On the Bluestone Road, Chronoa’s high-heeled shoes slap a crisp sound, and Raditz follows.

“Here is the library, come in.” Chronoa walked in front and took the lead into the house.

The wide room is full of books and scrolls, and several tables are decorated with elegant decorations. The warm colors of Huang Chengcheng set the environment very elegant and warm, and filled with a solemn atmosphere.

Raditz stepped into the library and saw that Supreme Kai of Time had sat down on the square long table next to him, and a member of the patrol suit was teasing her.

“Come and sit down. Right, I don’t know your name yet.” Chronoa greeted.


“Mr. Raditz, let me briefly introduce the general situation.” Chronoa said with a smile, and made a scroll out of thin air. The back of the purple was densely painted with the golden pattern and the texture was heavy.

“Things are like this. In a complete universe, time is strictly controlled and progressed in an orderly manner. Occasionally, mistakes will not have much impact. After we fix it, there is no problem. But some wicked people will take advantage of time and space. Energy does something bad. They use Magic Power to influence the direction of the event by traversing to different time nodes, causing historical changes and time loopholes to gain energy.”

“Doesn’t new time and space be formed?” Raditz is puzzled.

“No, the formation of these negative energies happens only at one time node, and only a space-time segment is made.” Chronoa looked at the Time Patrol around him. “In this case, it happens with Space-Time.” Like Tunnel, we will send reliable patrols to correct erased.”

While speaking, the Time Patrol put the tea in front of Chronoa and Raditz.

“For example, this excellent Warrior, Kais, once had a time and space generated by the scientific failure in the Universe 12 erased.”

“Is it?” Raditz couldn’t help but look at Kaiss.

This guy is full of facial features, his eyes are as pure as the blue sky, a short hair of golden, standing on the side of Chronoa’s waist is quite straight. From the perspective of his Ki strength, at least the level of Ginyu, compared with Raditz, is too far.

Just as Raditz looked at him, perhaps because of Warrior’s instinct, Kais also sneaked at Raditz, his eyes rushing from a strange radiance.

“Then why not send Kais?” Raditz asked.

Chronoa gently blew the heat of the tea, and snorted. “Because he failed. This time and space is not an accident, but caused by Demon Realm. People at Demon Realm have been studying how to disrupt time. This time I finally extended their claws.”

As she said, she opened the scroll and the scroll stunned the black mist, which seemed to be a sign of Magic Power infection. The picture moves clearly and the clip plays like Anime.

What appears in the picture is an alien with a sharp horn. It looks like a acquaintance, Raditz both eyes, and immediately recognizes this person – Frieza’s ancestor, Universe pirates Chilled!

And in confrontation with Chilled, it is Bardock! Raditz’s biological father!

Bardock, who has been Body Transformation for Super Saiyan, should have defeated Chilled easily. In the picture, he has been suppressed by Chilled and eventually lost to Chilled’s subordinate.

“This is a long history. Demon Realm chose this paragraph, but it was still found by me. If you look closely, you can find the Demon Realm on the Chilled Universe, he was become Magic Power. Powerful and lack rationality,” Chronoa explained in detail.

Raditz also sees the clue that the power seems to be similar to the magic star’s coming, and can greatly promote a person’s strength.

The difference is that the Magic Star is only effective against Demon Clan, and this Magic Power seems to be able to invade anyone with an evil heart. Chilled’s strength soared, actually overshadowed the super game Bardock.

Of course, because Bardock’s own Power Level is not strong enough, it relies entirely on anger to force S-Cells to force Body Transformation, so Power Level is not as powerful as Super Saiyan 1.

“What is my task?”

“Blocking Demon Realm’s plot to restore history.” Chronoa slammed the table. “Simply, it’s defeating Chilled, and correcting the results of historical events. Of course I know it’s difficult, so I will send Kais and you.” Go together, and as long as you have completed this, I will not pursue your sin.”

Supreme Kai of Time thinks that although Raditz is a guaranteed Supreme Kai candidate, Chilled can’t be underestimated after the magic, sending two people to be more insured.

Although the last time Kaisy’s individual action almost came back.

I want Raditz to wave his hand: “This little thing is not difficult, isn’t it a Chilled? I will go back alone.”

“hmph, are you too arrogant?” Suddenly, Kay’s forehead violently swelled, and the body that stood respectfully stood a step forward.

He has been quietly watching Raditz’s performance. From the very beginning, he was very casual. When he saw himself, he only took a glance. The most unbearable thing for him was that Raditz actually said that Chilled is not difficult. Isn’t he playing his face?

Following Supreme Kai of Time for many years, Kais knew the hospitality of the hospitality, but as Warrior, he still did not hold back his temper.

The tone is not sharp, but the meaning is clear.

Raditz shrugged: “I just said the truth.”

“Lord Supreme Kai of Time, let me go. Whether or not this Supreme Kai Apprentice called Raditz has the ability to complete the mission, it was my task.” Kaiss with one hand and turned to Supreme Kai of Time Road.

“Hey…” Chronoa looked left and right, and finally said, “Let’s have two people together.”

Raditz is indifferent, with his current strength to deal with the character of Frieza level in the past, but it is a matter of wavering, and Kais loves how to think about it, and don’t worry about it.

See Raditz no longer object, Chronoa nodded.

Scroll immediately issued a shining radiance, the time and space capability of Supreme Kai of Time spread out, and the constant energy surrounding was surrounded by Raditz and Kais. Unlike the white light that Time Ring leads straight into the sky, the swirling blue vortex appears in front of him, like the Galaxy flying, the brilliant brilliance of the diamond stars exudes a psychedelic beautiful aura.

First time sense Raditz, who was towed by people, was a little bit surprised, and the old driver Kais, who had performed many times, was extremely calm.

Almost for a moment, Raditz and Kais came to the end of time and space.

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