New Dragon Balls, the new Shenron, the new Creation!

Seven Dragon Balls are endowed with life, interacting at such close distances, echoing each other, and making a shuddering tremor. The crystallized radiance is hidden and flashing.

Raditz looked at Dragon Balls and had a heart.

Finally, his son got the power of Creation Shenron, which is the ability to satisfy wish. This is a good thing for yourself and for everyone.

Different Dragon Balls have different capabilities. Generally speaking, the larger the volume, the greater the capacity. For example, the size of the Super Dragon Balls is distributed in two Major Universes, and the wish is almost unlimited. Next is Planet Namek’s Dragon Balls, once again the small Dragon Balls of Earth’s Kami Creation. And Ao’s Dragon Balls are a bit larger than the Planet Namek, and the reliability should be second only to Super Dragon Balls.

The existence of Dragon Balls was originally intended to adjust the balance of the universe. Reward those who are brave and wise to satisfy their wonderful wish. Although it violates the laws of nature to a certain extent and is opposed by Supreme Kai, the original purpose of Dragon God Creation Dragon Balls is good, and all wish is within the most fundamental natural law.

As for the evil people using Dragon Balls to do evil, it is an individual problem, and it is impossible to blame the Dragon Balls.

As long as you use Dragon Balls, it is a good thing to benefit the Universe.

“Aos, I am optimistic, I want Summon Shenron.” Raditz asked everyone to put the Dragon Balls together, and Ayas, who was surprised, looked at father carefully.

The only one who can speak the word here is Raditz. He walks forward with enthusiasm and shouts incantation: “Rise, Shenron!”

The barely fell, the sky is covered by dark clouds, the whole world is immersed in a heavy ink, and the Seven Dragon Balls gathers radiance at the same time, a thunder-like radiance rises to the sky.

Golden’s radiance is more violent than Super Saiyan and contains a sense of holiness. The glory rushed to the sky, shining on the shadows of people, and the entire The Lookout was shrouded in a bright light.


The huge tremors thundered, from the outside to the ear, echoing in everyone’s heart. Lightning 蜿蜒 rubbing in the clouds, silver-colored fine awning adds a lot of beauty to the entire sky, making Shenron’s appearance even more powerful.

“roar!” Shenron appeared in the golden light, with a long body coiled, and a pair of specially-wound wings swayed open to illuminate the star-like light. The scale claws are clearly visible, sharp as a mountain edge arranged by the blade, the dragon must float in the air, and the long angle straightens the sky.

In addition to the image characteristics of the traditional dragon, Raditz also added some features of Western dragons during the kneading process. The huge size, domineering appearance, and the brilliance of the divines shocked everyone.

“Great big…” Goku, who has been dealing with Shenron for the longest time, can’t help but blur out out cry out in surprise.

Tights’s pen suddenly stopped, and she couldn’t find any statement to describe the scene in front of her. The magnificent silhouette of the blowing out the sky and sun made her speechless.

The dragon’s head gradually approached everyone, and the red eyes lit the transparent light, as if the flame was burning in it.

“Beyond Earth’s Kami Dragon, no, bigger than Shenon of Planet Namek!” Krillin exclaimed, his heart pounding.

“was too scary.”

People’s fear of the new Shenron is better than ever, and Ao’s eyes are blind, and it’s hard to believe that this is what he and Father have just made!

Shenron overlooked everyone and opened the gigantic mouth, resonating sound: “speak your wish, Any Wish, I can help you, but only one.”

A wish is a standard configuration, and Earth’s Kami dragon can only implement one wish at the beginning, and later it has been improved to increase the number. Speaking of it, Shenron’s wish can be changed by the manufacturer’s adjustments, and it seems to be very accommodating.

Raditz looked up at Shenron and sighed: “Recover all the damage caused by Demon Realm in the universe, and of course life is included!”

Shenron flashed red’s gaze. “It’s just getting everything back, right?”

“You can say that.”

“It’s very simple.” Shenron’s red heart eyes suddenly became more shining, and the magic power passed to the other side of the universe, realizing wish.

The new star of Sai Ya returned to the calm and prosperous state of the past, and the destroyed planets were all restored. The dead people queued back to the world after wandering through Hell. As for Bojack and others who died in Saiyan’s hands, not because of Demon Realm’s death, there is no resurrect.

The Lookout has also changed quietly, the damage at the corners and corners has been repaired flawlessly, the flowers and plants are animated and the ground is neat and new.

“Your wish is realized, will come again!”

Shenron replied the results to everyone and then turned it into a golden light to fly higher. At the same time, the sky covered by the clouds gradually cleared up, and the radiance of the sun slammed into the mortal world.

The Shenron in the sky condensed into seven beads, and was about to fly in all directions. Raditz, who had a quick eye, flew up in an instant, opened his palms and put Seven Dragon Balls into the Telekinesis barrier. The Dragon Balls that flew out in the next second all collided in a limited space and were collected by Raditz.

“Save for the next time.” Raditz placed the Dragon Balls, which turned into stones, on the ground. “The seven are on the new star of Saia, as Saiyan’s Dragon Balls. Yaos, what do you say?”

“Yeah.” Yaos was sensible and nodded. After the battle of the Galaxy Martial Arts Tournament, he was very admired by Raditz and became very obedient.

“very good!” Saiyan cheered.

At this point, the invasion of Demon Realm was completely disintegrated, and with the joint efforts of everyone, peace came back.

It’s just that everyone gathers Earth, and there are two special visits from Tights and Jaco. Bulma proposes to make up for the celebrations that were not held nearly four years ago. One to make up for the shortcomings of the year, and the second to celebrate the victory of everyone again!

When he defeated Bondlers, he was ready to hold a banquet. Unexpectedly, the emergence of Cell prevented the plan. Later, because Raditz’s disappearance did not mention this, it is now the best opportunity.

This proposal was passed in full, and even Vegeta agreed silently.

Raditz informed Jean of them, let him go to dinner with Burter and Ankila three people, and Raditz also wanted to invite Supreme Kai and Kibito. Although these two roles are not very useful, they are generally Excessive force.

Bulma is solely responsible for the arrangements for the celebration, and Tights took a detailed interview with everyone during this period of time, eagerly collecting creative materials.

Raditz carefully cared for Zangya and took care of her to wake up to confirm that there was no problem before she was sighed in relief.

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