When the King of Time saw Beerus and Whis leaving the Sixth Universe, he breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and stared at Broly fiercely: "You guys are so serious, don't think that you are strong. Being strong can solve everything. It was really dangerous just now, you know?"

Broly smiled and then nodded, probably because he was glad that he was right. These people can really stand up for themselves at critical moments.

"I know that if you hadn't appeared, it would be difficult for me to defeat Beerus in my current state."

"You're still laughing, are you that funny?" The King of Time angrily turned his back to Broly, no longer wanting to talk to this heartless muscular man.

Broly could only interrupt the topic: "Then what should we do next? Can the Dark Dragon Balls really repair all the planets in the Sixth Universe?

This time I seemed to have used too much force and directly destroyed billions of planets.


The King of Time actually had no idea in his heart whether he could use the Dark Dragon Balls to repair these destroyed planets. However, in order to save Broly at that time, he firmly admitted that the Dark Dragon Balls could be repaired.

"I don't know either, anyway, there is only the last dragon ball left.

Let’s find him first, then summon the Dark Dragon, and then ask if it can fulfill this wish!

If you can't, you can only find a way to find the Super Dragon Ball.

To get the Super Dragon Balls, you can only find them in the Sixth Universe and the Seventh Universe. Each Super Dragon Ball is as huge as a planet.

It is spread throughout the two universes and is difficult to find. As far as I know, even the Dragon Ball Radar has a hard time detecting information about the Super Dragon Ball. "The King of Time sighed and spread his hands helplessly, saying that he had no other choice.

At this time, Gogi Fanko encouraged Broly and said, "It doesn't matter. If the Dark Dragon Balls cannot repair the destroyed planet in this universe, we will look for the Super Dragon Balls with you."

Broly was a little touched when he heard their words. After all, these people treated him sincerely.

However, their enthusiasm and excessive relationship made Bro feel a little uncomfortable, or it could be said that he was not very used to getting along with others like this.

"Then let's find the last Dark Dragon Ball first! Then think about what to do? After all, I destroyed so many planets in the sixth universe. If I don't do anything, I will really feel a little guilty.

And neither the God of Destruction in Universe 6, Xiangpa, nor the God of Destruction in Universe 7, Beerus, would let me go easily. "

Broly changed the subject, and everyone's attention shifted again, back to the whereabouts of collecting the Dark Dragon Balls.

The King of Time felt the fluctuations in the surrounding space, then opened his eyes, and said to Broly in surprise: "The last Dark Dragon Ball has been found, and it is on Gula's body! I will open the space-time tunnel right now, Let’s go in and blast him together!”



Everyone responded in unison, and walked into the space-time tunnel one by one, showing sinister smiles like two big bad wolves.

It was like the laughter in Tom and Jerry when Tom closed the door with a sinister smile on his face, pulled out the key and threw it away.

Poor Gula, even with the blessing of the Dark Dragon Balls, how could his combat power be as good as that of the strongest fusion person - Gogi Fanko! !

There is also the strongest single Saiyan with a combat power of over 100 million under normal conditions—Broly! !

Gula is Frieza's older brother and appears in the theater versions of "The Strongest vs. The Strongest" and "10 Billion Energy Warriors".

He has one more transformation than Frieza.

In order to avenge his stupid brother Frieza, he came to Earth to deal with Sun Wukong.

But like his younger brother, he underestimated the Super Saiyan's ability, and he and his energy ball were blasted into the sun by Goku and lost.

Gula did not completely die after being blasted into the sun. The remains floated into the cosmic tomb and combined with the mechanical body to become the core of the metallic life planet, and invaded New Namek.

Goku and others went to support, but Gula was more powerful than before, putting Goku into a tough fight. With Vegeta's help, the two of them turned into Super Saiyans and finally managed to defeat a clone, but found that there was still a clone. There are a lot of Gulla clones waiting for them.

