The bright sky is gradually replaced by the darkness of the darkness. Starry Sky is brilliant, the twinkling stars paint a beautiful picture, and people guidance Starry Sky to marvel at the wonderful top of the head.

Raditz went deep into the Universe and saw the more beautiful and more expansive ocean of stars. Compared with the magnificent scene, what I saw at the moment was a drop in the ocean.

He stayed at Zangya’s treatment room, leaning against the wall, looking at the stars, suddenly felt his own small.

There are too many powerhouses in Major Universe, and there are a lot of Extinguishing Heaven Destroying Earth. Demon Realm, Other-World, and God-World have the existence of Ascended Super Saiyan 2. Although his progress is very fast, it is not enough. If he meets those powerhouses early, he will not know how to die.

What’s more, he still has people around him. This time Zangya was injured by Cell and reminded Raditz of it. Even if he is already very powerful, can Zangya? So Raditz decided to wait for Zangya to wake up and train with her, at least let her power promote several levels.

Zangya is also genius Warrior, although Innate Talent is terrifying without Saiyan, but it is better than other Races. Raditz has his own guidance and can definitely have a huge breakthrough.

“Oh–” Suddenly, the sound of the instrument coming from the side is the signal that the treatment cabin is healed.

Raditz hurriedly turned around and saw that the liquid in the cabin quickly returned to the instrument, and the various suction cups that were attached to the body were disconnected. Zangya’s thin T-shirt and jeans were dried at the same time, and the whole person was completely renewed and opened his eyes.

“hu ……” Long Shu in one breath, Raditz walked towards her and hugged.

“make you worry.”

“It’s okay, you should contact me directly, or go to Goku.”

“I didn’t have time to react, and Cell rushed over.” Zangya pouted and hugged Raditz’s waist. “I don’t know how strong he will be.”

Raditz coldly smiled: “Strong? After a long time, he will know that this powerful is useless.”

“I don’t seem to be able to help…” Zangya was a bit frustrated. This time, the knockdown of Cell caused Android 18 to be absorbed, which made her feel embarrassed. Both the trust in Androids and the feeling that everyone is in a dilemma.

Raditz comforted her and looked calm: “It’s not your fault to blame Cell too cunning. I also have a responsibility. I didn’t expect him to hide in another place and not die. But just, Cell can be used as the alchemy of our promotion strength. stone.”

“Too dangerous?”

“It’s not dangerous at all. I will take you to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber tomorrow. We will have a great progress in the two training days.”

“Really!” Zangya eyes shined, and hesitantly said, “But you have been in the day. Isn’t that place that will not close the entrance once it has exceeded the time?”

“One day is enough,” Raditz said confidently.

He knows that training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is absolutely effective, and using this advantage can create unlimited possibilities.

Cell gave Son Goku ten days of their time, just want to precipitate their power through this period of time, and better grasp the Body Transformation of Perfect Form. The future Cell has just absorbed Android 18, and it’s not yet fully familiar with the body. The Cell Evolution of this era has not been a long time for Perfect Form, so it takes time.

Ten days is too abundant for Raditz and others, and training can take time to take a vacation!

“Tomorrow we will go to The Lookout training and have a good rest tonight.” Raditz lifted Zangya a little harder and his hands were not honest.

“Don’t you have a good rest…” Zangya’s face was red, and she leaned softly against Raditz.

“Look at you sleeping in the treatment room for too long, first activities.”

Raditz closed the door to the treatment room and sealed it with the Telekinesis wall. Then, there was a violent gasp for breath inside, which overlapped with the worm’s insects, adding a rippling interest to the night…

The next day, Cell appeared in the world’s largest Television Station. He did not kill according to the agreement with Son Goku, but still showed off his amazing power.

The studio was bombarded with a start-to-talk by Energy-Wave, and the wall was smoky and could see the outside.

Cell’s only one look made those guards with guns or sticks fall to the ground. The invisible pressure was forced by the mountains, and everyone in the studio was scared of soul destroyed.

People remembered the raging metal Lifeform and the despair brought by them in a flash!

“Monster! The monster is coming again!” The host snorted and screamed in his throat, his voice trembled like a noodle.

“hehe, my name is Cell, and you know the metal Lifeform different, but if you think I am a monster, I would like to thank you for giving me a precious life some time ago. Please be assured that I don’t need it. Human’s life is over.” Speaking of this, Cell appreciates the next row of people’s wonderful expressions and smiles gratifiedly. “Secondly, I have something important to inform everyone in the world.”

“I will host a Martial Arts Tournament called ‘Cell Games’, located in 28 of 5KS in the northwest of Zhongdu. Many people know the World Martial Arts Tournament. The form is similar. The only difference is that your opponent is only me. And my companion two people, and you can play countless, lose the end of the game, and change again.”

“Right, the rules are a little modified. If you are killed, you can count as losing. If you are afraid of death, don’t come. Oh, of course, if you lose all, I will kill everyone on all world and appreciate your fear. After destroying Earth!” Cell reveals a delicate demonic smile, and the expression is like Frieza.

He stared at the scene for two seconds with interest, seemingly penetrating the screen, with Son Goku and others look at each other on the other end.

Finally, Cell waved and said goodbye, one wing, and broke through the tall buildings.

Cell’s terrifying broadcasts spread rapidly through radio, radio and the Internet, and it quickly reached the point where Worldwide was unknown. Human panicked again, and not long after the metal Lifeform attack, it ushered in this declaration of war to Worldwide, one after another hit the fragile soul almost collapsed.

Not to be desperate, people think of the Martial Artist who saved them, and the youngster who once defeated Great Demon King Piccolo! Whenever there is a crisis, there will always be people coming forward!

Although resurrected, the memory of Martial Artist’s salvation remains in people’s minds. Many people are looking for these Heroes, and some even trace back to the previous World Martial Arts Tournament. Son Goku, Cheng Long, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha…each and every name appear in front of people!

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