Dr. Gero is not dead!

Raditz is inexplicably trembled. He was watching Dr. Gero self-destruct with his own eyes, just in front of him and died very thoroughly. But now… Dr. Gero is standing in front of him again, proud of one’s success and laughing.

Either you pass through yourself, or Dr. Gero crosses, otherwise how is it possible!

“Raditz, you haven’t been killed by my Androids. It seems that these wastes are not expected. Hehe, however, Androids gave me a lot of inspiration and made me a step further.”

Dr. Gero’s tone became very calm, and there was a feeling of aloof and remote. As if he had taken control of everything, he did not pay attention to Raditz.

“Some people are too self-sufficient. Do you think you can win me?” Raditz sneered, the silhouette of the flash disappeared, came behind Dr. Gero, turned, waved, and crossed in one go.

His goal is the chest and abdomen part of Dr. Gero, which is about two paragraphs.

The hand, like a sharp blade, touched Dr. Gero’s body and slid open like a tofu. The sound of friction, the sound of metal cuts did not sound, and it was almost a moment of radiance flashing.

But Raditz was shocked. His power was strong, but Dr. Gero’s body didn’t seem to have any resistance, even catering to his sincerity!

Half of the body was cut, and when it fell to the ground, the two sections of the body fell to the ground, and the cut surface was smooth and complete. In the next second, the body that was opened was actively attracted and stuck together, and turned into a complete body.

Dr. Gero stood up slowly on the ground, and there was no trace on the cut surface, as if he had not been hurt. The strange aura spread, and the whole space rose up to the bitter chill.

Instead, Raditz stepped back two steps, his eyes darting straight ahead.

“You are not Dr. Gero!”

“I didn’t say that I was Dr. Gero, I just used him as my ‘Evolution’ ladder.”

The guy in front of the voice adjusted the sound from the original vocals to a sharp, harsh electronic sound, as if an ice-cold mechanical station stood in front of Raditz. It speaks lightly and clearly, highlighting the word “Evolution”!

Raditz suck in a breath of cold air, the eyes are raised, the heart jumps almost out of the chest!

This word, this voice, he remembers! His lips trembled, his teeth continually collided with each other, and the horror in his heart made him struggle to spit out four words, “Bundlers!”

“You remember me, I remember you, Raditz!” Bondlers tore up the disguise and stood in front of Raditz in his own identity. He is no longer just a chip. Now he has the appearance of Dr. Gero, some To a certain extent, it is a real person!

“You… you have been destroyed, and the self-destruction program has destroyed you!”

“Destruction and renaissance are often simultaneous. I have the ability to destroy myself and the ability to repair myself. I also kept some fragments when I was blown up, so I fixed the reorganization in the universe and came all the way to Earth. The signal was discovered by Dr. Gero, so he started to study me and used the vast amount of knowledge I provided to perfect Androids. At the same time, I also invaded everything about him.”

“Everything?” Awkwardness behind Raditz.

“He used my technology, I also invaded his system, and eventually Dr. Gero transformed himself into Androids, so I easily occupied the body. The one you saw was just the same memory and ability. Replica, pitifully, the replica thinks that he is the real doctor.”

The voice of Bondlers was cold and cold, and the emotions were erased. Raditz has a feeling of returning to it on the top of the Tumat star.

Ghost, once destroyed, came to the door, and quietly, unconsciously, making people unprepared. Today, Raditz suddenly wakes up…

First time When I went to Dr. Gero Research Institute, Tumat wondered how high level the Androids dormant cabin, Raditz still disapproved. Now think of the so-called energy cycle is not the ability of Bondlers? There is also the transfer of Research Institute, I am afraid that it is also the decision of Bondlers, including copying Dr. Gero’s self-destruct, Android 13 and other inexplicable repairs of Androids, is the result of its first-hand operation.

Suddenly, Raditz remembered another thing.

“Big Gete Star, Big Gete Star is also your masterpiece?”

“Yes! I collected a lot of information on Earth, including the alien Lifeform Gula, my other chip and Big Gete Star Fusion, and then used the cells of Gula to develop a new Will.”

Sure enough, Gula, which was apparently destroyed on Earth, reappeared, and some people moved their hands.

Bondlers used the research of Evolution of Androids. He succeeded in becoming a human being, with thoughts and emotions. Now he can become a tone in his speech, and even a few words that mimic Dr. Gero’s tone are a bit playful. He wears a white robe wearing a watch and going out is a knowledgeable doctor.

He learned ambitions from Dr. Gero and took the revenge of Will from Gula.

“Why attack the planet?”

“Energy! Evolution!” Bondlers looked impatient. “You have asked this question many times.”

Right, as early as the Tumat star, he knew the purpose of Bondlers. It splits into that many pieces, in order to expand its scope and absorb more energy from more planets.

Now he stands in front of Raditz, without fear, but with a high spirit, like a powerhouse above Raditz!

“The last question, why do you tell me all?”

“Because I want to appreciate the feeling that you know everything and powerless.” Bondlers re-introduced the voice of Dr. Gero. At the same time, his gaze was ignited, and the light of scarlet red swirled, like a wildfire in the dark.

Raditz opened his mouth and said, “chi” smiled: “This reason is really the logic of the powerhouse.”

It seemed to smile easily. In fact, Raditz’s cheeks had already passed through a sweat. Bondlers let him in after he found him and told him the truth. There was only one explanation, and Bondlers was ready.

“Welcome to despair!” Bondlers opened his chest in a very chic way. In the entire island-sized Research Institute, there were four or five mechanical Androids, all with uniform armor and numbers, like whirlwind. Rush to Raditz.

Raditz took a glimpse of the broken iron and went straight to Bondlers.

Bondlers raised an Androids in front of him, blocking Raditz’s offense, and then a fiery radiance, like the copied Dr. Gero, which was a prelude to self-destruct!

Not only this one, but other Androids are also lit up. They were not meant to defeat or stop Raditz. They sacrificed themselves and destroyed the entire Research Institute!

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