Raditz felt like he was at the bottleneck of the breakthrough, only a little help.

The Body Transformation is a realm’s promotion, and there are many ways to go. Son Gohan’s emotional outburst in the face of Cell, or Son Goku and Vegeta’s hard training can drive breakthrough.

Raditz wants to take advantage of Bondlers to take it one step further.

Of course, he also had a move, and learned the lesson of losing the capsule in Planet Namek. Now the important capsules are stored in the underwear. Although… a little embarrassing, but used to it.

One of the capsules hidden in the crotch is the bottle of Evil Containment Wave. If there is no room for Earth to use, he will use the Evil Containment Wave to collect Bondlers.

Others didn’t know his mind. He heard Raditz say so high-keyly, “Can you force Ah again?” have had a scare.

Hello, don’t play, this guy in front is not the object of the contest.

Kibito almost fell backwards and was supported by Supreme Kai.

Only Vegeta coldly snorted: “This is Saiyan, make a fuss about nothing.”

I heard this sentence of Android 18 stunned, is this Saiyan? Raditz let her go once and saved her once again, which attracted her attention invisibly. The battle at the moment was not about her business, but she was worried.

On the sky of Sacred World of the Kai, Bondlers killing-intent.


Strong to show you!

Suddenly, Bonder’s body aura is intensified, and the thick power is spurting out. His excessive energy constantly stimulates every node, and Evolution begins! Sure enough, he was able to continue to grow in battle and erupted under the spur of Raditz.

The red light in his eyes turned into a thin line in the rapid speeding, and the silhouette immediately came to Raditz. Bondlers slammed his knees and smashed the old trees of Sacred World of the Kai, and the powerful power came to the top of Raditz’s abdomen.

“Ha!” Raditz loudly roared, hands in front of the belly, against the attack of Bondlers.

In a short while, Bondlers actually hit a dozen times in a row, causing Raditz’s body to tremble. This is just a foolish power, but it makes Raditz excited.

He rushed to the ground and slammed Bondlers.

The legs were hard and they smashed the Void. The space seemed to be fragmented and the vortex of the airflow exploded.

The two people also put their fists in the fists, and slammed a few heavy blows. The grand power shrouded the entire Heaven and Earth. Raditz’s Telekinesis wall collapsed in the vast power of the ocean, and the whole person flew out.

The blood spilled from the corner of the mouth and Raditz fell to the ground.

On the other hand, Bondlers stepped back and down a few steps, and his body shape was still standing.

“Raditz!” Zangya screamed and shouted, and involuntarily came forward, but was taken by Son Goku.

“Big Brother hasn’t been hurt, don’t worry, he must have his plans.” Goku said seriously, looking forward to Raditz nodded.

Zangya’s nervous body relaxed slightly and his face eased slightly.

She is very worried about Raditz, and her heart is silently praying, hopefully as Goku said.

Soon, Bondlers once again rushed over, and Raditz moved to the back and waved his hand, but he emptied. Bondlers has disappeared and suddenly appeared on Raditz’s head, and the wild Energy Ball bombed.

“Not good !”

The Raditz expression changed, and quickly swam in the crazy bombing of the Energy Ball, aiming at the instant Instant Transmission to Bondlers, slamming his legs.

Suddenly, the leg uploaded a huge strength, actually withstood him!

Bondlers has long been prepared!


Raditz was countered by Bondlers, sustained several hits and then slammed to the ground. Then, he hurriedly rushed away from the raging Energy Ball bombing.

The space was shattered, others were far from the scope of the battle, and the sturdy Sacred World of the Kai was also slammed.

“It seems that he is really stronger, and Bondlers is a head monster.” Raditz thought in his heart, licking his teeth to dodge attacks, and it seemed to have some difficult situation.

In the face of unrestricted energy bombing, Raditz has a passionate passion.

He is unwilling to fail, not willing to become weakling, he has always been a protagonist! Growing up from the 1,200 Power Level, he believes that he has this capability. He is the Big Brother of Son Goku, who was born with the Super Saiyan 3 hairstyle.

Why can’t I be amazing?

Raditz screamed in the bottom of his heart, rushing against the Energy Ball, and the dark-green’s pupil lit a fiery radiance. Bang! He punched through all the blockades and squatted on Bondlers’ face.

The deep fat strength hit Bondlers sideways, and the entire neck was almost folded into ninety degrees.

A clear “kale” sound came to Raditz’s ear, which was the sound of Bondlers’ broken cervical spine.

As Ultimate Android, Bondlers will not die, he will re-align his head, with the body of continuous energy transfer whole body, a palm shot, pressed on the Raditz chest.

The fast-paced Raditz didn’t have time to defend, the surging power rushed into the body, and Raditz fell and flew out, spurting a blood at the same time.

Looking at the chest again, it is already black.

Really strong power, Bondlers is already above Super Power’s Super Saiyan 1! Raditz feels that his heartbeat is accelerating, his brain is a little shocking, and the whole body is hot. Thus, blood boiling.

I can breakthrough, I can!

Strong pressure spurred Raditz to become a stronger Will, leading his body to burn a more powerful brilliance, the blood seemed to be boiling, and every cell was motivated.

“Aaah Aaah !!!”

Anger, anxious, eager… The power that mixed his countless emotional pursuits broke out in an instant, and suddenly golden brilliance burst into a dazzling radiance, the earth cracked, the Void shook, and the lightning was wrapped around Raditz.

The gas is soaring! Straight to the sky above Sacred World of the Kai!

A naked eye, the invisible Energy-Wave, spread out and swayed around Raditz. Not only was the Sacred World of the Kai affected, but the Lower Realm also shook.

Kibito thump sat down on the ground, cold sweat, unable to breathe, this power can cover Sacred World of the Kai, far beyond God Power. For a moment, all the cognition was broken and Kibito had a blank in his mind.

At this time, Saiyan, such as Son Goku, blinked, and the strange brilliance was shining and the breath was stagnant.

Has Raditz’s Super Saiyan changed?

They saw Raditz’s tall hair in the golden light, and although it was still swelled, it was not as exaggerated as before, and a pair of dark-green eyes were deeper, like an endless abyss. Around the crackle and rattle’s lightning swimming, reflecting the fierce anger, the high spirit, so that they can not detect the end!

Deep and unmeasurable, and they have opened a grade!

“Oh,” Vegeta swallowed saliva, speechless, and the sweat on his cheeks slid down the firm face.

Raditz screamed in the sky, aura violent, and a violent hurricane swept through, making everyone feel trembling. The weaker Krillin and others have to hide behind Goku to stay in shape.

Turning his head and looking at his hair and tail, and clenching his fist, Raditz sense has doubled his power and he has had a scare.

Super Saiyan 2, it’s really extraordinary! No, wait, this hair is a bit like Super Saiyan 3 Ah!

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