure it. If you forget it, you can bear it.

Vegeta finally convinced herself, his face was loose, “OK, Kakarot, but this time.”

“very good.” Goku listened to a joy, and Jin Yan shined the space as if it were a star. Vegeta coldly snorted, the same light, the crackle and rattle burst, aura synchronized in an instant.

Years of competition have cultivated their tacit understanding, such as standing in the mirror, the two people are close to each other, perfectly doing the movement, although there is no practice, but their synchronization rate is achieved by 100%.

Fusion, Gogeta.

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