Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 184 Shock! The full-power Super God IV appears

Wukong once again transforms into his ultimate form!

While Goku and Kefla were fighting fiercely, on the other side.

Frieza and No. 17 are fighting with Anilaza. The opponent's power has surpassed theirs, so if they want to deal with each other, they basically have no choice but to forcefully hold their opponent back!

Roar! Anilaza was also extremely irritated by Frieza and the two. Suddenly, the crystal on its head suddenly shone brightly, and then, a powerful force suddenly condensed and shot toward Then attack the two kings and go away!

The expressions on the two people's faces became serious, but this time they did not choose to dodge. Instead, they exploded and launched their big moves directly towards the opponent's attack!


Suddenly, the two forces collided together, exuding powerful pressure!

If they dodge, they will undoubtedly fall into a passive situation. It is better to confront them head-on, so that they can last longer!

But even if the two of them worked together, they were suppressed by Anilaza! Their strength is constantly pushed back, and their size and strength are not in the same order of magnitude at all!

Oops! I can't hold on anymore! No. 17 gritted his teeth!

The next second, the monster exerted force. Suddenly, a powerful force suddenly strengthened its attack. Then, the energy of No. 17 and the King was directly defeated!

Immediately, the two of them jumped away without hesitation! At the same time, open the protective shield on the 17th!


In the field, a huge storm swept across!


Anilaza walked towards the direction of the lure, ignoring Frieza and No. 17.

Damn it! How dare this guy ignore me! Frieza's veins popped out and he was a little angry.

But before he could take action, the next second, a terrifying force suddenly shot up into the sky, and then, a red light suddenly flashed in the field.

At this moment, everyone stopped and looked at the source of the red light.

That's... The gods looked at this scene in disbelief, with a rare look of horror in their eyes.

It seems it was successful! Weiss said with some relief.

What's going on?! Frieza and others also looked at it.

The next second, the red light dissipated, and then, a figure slowly rose into the sky, and then fell to a high place.

He had red hair and red eyelids. He was closing his eyes tightly at this moment. Suddenly he said: Thank you for your hard work. Leave it to me now.

Hearing this, both Vegeta and Gohan below were moved, because they could not feel the slightest breath from the Lua, but they breathed a sigh of relief, because this should be considered a success.

Vegeta snorted coldly: Just feel free to brag! I will definitely surpass all of you one day!

After saying that, he walked away directly.

Luya: ...

Gohan: ...

To deliver energy to the lure, Gohan and Vegeta need a recovery period.

I'll leave the rest to you! Please! Gohan looked at Luya, then said, and left.

Luya slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly changed into red pupils!

At the same time, his whole body also exudes a mysterious power. This radiance is very similar to Wukong's Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, but Luya's radiance is red!

This is the Super God IV at full power! It can also be said that it is the essence of the ultimate mind power!

And it is the power hidden deep in Luya's body!

Luya felt that he was not very familiar with this power, but he knew how powerful it was! It can be said that this is the true ultimate freedom of mind! It was also a critical point for him to take the path of God!

He reached the limit of his ultimate free will power!

But Luya knew that this power was only temporary, because he did not realize it on his own, and it was only through the combined power of Vegeta and Gohan that he could barely awaken. If he wanted to master it by himself, then he would need to change. is more powerful!

But, that's enough for him now!

Thinking of this, Luya looked at Anilaza who was not far away, and a strange color flashed across his eyes. The next moment, his figure appeared in front of Anilaza like countless afterimages!

So fast! Everyone felt that Luya's appearance was very strange. At that speed, they could not react at all!

Roar! Anilaza sensed the danger, and it was about to dodge, but Luya was faster than it, and he punched with a calm expression!

The fist looked so small compared to this monster, but the next second, a shocking scene appeared!

After receiving Luya's punch, Anilaza's eyes suddenly widened, and then he couldn't help but spit it out!


The huge body trembled, which was enough to show how much impact it received!

Impossible! How could such a thing happen?! The King of the Third Realm looked in disbelief, because he did not expect that Luya's transformation would reach such an extent!

The other Gods of Destruction also stood up one after another, because they discovered that the form of Luya coincided with a certain magical skill in their impressions!

Finally... achieved it?! Beerus said calmly.

That's right! Weiss agreed.

Anilaza held his stomach, and then he roared fiercely, and the breath on his body suddenly burst out again. Then, his power suddenly increased again, enduring the severe pain, and punched Luya fiercely, very quickly. quick!

But even with its terrifying speed, which is different from its size, it can't attack the lure! Because Luya's figure is like an ethereal shadow, it can dodge all the opponent's attacks.

Suddenly, Luya flashed and appeared on the monster's chin. He kicked it out. Suddenly, the monster roared in pain and fell to the ground!

Not on the same level at all!

At this moment, everyone in the third universe began to panic. They discovered that Anilaza was completely powerless against this Saiyan!

I have to say, this guy is really awesome! No. 17 couldn't help but sigh.

Frieza looked at Luya's figure with some serious eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Luya looked at the fallen monster and said calmly: Give up, your power can't deal with me at all!

Anilaza struggled to stand up, and then, it opened its huge mouth towards Luya, and a terrifying energy shock wave shot out directly!

Luya, however, had no idea of ​​dodge. He stretched out his hand and fired a red energy bomb, instantly disintegrating the opponent's energy!

Taking advantage of this time, Anilaza also stood up, and a very terrifying force suddenly rose from the wings behind it. Then, as if it was a gathering of energy, a powerful force condensed in its chest!

Luya looked at the other party with an expressionless face, not taking him seriously at all!

He is not afraid of the opponent when he is in the Super God Four state, let alone the Super God Four who is now at full power?

It can be said that his current full-power Super Divine Four is the true ultimate freedom of mind! ! !

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