Some of the audience in front of the TV were scared by two Celles, some were nervous about the appearance of Fighter such as Satan, and some were cheering for seeing Goku and others.

This is the battle that determines the world Fate. People who have experienced metal lifeforms clearly know that Cell is not a bluff, monsters have the ability to destroy the world! If the person on Earth loses, the result is you can well imagine.

“Mr. Satan and Fighter team have come to the scene, we can see that Cell is pretending to be calm at the moment, I think he must be afraid of it.” The reporter shouted, the scene pointed to the indifferent Cell.

“Come on! Our world Champion Mr. Satan jumped Go!”

As the helicopter slowly approached the ground, Satan couldn’t wait to show off his skill, one turned over and the white cloak was domineering. A bang, steady landing!

This appearance shocked the audience, and people thousands of miles away shouted for Satan.

Satan was looking for the scene, trying to squeeze out a confident smile, but his face was sweating. The handsome man who had just lost the earthquake had a terrible pain in his legs. He was already crying and crying in his heart. With the self-cultivation of Level 1 actors, Satan forcibly retracted the tears in his eyes, his old face smirked and his arms raised. “V” word.

“Mr. Satan’s mighty appearance shocked Cell, his confident smile made Cell do not dare look straight!” The reporter is still bragging about Satan, “Oh Oh! Victory gesture, Mr. Satan is bound to win!”

With the end of Satan, other Fighters have also landed. At this time, a distant light is flying, like a meteor!

“Uncle Piccolo!” Gohan screamed.

“He finally came.” Raditz’s mouth showed a smile. When he informed Piccolo, the death was too cold and the result was not enough.

The flames faded, and Piccolo landed on the corner of the table, staring at the two cells.

The reporter pushed the glasses, expression 恍惚, and quickly rushed to Satan: “Mr. Satan, this person will fly Ah! And… he has strange light on his body, and it is like a flame…”

“This, this… this is a stunt! Hahaha, I think this is the same technique used by Cell, the trick of hanging wire, pediatric that’s all! As for radiance, what high-tech might be used.”

“so that’s how it is !Mr. Satan saw their tricks at a glance, really worthy of world Champion.” The reporter continued nods.

The rest of the Fighter also agreed, even on the spot to advise Martial Artist not to make those bells and whistles, and strictly train themselves is the right way.

Raditz entire group arrived early, waiting to beside, seeing Satan and other Fighter debut, and swearing, can not help but stunned.

“Are they funny?” Krillin twitched and his face was helpless.

“Don’t they also prepare for go on stage?” Zangya exclaimed, she couldn’t figure out the courage of Satan and others.

Raditz smiled: “People think we are messy.”

As soon as the words were finished, the reporters who were busy before they really stared at them. “You guys are together. Actually, they still bring children. This is not the place where you play!”

Son Goku raised his hand: “We are also coming to the competition.”

“You guys?” The reporter glanced around in a circle of these grotesque characters, waved his hand. “Don’t cracking a joke, I said it’s not a place to play! Go back and watch TV!”

“But… those uncles may die.” Son Goku pointed out that Satan, who is headed, is outspoken.

The reporter stunned for two seconds, bursts out laughed: “Hahaha, laugh at me, give him a scene! Let the people of Worldwide look at this idiot, he actually said that the world’s strongest Champion will die… Can they Did you beat Cell? I didn’t expect such a fool on the world.”

“Don’t worry about them, maybe people in small places, just let them see my strength, then they will understand.” Satan sees Raditz and others wearing special, especially Saegan such as Vegeta, wearing tight-fitting one-piece clothing, It’s long gone, it’s definitely someone who hasn’t seen the world.

Both show their own demeanor and make them retreat. Satan admire himself and can’t help but raise his hands loudly roared.

He can imagine the scenes where the fans cheered for him, immersed in fantasy and smug.

In a large company in Earth, the staff were in front of the TV, and on this day they put down their work and watched the ending of Cell Games.

“Hahaha, these people are really idiots, actually telling such nonsense.” The young man disdain sings with a smile.

“Yeah, even Mr. Satan doesn’t know, hick.”

This is followed by a series of ridicules.

“I think those people are more promising to beat Cell.” Suddenly, a young-aged uncle sound came from behind the young man. The uncle hair was a little white, wearing a light-colored shirt, and his eyes were sharp behind his glasses.

“Shen, do you say they are stronger than Mr. Satan?”

“I think so.” Shen nodded, and then no longer speak.

The staff on the side quietly spread: “Hey, I heard that the president had also participated in the World Martial Arts Tournament before, and also entered Semi-Finals.”

“Yes? Can’t see that he is so strong.”

“Of course it is true. Since then, President Shen has begun to work harder and harder to achieve today’s achievements.”

Everyone made up a bunch of talk in whispers, and Shen recalled the scene many years ago. I remember very clearly the image of Goku, Piccolo and even Yamcha and others. He is the comprehend to struggle after the myself field, thus changing his life.

When people cheered for Satan, Shen silently supported Son Goku and others.

At Arena, Cell scanned the stage and finally started to talk: “People are all there, then the game starts. Who is going first?”

“I come!”

The sounds of Son Goku and Vegeta sounded at the same time.

In this case, Vegeta always preempts the go on stage. Unexpectedly, Goku actually takes the lead in the go on stage, and the two people look at the opposite side with each other.

“Kakarot, do you want the first one?”

“Yes, I want to fight with the full state of Cell battle.” Son Goku smiled, apparently the blood of the militant has already boiled.

Before Waiting for Vegeta to refute, Satan shouted loudly: “You guys don’t want to decide the order at random, this battle is up to me!”

Satan didn’t want people to grab his limelight. The first appearance was to quickly resolve the opponent. This is the attitude of Champion. It is not good to be disturbed by this group of people.

The reporter followed a few steps and advised: “Don’t drag Mr. Satan’s hind legs… Really!”

“Whoever is the same, hurry up.” Cell was a little impatient, but apparently didn’t count Satan in the opponent, their eyes staring straight at Raditz.

“Of course it’s my world Champion!” Satan didn’t give Goku a chance, go straight, “Cell, I want to knock you down and make you admit mistakes in front of the world people!”

The rhetoric with a set of Fighting Technique, Satan debut.

Krillin was in the same place, and he couldn’t say anything.

“Then let him be the first one, anyway, it will soon end.” Raditz said faintly that some people can’t make sense with him, especially people like Satan.

The new-born Cell also stepped back and gave the position to the future Cell, standing next to the column.

The battle is about to start.

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