Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 190 Awakening! Toppo's God of Destruction Power


Seeing Wukong being knocked down, everyone looked anxious.

Goku can never be eliminated! Hold on!! Beerus also said anxiously.

But they were unable to interfere with what was happening in the ring and could only watch helplessly.

It's time to eliminate Sun Wukong! The Eleventh Realm King said calmly.

Just when Jilian was about to take action, he suddenly frowned and turned around to see that Luya was already standing there safe and sound.

Luya glanced at Wukong who fell to the ground, and then looked at Jiren: Let's continue the fight between the two of us!

Just now, Wukong bought him some time to rest, so his physical strength was briefly restored, and his current condition is much better.

Jiren looked at Luya, and then glanced at Sun Wukong.

Luya frowned and had a bad feeling. The next moment, he teleported and disappeared!

At the same time, Jiren raised his foot and kicked Wukong directly, looking like he wanted to knock Wukong out!

But at this moment, the space around him suddenly solidified!

Flash time!

Immediately afterwards, Luya appeared in front of Jiren and punched out!

Unfortunately, Jiren also broke free in an instant and directly blocked Luya's fist!

Luya's eyes narrowed, and the next second, he pushed forward with a knee. In an instant, Jiren could only block with his arms! The next second, Jiren's body slid directly back!

Luya did not pursue, but looked at Wukong: How are you?

Wukong gritted his teeth, then smiled and said: I can't move for the time being!

Luya frowned, then thought for a moment, gathered a burst of energy, and prepared to send it to Wukong.

But Wukong quickly refused: Don't waste your breath on me, go deal with Jiren! I'm afraid you are the only one who can deal with him!

Luya was silent, then nodded: Okay, you have a good rest, I'll hold him back!

Thinking like this, Luya looked at Jiren in the distance, then took a few steps forward, and then, a powerful force suddenly burst out from his body!

Jiren looked at the other party and was a little surprised: Your power is constantly increasing!

Luya chuckled: I was discovered by you!

Jiren's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he was suddenly shocked. The next second, a ball of red light appeared around him!

Obviously, he also plans to use some real skills!

Luya looked at him: You must not have used your true strength, right?

Ji Liandao: No need to bother with you!

Luya smiled, and then his smile suddenly condensed: Then let's try it!

After saying that, he rushed straight towards Jiren!

Jiren was not to be outdone and fought fiercely with his opponent!

The collision between the two was astonishing. They left traces on the entire ring, and bursts of fireworks sounded like explosions!

Evenly matched!

Luya and Jiren have reached the point where they are evenly matched!

Watching this scene, the Clown God of Destruction and others frowned.

On the other side, Toppo was fighting with Vegeta and No. 17. The attacks of the two were too much for Toppo, and he was suppressed!

Flash of Justice! Toppo raised his huge hand and fired it like a cannonball towards Vegeta and No. 17!

The two kept dodging while approaching Toppo!

No. 17 took the lead. His protective shield could withstand the opponent's attack and could resist Toppo's attack. Then Vegeta took advantage of this opportunity and rushed in front of Toppo!

Toppo was shocked, and then he fired an energy bomb directly at the opponent!

Vegeta snorted, then dodged away and kicked Toppo at the same time!

He blocked it with his giant hand, and the huge force knocked him back!

Vegeta landed on the ground, and then continued to use the prince's tactics towards Toppo, blasting countless energy bombs directly towards the opponent!

Toppo loses the opportunity and can only passively defend!

At this time, No. 17 jumped up, and then he fired a cannonball directly downwards in the air!


A huge explosion sounded, and Toppo's body was submerged.

No. 17 landed next to Vegeta, and the two stared closely into the smoke.

Hmph! I thought it was so powerful, but it was nothing more than that! Vegeta said with a cold and arrogant expression.

No. 17 did not look down on the other party, but said: Don't take it lightly, this guy is not a good person!

Vegeta was dissatisfied and wanted to ridicule, but suddenly, a powerful wind suddenly hit!

What?! Vegeta's face changed and he said a little ugly.

No. 17 also had a solemn expression.

The air wave dispersed, revealing Toppo's figure. At this time, Toppo's shirt was damaged, and the tights that represented justice were no longer the same!

At this time, Toppo's face was gloomy. He looked at Vegeta and No. 17 and said solemnly: Originally, I wanted to punish you on behalf of justice, but I didn't expect that you are very powerful!

Hmph! What? This is the justice you talk about. Sorry, it's really vulnerable! Vegeta said mockingly.

The power of justice is indeed not enough to defeat you, so I decided to abandon justice and use the power of destruction to defeat you! Toppo said coldly.

What? Vegeta frowned, a little confused.

Suddenly, Toppo took off his shirt, and then, an extremely powerful force suddenly revived in his body!

What? Vegeta and No. 17 both felt very bad.

The surrounding ground began to shake, and then, a violent aura erupted from Tuipao's body!

This is...a lie!! Suddenly, the King of the Seventh Realm suddenly cried out in horror.

I didn't expect that I underestimated this guy! Beerus's face became solemn at this time. He didn't expect that this warrior of Universe 11 had so many talents!

It's really rare. I didn't expect that a mere mortal could possess the power of the God of Destruction! Weiss said with some interest.

Hmph! Toppo has the power of the God of Destruction, and he can't hide it. But there is no way. To be able to force Toppo to the point of giving up on justice, the Seventh Universe is very impressive! Tenth The Kaiōshin of the universe said jokingly.

But the Clown God of Destruction couldn't laugh, because he knew that Toppo possessed the power of the God of Destruction. This was indeed a fact, but Toppo was unable to perfectly control this power. If it caused unimaginable effects, it would be very harmful to them. For Universe 11, this is an inescapable responsibility!

Oh! You look so powerful! The two kings suddenly became excited when they saw Toppo awakening the power of the God of Destruction.

He has the power of the God of Destruction! So powerful! King Zuo Quan said excitedly.

Yes, it's really surprising! King You Quan was also very excited.

Toppo's physical strength has a destructive factor. He can understand the destructive energy. He is also a good candidate. If he can inherit the position of the God of Destruction, it would be a good choice... Okay, it is useless to talk more. The power conference is now at its peak. At this stage, who can win this victory? the high priest said with a smile.

Impossible! Are you kidding me? Vegeta looked at Toppo, who was wrapped in destructive energy, with some disbelief.

God of destruction!

At this moment, he thought of the God of Destruction, but he didn't expect that this fat guy actually had the power of the God of Destruction!

You are honored to be able to force me to use this power! You deserve to die for letting me abandon justice! Therefore, I will not show mercy! Toppo looked at the two of them and said coldly. road.

It's ridiculous. Always talking about justice is simply covering up your inner guilt. Come on, come on! No. 17 said with a faint smile.

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