“damn, the shame is lost.” Raditz looked stunned until he was far from Vegeta and Nappa.

He hasn’t fully mastered the ontology, and he can’t use the simplest ability of flying. In the next few days, he is prepared to familiarize himself with all aspects of the body through the grounds of injury.

The first is the level of power.

Raditz picked up a stone and gently pinched it, and the stone shattered.

By holding the strength of the cup, you can use the no difficulty to crush the stone and let Raditz startled. However, this is exactly what he wants to control. With the change of power and the degree of precision control, you can truly master this body.

“I remember correctly, now my Power Level is only about power and cultivation people, 1,200 is pure power, plus other factors are about 1,500. Try the current attack power.”

Raditz tried to assert the energy of the body and gathered them in the palm of his hand. It was amazing that a blue energy gathered on the edge of the palm and gradually formed a ball of light.

This is the most basic technology. If you don’t use Energy Ball, you are embarrassed to say that you are Warrior.


With a scream, Energy-Ball flew straight to a barren hill.

Radiance burst! Issue ear-splitting loud noise, “Boom-“! The smoke from the explosion rose, the blue-gray dust was scattered, and countless gravels fell. The huge barren hills were left at the foot of the mountain.

Just a small Energy-Ball, there is such a formidable power, it seems that the Power Level of 1,500 is not lower than Ah!

But then again, Master Roshi can run the moon, and it is not surprising that he has such strength. Moreover, the Energy-Ball that he just issued can’t control the direction. It can only be straighted, and it is far from mastery.

“Look for a guy to practice.” Raditz suddenly thought.

After all, a person is groping, it is better to progress faster in the battle. Now I am generally familiar with the movements of the limbs, and learn to mobilize energy. If I can experience several actual combat, I will definitely gain something.

Thinking of this, Raditz opened Scouter.





A dozen signals came out at once, and the alarm sounded constantly in the ear, and the numbers were constantly switching.

I thought that the “Power Level is not high” in Nappa’s mouth is not higher than 1,000 at best. Now it seems that this planet is completely close to the mid-grade planet.

Raditz does not dare to the effect, first find a weak start, moved towards Power Level 250’s goal.

After a while, he found the target according to Scouter’s instructions.

It was an alien with a frog head, dark green, strong body, a row of round white hemispheres on the chest, four arms, each holding a weapon.

He saw Raditz and instinctively stepped back.

“Saiyan!” he exclaimed and raised the laser gun.

Raditz can see that the planet’s people are already afraid of Saiyan, and the frog’s head, the alien’s hand, is shaking. The Scouter automatically focuses on him, and the data floats up slightly.

“Sure enough, when the mood is different, the Power Level will change.” Raditz whispered softly.

At this time, the frog man shot a shot.

The light is thin and sharp, and it contains a lot of energy, straight into Raditz’s chest.

“Come on!” Raditz didn’t evade, and he condensed an Energy-Ball and threw it forward.

The two energy collided, and the intense friction broke out in an instant. The sparks spread in all directions, and the waves spread. Then, Raditz’s Energy-Ball suppressed the continuous light, exploded towards the frog man, the soil layer was turned up all the way, the forest was folded, and the air blew.


The huge explosion echoed in the ear, and there was a big pit on the ground, and there was a stir in the surroundings. The frog man has been turned into smoke and dust in the bombing, and no fragments have been left.

The gap in Power Level is too obvious, and using the Energy Ball attack is completely effortless.

In the joy of realizing the first time battle victory, Scouter suddenly issued a warning, surrounded by many energy sources around Power Level 300, which came to him.

“It’s just right.” After all, Raditz’s body was filled with Saiyan’s blood, and he couldn’t help but shake his fist and felt a little excitement.

He took the initiative to rush out and covered several jungles to find a place where energy gathered. There are seven frogs of the same kind, each of which grows almost the same. The only difference is the size. They are heading to the dead companion and meet Raditz on the head.

“Saiyan! is Saiyan!” I don’t know who screamed.

Then everyone screamed, revealing a fierce and scared expression. The arrogant, they stared at Raditz, arms around their arms, and did not dare.

You can’t go up, I can go! Raditz didn’t hesitate to rush to them, and he was surprised by the speed of the sprint.

Instead of using Energy-Ball, he started a melee, elbow, side squat, chain boxing, knee-slung, back-slung, big-headed squats…Technique one after another can be used, although there is no continuous strike, But relying on Power Level’s crushing, several frog people have been defeated.

Soon, there were only two surviving frogs who faced Raditz and had a boundless fear.

They glanced at each other and made up their minds to attack Raditz together!

The two fists are hard to beat, but let alone they have eight hands together! Although the Power Level is low, their attack speed is not bad, which is a big challenge for Raditz.

“Come on!” Raditz shouted, continuously swinging a few punches.

With an enemy two, Raditz continues to gain the upper hand. His fist can interrupt the entire arm of the opposite side, and the quick attack of the eight hands is completely within his resistance! At first, I felt that my eyes couldn’t keep up. Later, the more I felt the opposite side speed was slow.

After several rounds, the frog’s arms were all broken, the bones pierced the skin, and the purple blood ran through the wound.

They screamed, the white hemisphere of the chest burst suddenly, and the inside of the meat capsule issued an energy attack, which made Raditz unprepared.


The huge impact actually slammed Raditz out of the casual feet.

“damn! Great!” Waking his neck, Raditz stood up and saw that the frogman in front of him had fallen and died.

He looked at his body again, except for a little dirty on the battle-armor, without any scars.

“It seems that they are fighting hard, and they can’t beat my battle-armor. The defense is really strong. My body is not bad. After suffering the blow, I can’t feel a little pain…” Raditz sighed and suddenly The smile on the corner of the mouth solidified. “Well, say good food!”

On the other side, Vegeta hugged his hands, his fingers pounding impatiently on the big arm, looking in the direction of Raditz: “This young fellow, dilly-dallying, really wants to kill him…”

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