Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 172 The transformation of Luya! Red hair super four?

When the body of Luya who turned into a gorilla continued to shrink, everyone's eyes froze and they couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

At this time, the gods' perception was even more acute.

The power of Luya is increasing with an astonishing power! Moreover, it is also the breath of God!

Beerus looked at this scene with a baffled look in his eyes: Wes, please explain?

Weiss glanced at the field, then shook his head and said, Sorry, I don't know why, but what I do know is that Luya seems to have transformed!

Metamorphosis after becoming a gorilla? How is this possible?! Xiangpa said in disbelief.

It's not impossible. The other party's power has already reached a very remarkable level, Master Xiangpa. Bados smiled slightly, but her eyes were solemn.

Humph! Xiangpa snorted and said nothing.

Such a strong aura! Goku and Vegeta, who were able to transform into Super Blue, were sweating a little because they discovered that Luya had exceeded the limit!

How can it be? !

This is the prince's inner thought. He doesn't understand why the other party can reach this level? Actually, relying on the gorilla's transformation to go further?

Kakarot is the same kid. He has mastered the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu through fighting Jiren. Does he want to go up and fight Jiren?

At this time, Luya's body had shrunk to the size of an ordinary person, but he was wrapped in a huge red ball of light and could not see clearly what was going on inside!

But at this time, Jiren narrowed his eyes slightly, and he realized that the other party was a little unusual!

Finally, the red light dissipated, and everyone finally saw Luya's figure clearly.

But at this time, everyone and the gods all frowned, because now Luya's appearance has changed so much that he can hear it!

At this time, his hair is still red, but the other forms have changed the most. Strong muscles are exposed on his chest, and the clothes on his upper body are no longer clothes, but a red sweater! His tail also turned red, and his hair was no longer as short as before, but turned into an explosive hedgehog head, with long red hair covering both sides of his shoulders.

Luya is closing his eyes at this time, and his eyelids are red!

Who are you?! Jilian suddenly asked.

Luya slowly opened his eyes, looked at Jiren, and said with an arc: Is it this form? Easy to say, you can call me Super Saiyan Fourth Level, or you can call me Super Saiyan Red Fourth Level. In short, I am Luya, Saiyan Luya!”


After twisting his neck, Luya said to himself: I didn't expect that he would appear in this posture in the end. It really surprised me.

Ape transformation, this is a skill he obtained when he first came to Dragon Ball Super to sleep, but he has never used it before, but he didn't expect to use it here!

But in fact, under Jiren's previous attack, he also felt Goku's despair when he was pushed back by the vitality bullet, so he hurriedly thought of all the skills he could use, but unfortunately the only useful one was running through time and space. There was still a way to transform into an ape, so traveling through time and space was of course not possible, so he gritted his teeth and turned directly into a gorilla!

At least this can increase his strength, allowing him to withstand Jiren's ultimate move.

However, without any thought, he actually realized this realm!

Of course, when he turned into a gorilla, because his strength was too strong, the gorilla's ape transformation also deteriorated and turned directly into red. Not only that, Jiren finally woke him up and restored some of his sanity. , so he took this opportunity to quickly compress the gorilla's energy.

In the end, he turned into a red-haired Super Four!

This form contains the power of God, the power of Super Saiyan IV!

Therefore, Luya wants to call it... the fourth stage of Super Saiyan God!

Of course, this Super Saiyan Red transformed into Super Saiyan God Level 4, which greatly improved his power. He could feel that in his current form, his power surpassed that of the previous Kaio Fist. Super Saiyan Red!

Not only strength, speed, physical body, but all aspects have been improved as never before! Especially the physical body!

Moreover, Luya felt that his perception had become more than twice as sharp. Perhaps, he could try to truly master the ultimate freedom of mind!

Thinking of this, Lu Ya secretly laughed in his heart, he had better get familiar with his current power first.

He looked at Jiren and said, My form is called Super Saiyan God Level 4!

Jiren looked at Luya and then said calmly: No matter how much you improve, you will never be my opponent!

Luya twisted and stretched his body, doing warm-up exercises, and jumped up and down: How will you know if you don't try it?

Before he finished speaking, Luya's figure suddenly appeared in front of Jiren, and he fired a set of combination punches. In an instant, Luya had already thrown hundreds of punches!

However, Jiren was not a vegetarian, and he fought back forcefully, actually blocking Luya's attack.

So fast!

In an instant, the two of them were fighting, which shocked everyone.

The gods also looked at this scene in shock. They did not expect that this unknown Saiyan could reach such a powerful level! It's unbelievable.

If you look carefully, you will find that Luya's attack has a feeling of freedom and extreme will power! The shots are very fast, and there is no need to think about what to do next or what to do when the opponent attacks. The dodge is very good. Moreover. You can still fight back. Weiss suddenly reminded.

As soon as these words came out, everyone and the gods were stunned. Looking carefully, they were also shocked. What the hell? ! Another guy has realized the ultimate freedom skill? Could it be said that the Self-Extreme Intention Gong is so simple?

No way! How could the Self-Extreme Intention Kung Fu be learned so easily? The gods couldn't accept it.

Hey, Luya's form was originally due to my guidance, allowing him to improve in terms of thinking and body coordination. Therefore, when he transformed into Super Saiyan Red, he was using the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu. There is a new insight, and not only that, the ultimate self-consciousness is not a fixed form like Wukong. Wukong did understand the ultimate self-consciousness, but Luya, his path to martial arts, is the ultimate self-control. Kungfu, and every breakthrough he makes is a step closer to the ultimate freedom of intention! Therefore, the stronger his strength is, the more he can master the true freedom of ultimate intention! Weiss suddenly understood, so he explained.

In other words, Luya has now learned the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu like Wukong?! Klin said in shock.

That's it! But there is a difference. The form of Luya is itself a kind of Self-Free Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, and he is the Self-Free Ultimate Intention Kung Fu itself, but he has not yet cultivated it to the extreme. There are countless possibilities in the future. It is said that this is something that will always exist within himself, and Goku's Ultimate Intention Kung Fu is equivalent to being able to transform into a Super Saiyan skill, but if you want to maintain it, you still need hard work! Weiss nodded.

What a boy! You really didn't disappoint us! Beerus said happily.

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