Since Caulifla became a super race, there was more time with Cabba and no Kale in the fight, so Kale decided to sneak a look. She hid behind the stone forest, some 嫉妒Cabba, looking at the two people heartbeat in the air to accelerate.

“Oh, fight and fight!”

“Ha Aaah!”

Caulifla and Cabba are flying in the air with a long air current, and the golden-yellow radiance shines, colliding with bursts out and shaking the loud noise of Heaven and Earth. The wind whistling and swaying, cutting the stone forest, and cutting the path into the deep ditch.

Their silhouettes overlap in the sun, as if they were in the sun.

“haha, happy! Cabba, come again!” Caulifla shouted excitedly, and the scorpion was full of light.

Kale looked at the two people’s hands to hand combat so fiercely, and there was a lack of calm expression on her face: “Senior Sister seems to be very happy, isn’t it…”

Her brows tightly knit, her lips are tighter.

She felt that she couldn’t get Super Saiyan Transformation and dragged her legs, and Caulifla joined Sadala Defense Forces and always trained with Cabba, which made her feel aggrieved.

The two people fighting in the sky are still going on, and Cabba screams and rushes to counter the attack on Caulifla.

“Hah!” Cabba smashed a punch and was exploded towards Caulifla. The figure moved to her back at high speed, and her legs crossed an arc and kicked her to the ground.

With the loud noise, the earth cave in went down a deep pit, the crack spread and the land collapsed. Kale screamed and said: “Senior Sister!”

Caulifla rolled over and heard Kale’s exclamation. He turned and looked. “Hey? Kale, how come you? Come away, don’t accidentally hurt you!”

Although she saw Kale, Caulifla didn’t care, waving her to go.

“I…” Kale speechless, expression stunned.

“Don’t think you won!” Caulifla’s attention was not at Kale’s side, but looking straight at Cabba, “Come on!”

Cabba twisted his wrist and tightened himself. Suddenly, he rushed again and slammed into the air. His body flashed to Caulifla’s side, waving his arms to Caulifla’s abdomen.

The alert Caligraf captured the silhouette of Cabba and immediately counterattacked. She smiled at the corner of her mouth, reached out and grabbed a heavy blow from Cabba, and the other hand punched at the same time, almost as fast as the air, rushing to Cabba’s face.

So fast! Cabba only flew through this idea and flew out.

Waiting to stabilize the body, Caulifla has already rushed to the face, and as soon as the first time, Cabba’s eyelids burst into the light, raising a shock wave. Bang! The explosion of energy caused huge smoke and smoke.

“Ah…Senior Sister, Cabba you!”

Kale’s eyes suddenly changed a little, the energy was inexplicably proactive, and some different aura flashed in the hair. Anger has changed her temperament, and under the delicate appearance, there is hidden power to overcome everything.

She stared at Cabba and let the Cabba in the distance tremble, but Cabba didn’t think it would be Kale’s gaze. He thought it was Caulifla, so he was more alert.

The smoke faded and Caulifla hit the shock wave with his hand at the crucial moment, and it didn’t matter.

The two people smiled and focused on each other, and the two arms collided and the Ki overflowed. Kale’s face became more and more strange. She looked at Cabba and Senior Sister battle, especially Cabba hit the Senior Sister twice, causing her anger and anger, and the accumulated emotions burst out!

“Aaah Ah!!!”

Can not control their own aura, Kale once the valve is opened, the energy is like a river breaks, rushing endlessly. Her whole person floats in the air, the electro-optic impressive, the purple electric speeding, the radiance of the body bursts out green, dazzling!

Kale’s anger over Cabba and Caulifla, the two people’s offensive slammed, and looked at Kale, ashen-faced with amazement.

“Is this Kale?”

“She, how could she become like this?! Too great!” Caulifla was also happy-minded, and opened her arms to laugh heartily.

But Cabba faintly felt that this powerful Ki was not too strong.

At the same time, Kale’s pupil fades away, and the figure expands into a muscle form! Her hair became yellow green, and the whole person was taller and looked like an Iron Pagoda!

The most terrifying is the aura that spreads out, beyond the imagination.

“Cabba, I killed you!” Kale shouted flying to Cabba, unstoppable. It’s hard to imagine such a huge body, but the speed is amazing, and Cabba can barely keep up.

As Kale swept away, Cabba tried to resist and almost used all the strength.


Power collided, Cabba flew out, straight fell to the earth, flying stones splashed, dust raised, and the ground had an inverted cone.

Compared with the Legendary Super Saiyan, the power of the ordinary super race is very weak, and the gap between the two is like a gap.

Caulifla destined to swallow a saliva, and the pupil trembled.


In the Universe, on a satellite not far from Planet Sadala, a black hair youth leaned back into the sky and was embedded in the ground. He didn’t know when he was here, and he didn’t know how long he slept, like an abandoned statue.

Suddenly, the eyes of the statue moved, and the black hair youth seemed to be inspired. The sky is falling raindrops at the right time, not big, but it just moisturizes your cheeks and chest. His dry lips were stained with rain, and a slight tremor made a human call from the dry throat.


He woke up, and the eyelids that had been bounced several times finally opened and his chest was ups and downs. His upper body was not wearing clothes, and the loose trousers and pockets below were wet by the rain.

Supporting the ground to prop up half a body, he looked into the sky, in the vast depths, there is a power shouting at him, wake him up.

That is the power of Legendary Super Saiyan, and he is also Legendary Super Saiyan!

Broly really ran out of Universe 6 and was already awake!

When Raditz was transferred by Demon Realm, all the things outside his body were burned out, Capsules were destroyed, and the instruments such as the magic bottle were not spared. So, Broly got rid of the bottle and drifted in the universe. in.

Broly and Raditz moved in the opposite direction, one that was hit by the Universe from the direction of Salada and one on the satellite in the direction of Salada.

However, in the end, Broly was awakened. He made a giant cymbal under the gloomy sky, and he stunned Heaven and Earth. Around him, he encouraged a layer of Energy-Wave movements, and a circle of radiance fluttered, and the space trembled!

Suddenly, the whole space became pale, and then it became dark and gloomy, and then shrouded by green light. Between the constant switching, Broly’s posture gradually floated, and the proud gesture seemed to override everything.

Legendary Super Saiyan, come.

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