After Goku and Vegeta were caught, they finally saw Gula's core. He originally planned to drain all the energy of Goku and Vegeta, but was short-circuited by the powerful potential energy of the two. In the end, his body was destroyed by Goku. destroy.

However, with the blessing of the Dark Dragon Balls, his potential was greatly amplified. In an instant, Sun Wukong and all other energy were absorbed directly, and he evolved again into the Golden Mechanical Gula.

Just when he felt unprecedented joy for this power, suddenly a dark hole appeared in front of his eyes, and a thick arm stretched out from the bottom and grabbed his head.

Five fingers actually pinched his face and embedded it directly in. This situation was completely beyond his imagination.

You must know that he has now evolved into a golden mecha. The metal in Gula's body is the hardest metal in the world. How could it be crushed directly by pure flesh?

The Golden Mechanical Gula resisted desperately, hitting the thick arm with his fists and feet, but it had no effect at all, and could not even shake it.

At this time, Broly slowly walked out of the space, dragging 18 light wings behind him. He still maintained the state of the Angel Saiyan God, so he easily crushed the Golden Mechanical Gula.

"Don't be like this! Broly, we didn't come all this way just to see you solve it easily by yourself. At least let him struggle first!"

Behind Broly was a weirdo who looked similar to Sun Wukong.

He crossed his arms across his chest and looked at the golden Mechanical Gula with great interest, showing no resistance at all.

Broly thought for a moment, and it would be a bit too cruel to kill him instantly, so he let go of his hand and said to him: "Let you choose one, you choose it yourself."

Golden Mechanical Gula took a few steps back and looked at the two guys who suddenly appeared in front of him. He felt extremely terrifying power in their bodies, which was simply not something he could win now.

Just when he was about to escape, Broly and Gogi Fanko stood in front of him and said with evil expressions: "We are letting you choose one, not that we are asking you to escape!"

The golden mecha moved his fingers back and forth between Broly and Gogi Fanko. He knew that no matter which one he chose, he would be beaten to death.

Just when he was at a loss and thought he was dead, another girl suddenly jumped out of the space-time tunnel.

Golden Mechanical Gula was immediately overjoyed: "I've decided, it's that dwarf over there!!"

"What are you looking at? It's you I'm talking about. Come here, shorty."

The King of Time was still in a dazed state when she came out, and suddenly she heard someone calling her a dwarf. How could she bear it!

"Although I'm not tall, I'm definitely not a dwarf, okay? I'm a super invincible beautiful girl. Can you please keep your eyes open before you speak?"

The King of Time retorted angrily.

Then she walked up to the three of them, and it turned out that her height only reached their thighs. In an instant, the three of them had a tacit understanding and fell into an awkward atmosphere.

In extreme shame and anger, the King of Time directly used Time Freeze, and then took away the Dark Dragon Ball from the chest of Golden Mechanical Gula.

After losing the control of the Dark Dragon Ball, the violent aura in the Golden Mechanical Gula's body was scurrying around in his body.

His body also became more and more swollen. Broly knew that this guy was about to explode, so he raised his hand to kill it first. He stopped a big explosion.

The King of Time on the side held the Dark Dragon Ball in his hand and said very proudly: "I made you laugh at my shortness, now you have to pay the price!"

After saying that, he also looked at Broly and Gogi Fanko, obviously very unhappy that they didn't speak for him just now.

This proves in disguise that these two people also think that they are dwarfs.

Broly: "..."

Gogi Fanko: "..."

Looking at the still angry Time Kaiojin Broly, he immediately reminded him: "Kaioujin-sama, we have now gathered seven Dark Dragon Balls.

It's time to summon the Dark Dragon to see if we can restore the planets that I destroyed. "

The King of Time also knew that it was not the time to lose his temper. After all, Beerus, the God of Destruction, only gave them 10 days to repair the destroyed planets in the Sixth Universe.

If he fails, he will definitely come back to destroy Broly again.

