As Raditz arranged for the competition to start, the entire event once again set off a wave of enthusiasm, and the Warriors used the lottery to go to the stage to pre-select the competition. A large number of contestants decided to win the game in succession. Among the finalists, the North Area was still the majority, and the powerful Saiyan almost passed the crushing way, playing other Galaxy’s contestant no force to fight back.

They only reacted, not just Raditz, the other contestant of the North Area is also dangerous character Ah!

Others don’t count for the time being, even Master Roshi swept four directions, and he has a lot of unique skills in combat experience and combat skill. Vegeta’s stream is a move instant kill opponent, never tossing.

Only the Pikkon of the West Area has a competitive power, and it does not show weakness in the promotion. It goes all the way to the final 40 Top 8.

Raditz looked to the side of the field. More than 30 people in the North Area entered the final battle. Most of the people who were eliminated were defeated in their own battles. In general, they were crying.

The gap in strength is ultimately too big.

While the Galaxy Martial Arts Tournament is in full swing, in the depths of the Universe, several Black Hole-like windmill whirlpools emerge…

Galaxy Justice League Headquarters.

Under the calm Starry Sky, there were several patrolling players in twos and threes.

They walked past towering signal towers and energy banks, and the cold moon sprinkled white light, lined with metal light barrier cold light. Clear footsteps step through the large and small channels, dragging long shadows behind them.

“The elite players followed the Jean Lord to go out to participate in the Galaxy Martial Arts Tournament. It’s so much, and wherever we are, we have to stay patrolling.” A patrolman yawned and complained.

He glanced around Scouter, repeated it several times, and went forward.

The patrol work is indeed a bit boring, the Alliance Headquarters is not plagued, everyone is doing their job, even a little work mistakes are rare, and their patrols are mostly routine.

“Don’t complain, who told you that the Power Level is not enough. The registration line must be 10,000, and you still have to work hard to wait for the next one.” The middle-aged uncle around him advised.

“Next time? Maybe 20,000 Power Level is going to happen.”

“You have a lot of training and hope. Just like my Power Level, 3,000 is a bit more, I don’t expect it. Anan is also very good in the Alliance Headquarters.” Middle-aged uncle has a purple horse face, scar from the forehead It extends to the chin and looks like someone who has experienced wind and rain.

He pressed Scouter and looked at the other side.

“Oh–” Suddenly, the alarm sounded.

“En? Is there a situation?” The two people were shocked by the sharp voice that was suddenly heard. This kind of voice would not ring once in ten days and a half, and it happened to be met by them.

The two people went to the side and wanted to see what happened.

At this point, Scouter’s warning signal appears in another direction, “哔哔哔-” “哔哔哔-“

The sound is almost no stop, it is always ringing, rushing, sharp, like a nail.

“Bad?” middle-aged uncle hit the outer shell with the index finger, but it was useless, and the alarm sound that was still resting echoed in the ear. “damn, is the problem with the command center?”

“No… you, you, you… you see!” The other man trembled, and thump fell back to the ground, his cheeks full of sweat. Uncle saw the fear of breaking into the bones from his eyes!

In the hemispherical eyeballs is a scene of darkness devouring Starry Sky. The middle-aged uncle sees his shadow gradually dim, and there seems to be a dark mist behind him, drowning all the radiance. When the empty moon is covered by disc-shaped things, it seems to have produced a lunar eclipse.

“That, what is that?”

“All the guards! Over the sky! Over the sky!!!” Uncle screamed and screamed, his hands could not help but tremble.

They can both sense, it is not only astronomical, because it also contains a very powerful powerful Ki, the magic of aura.

Magic star! Energy from Demon Realm.

The entire league Headquarters was shocked and a special team was set up to investigate. At the same time, in the intelligence network of the control center, they found similar magic stars appearing in other directions of the Universe!

A total of four, occupying Four Galaxies.

“This…what is this…” The scientist at the control center was shuddering. He had never seen such a serious phenomenon of Space Distortion, as if someone had pushed the magic star forcibly through a time and space.

This power is amazingly powerful.

At the end of the Galaxy at the end of the lone star, standing a mysterious woman, with a good figure, bumpy, red tights surrounding the body, outlines the tempting lines. Silver-gray long-haired shawl, the bangs in front of the forehead hangs to the collarbone, adding a bit of charm. She held a slender wand in her hand, and her red lips evoked a charming smile.

“The Magic Star enters the world again, it’s time to start the activity.” She waved her wand and stabbed the cold glow in her eyes.

By her side, there are three people who are entangled by Demon Ki, Bujin, Bido, and Kogu. The three people are the subordinates of Galaxy overlord Bojack, because Boss Bojack was jointly sealed by the four Grand Kai at the planet at the end of Galaxy, and they also dispersed the universe.

Until not long ago, a mysterious woman who claimed to be from Demon Realm called them up, not only to enhance their power with Magic Power, but also to be able to crack the seal of the four Grand Kai and help them rescue Bojack.

I don’t know why this woman wants to help them, but they feel the terrifying aura on this glamorous beauty. Although she is always laughing, the smile contains silence and indifference.

“Get started.” The woman smiled faintly.

During the wave, the wand made a dazzling scarlet red light, echoing the magic star at Four Galaxies, causing a huge Energy-Wave movement. Bujin and others sense The planet in front of it is shaking, as if there is something struggling at the core, and the surging energy will break out.

Demon Realm’s power really weakened the seal of the four Grand Kai, and it continues! Four magic stars scattered in Galaxy provide endless support for the mysterious woman, and the final resistance with the seal.

“I… I am coming out! Aaah Ah!” In the middle of the seal, the Galaxy overlord Bojack, who had been asleep for a long time, made a scream of sorghum. He had no active muscles for a long time, and he bursted out a power and his arms flared out. Hold the planet and tear the lone star!

The seal burst, the aura burst of Bojack Extinguishing Heaven Destroying Earth, the impact energy blows the planet into pieces.

The fiery heart is accelerating and beating because of the re-enactment of the sky. In the eyes of this generation of overlord, there is a burning flame that can engulf the Galaxy!

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