The neck of Android 13 was completely reversed by 180, and it was planted on the ground. It was already lost to the normal level. It was already a life-saving Androids. They have a strong life force.

As long as they are not destroyed by energy stoves or are alienated like Android 15, they have the potential to recover.

Android 13 forced the head to straighten and left a twisted scar on the neck. Although it was not painful, Raditz’s powerful power left him with deep fear. Among the emperors, he rushed to the body of Android 14 through the cover of the smoke, and wanted to draw the last energy from his companions.

Anyway, Android 14 is no different from the current one, and among them strongest should be alive!

At the juncture of survival, Androids also know to sell teammates.

Not far from Android 13, where Android 14 is falling, he grabbed the huge body of Android 14, just as easy as a toy. Unlike Android 17 and Android 18, their Creation base is purely mechanical and powered by energy packs, which means energy can be transferred!

“Android 13, you…”

“brother, you have been dying, lend me energy to let me live.”

“Oh…” Android 14 was struggling, but the hole in the chest was getting bigger and bigger, and the arm of his former companion passed through his body.

Just as Android 13 grabbed the Android 14 body, he began to greedily absorb the power of Android 14. What he didn’t expect was that the Android 14 energy package actually integrated directly into his own body, and the dual X-energy package combined with Android 13 power increased!

“Of course, the amplification is so big! Haha, as long as there is no energy package for Android 15, no problem.” Android 13 eyes shined, suddenly came up with the idea of ​​”I can kill”!

“He hasn’t died yet!” Trunks found the wretched posture of Android 13, and the sword rushed away.

The sword light flashed through a cold arc, but it was cut empty. Android 13 moved to the other side when the sword was approaching. He ignored the attack of the trunks. There was only one purpose, and Android 15 was also absorbed!

Raditz saw that Android 13 was so desperately flying, neither escaping nor fighting Trunks, and immediately consciousness was not good. He stretched out the action, immediately and a beautiful Energy-Wave flew away, the scarred land was opened by the energy-Wave power, and the wasteland split directly into two, and the energy burst out sharply.

At the same time as the Energy-Wave shock, the silhouette of Android 13 rushed to Android 15, as if it were hungry and greedy.


The explosion of the explosion raised a huge mushroom cloud, and the entire sky was swept away by the smoke, as if it was a lot darker.

A heart-rending voice came from the gray surging dust, and the sound of laughter continued, almost piercing the human eardrum.

“Ah Hahahaha…”

“What’s wrong with this?” People in the distance didn’t know what was going on, only that the laughter was creepy.

Android 13 spurs the body in the smoke, the energy package 3x gains, the computer chip starts to double, and even provokes functions that have not been spurred in the past. His within the body had an unpredictable reaction, and the outside body began to change.

In a big laugh, the Android 13 is a tall lap, and it has a height of nearly two meters. At this moment, it is even more burly. His body turns blue, his muscles are bigger and stronger, and his face is like a wild beast! In the smoke, the more terrifying.

“Super Android 13.” Raditz’s Energy-Wave didn’t stop him, but his face was still calm.

Android has more Fusion than Cell and Android 17, Android 18, this idea may still come out of the creation of Android 13. Dr. Gero gave them the energy to move separately, and when they encounter a strong enemy, they can also fight in the three-in-one against the enemy.

After all, they are all mechanical Androids, and for Dr. Gero, they don’t care who they sacrifice.

Raditz doesn’t remember very clearly, but vaguely knows that 14 and Android 15 are not the opponents of the Super Race, and the Android 13 ontology has only the normal Super Race level. Their Fusion is really powerful, and probably not as powerful as today’s Son Goku.

“God! He has changed!”

“Is it the energy of the two Androids?”

“Hateful, sense is less than aura, can’t judge his level.”

“It’s not a fight that we can participate in…” Yamcha scratched his head and could only scream with Krillin’s inner horror.

Krillin’s head is also full of sweat: “Their level is indeed much more than us.”

Seeing the amazing changes in Android 13, everyone is stunned. Nappa and Androids hand combat resting on one side, he understands that these guys are more powerful than imagined, three people Fusion, the energy must not be simply added.

After the smoke, Super Android 13 is still laughing, he has a huge energy, doubles power, and has endless confidence. Slightly grasping his own fist, he found that the constant energy rushed in the body, even the injury to the neck was automatically repaired by the system, the body is like the volcano that is about to erupt, with unlimited terrifying power!

He vented his emotions that had just been suppressed by fear, and now he can’t be alone!



Suddenly, the laughter was interrupted. People were surprised to see Raditz hitting the back of the Super Android 13. The huge power directly hit it and fell to the ground and fell into the deep meters.

The bursting golden aura burns in stark contrast to the blue skin of the Super Android 13.

“I don’t know what you are laughing at, Super Android 13… is it amazing?” Raditz stood next to Super Android 13 and said coldly.

Super Android 13, which just regained confidence, suddenly fell to the bottom. After he had three energy packs, he couldn’t compete with Raditz. ! impossible! He held his hands on the ground, cocked his body and attacked angrily.

Sharp’s fists broke through the wind and suddenly hit Raditz.

quickly! Very strong ! But not enough! Raditz stretched the action action and caught the Super Android 13 punch. The huge power made him slide a little behind, and the heel rubbed the ground and pushed a thick layer of dirt.

Raditz raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn’t expect Super Android 13’s full power attack to slide his feet and look a bit stronger than Cell’s Second Stage.

Really trembling in fear is Super Android 13, he bursts out of 100% power, actually caught by Raditz, like an egg on the iron plate.

Super Android 13 does not dare believe.

He stepped back quickly, separated from Raditz, and then flew again, and afterimage was brushed again and again, hard to catch. The pursuit of Androids only depends on eyesight, Raditz narrowed his eyes and saw the movement of Super Android 13.


Raditz’s silhouette also disappeared in high-speed movement, as if it were in the air.

After only two seconds, loud noise came, Super Android 13 fell from the midair, rolled for more than a dozen laps, and dragged the ground to slide the single dozen meters before stopping.

The difficult Android Super Android 13 looked up and saw Raditz once again appearing in front of him.

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