"I know, I know..." Sekai dismissed Broly with a very impatient tone, and then took out his four Dark Dragon Balls.

Broly also took out his three Dark Dragon Balls.

The seven Dark Dragon Balls gathered together, and as a familiar spell sounded, a dragon with a dark body and some dark red sprang out from the Dark Dragon Ball.

Its size is even larger than that of Namek's dragon. The surface of its body is filled with pink halo, and the beard on its face is very lush, just like a lion's mane, which directly covers the entire neck.

"You summoned me, tell me your wish!" Dark Dragon said his previous lines very officially.

The King of Time immediately stepped forward and made a wish: "I hope that all the planets in the sixth universe destroyed by Broly can be restored to their original appearance, and that some of the life on them can be resurrected. Is this wish okay?"

Dark Shenron watched the black light flashing in the eyes of the King of Time, and then showed a strange smile: "Of course!"

Everyone was surprised by the Dark Dragon's answer.

In fact, they are just trying their luck. Even if they cannot restore all the planets, they can restore a small part. At least they can appease the God of Destruction of the Sixth Universe, Xiangpa, and the God of Destruction of the Seventh Universe, Beerus. .

But I didn't expect that it actually has the ability to repair billions of planets in the sixth universe.

In fact, Broly and the King of Time don't know about the Dark Dragon Balls and the Super Dragon Balls. In fact, they were all created by the Dragon God Salama.

Dark Dragon Ball is the predecessor of Super Dragon Ball and it was a failure.

It has strong side effects. Every time it is used, it will fly to various time and space to disrupt time and space, and it is very troublesome to collect. In the end, it was directly abandoned by the Dragon God Salama.

But its divine power is only slightly inferior to the Super Dragon Balls, so restoring the planet destroyed by Broly in the Sixth Universe is not a problem at all.

The Dragon God Salama disappeared into the universe after creating these two sets of dragon balls. No one knows where he went.

All I know is that the last time he appeared, he met a cosmic race with a very kind heart and soul, and taught them how to create dragons, and also gave them the Dark Dragon Ball for safekeeping.

After this cosmic race went through a long period of time, some people degenerated and took away the Dark Dragon Balls to the Dark Demon Realm, while some people still stuck to their hearts and came to Namek to settle down and become what they are today. The Namekians.

Later, this set of Dark Dragon Balls was mistakenly thought to be made by the Namekians who settled in the Dark Demon Realm.

And to use it, you must disperse it to various time and space, and then collect it.

Therefore, the Namekians in the Dark Demon Realm at that time did not have this innate collection condition at all, so there was no way to use the Dark Dragon Balls.

It wasn't until Tova came to find them that after some persuasion, they agreed to hand over the Dark Dragon Ball to help Mechicapra return to the peak of his youth.

It's a pity that Mechicapra was eliminated in the end before he could use this set of Dragon Balls.

Now it's cheaper for Broly and his team.

The mane on the dark dragon's neck swung wildly, exuding terrifying divine power.

As a dark red light flashed through the Sixth Universe, those planets that had been accidentally destroyed by Broly began to return to the Sixth Universe.

Some living beings on the planet suddenly returned to their own planet. To them, it was as if they had just been in a trance and nothing else happened, and they began to live their own lives again.

Although it's a pity that Broly can't use the Dark Dragon Ball to realize his wish of immortality, he can just hope for the Super Dragon Ball when the time comes.

And the Super Dragon Ball is more powerful than the Dark Dragon Ball.

At that time, no one except Quan Wang can destroy himself.

Now that things have reached a stage, the Dark Dragon Balls have also begun to travel to other different time and space, but this time the Dark Dragon Balls in other time and space will turn into stone, and it will take an unknown number of years before they will regain their power and cause trouble again.

So don't worry now, just wait until time and space becomes chaotic again in the future, and then solve it.

Broly also said goodbye to the King of Time and Sun Wukong and returned to his own time and space, and things came to an end.

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