Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 159 Two universes were eliminated one after another


The two forces collided directly, and everything around them was instantly destroyed! The two energy balls are fiercely entangled, and no one will let the other go!

Come on! Librian! the God of Destruction from the second universe shouted.

Come on! Librian! We believe in you! All the Second Universe warriors also cheered.

Everyone... I'm sorry that I abandoned the power of love in this way! There were tears in Librian's eyes.

Luya frowned, Damn, what the hell! Isn't there still another miracle happening now?

And what she was afraid of came back. At this moment, pink powers suddenly converged towards Ribrian from the auditorium of the second universe. Then, her power actually continued to increase!

This is... that woman's power is increasing! Vegeta felt that Ribrian's power was constantly increasing.

Should we go help? No. 17 asked as he looked at the field.

No, let Luya handle it directly, he can do it! Wukong said confidently.

Hmph! The dignity of a Saiyan cannot be trampled on. If you don't have the ability, you deserve to be beaten! Vegeta snorted coldly. He usually resists this kind of help, especially when he is also a Saiyan. people.

Okay...that's okay! No. 17 shrugged, and then he swept directly into the distance, looking for other opponents.

Is this... everyone's expectations for me, their love for me? Librian also felt a steady stream of power rising in her body. She was a little stunned, and then she suddenly woke up: Yes, only everyone Support me and you will expand your love to the highest level!


The next moment, a terrifying force burst out. Then, Ribrian looked at Luya: Sorry, I will not lose. My companions will not allow me to lose! I want love to fill the entire arena! drink!!

Suddenly, with the blessing of huge power, Librian's power suddenly surged to an extremely astonishing height, and the power directly and gradually suppressed Luya's Turtle Style Qigong.

Luya frowned slightly, then suddenly increased his output, and immediately he directly received the opponent's attack!

But even so, it is difficult for Luya to resist the opponent's increasingly strong power.

That's it! On behalf of all the creatures in the second universe, I convey the power of love to Ribrian! Let this light of hope of love accompany you to fight all the time! The God of Destruction of the second universe suddenly spread his hands, and then She looked like she was trying to save all sentient beings, but the effect was very astonishing, because suddenly a very powerful pink light emitted from her body, and these pink lights converged directly towards Librian!

This is the love of the people of the entire universe! The God of Destruction of the Second Universe said proudly.

Why is this?! Is this a foul? Beerus said with some dissatisfaction.

Sorry, Mr. Quan Wang said, this is not a foul! So, this is understandable! The high priest suddenly explained with a smile.

How could... The Seventh Universe Kaiojin gritted his teeth.

The purpose of King Quan is to make the Tournament of Power more exciting so that he can enjoy watching it, and as long as he is happy, some rules that are not rules can also be considered as appropriate.

At this time, Ribrian's power has reached a very terrifying level, even directly surpassing Luya!

What kind of power is this? Vegeta asked in surprise.

It is said that it gathers the power of love from the second universe. The effect should be similar to the vitality bullet. Wukong said thoughtfully.

Do you still want to go up and help? No. 18 looked at this scene with his arms crossed.

Well... Wukong hesitated.

At this moment, Luya suddenly spoke: Is this the power of your entire universe? If this is the case, it would be so disappointing!


Everyone looked at Luya in confusion.

What do you know?! You guy, you don't understand the power of everyone's love! Justice will always defeat evil! Ribrian shouted and continued to increase his power output. The giant heart energy group has been continuously Approaching the lure, counterattack the latter's turtle style Qigong.

Justice? Sorry, forgive me for my unkind smile. It's ridiculous to be someone who talks about justice again! In the face of absolute power, everything is garbage! Luya sneered, and the next moment, he suddenly became angry. He yelled: So what about the power of the entire universe?! Look at me destroying the universe with one force!!

Drink ah ah ah!!

In an instant, Luya's aura suddenly surged, and a powerful force swept out. Suddenly, a huge red light pillar shot directly into the sky!

At this moment, everyone is turning their attention here.

This amazing power... Toppo from Universe 11 looked at Luya's figure with some confusion.

Jiren didn't feel anything. Of course, at first, there was a fluctuation in his eyes, but it was so subtle that no one noticed it.

What kind of species are the Saiyans in the seventh universe?! Kaioshin from the third universe said in surprise: I originally thought that only Jiren from the eleventh universe had not studied it, but I didn't expect that this Saiyan It’s so terrifying that it can explode with such terrifying power! It’s unbelievable!”

Didi! The third universe's God of Destruction made a mechanical sound.

The angel explained: Lord Mosco said that the plan will be carried out as usual!

After the explosion, the Lua turns directly into Super Saiyan Red!

Now, let me show you the real power! Luya looked at Ribrian. The next moment, he gathered energy in vain.



With a roar, Luya suddenly burst out a terrifying Qigong wave, and when this Qigong wave came out, it directly suppressed Ribrian's power!

How could this happen? This is impossible! How could his power defeat my power?! Ribrian couldn't believe it. She had gathered the faith of the entire universe, how could she be so weak?

The power of the universe is indeed powerful, but you are not pure at all! With your ambition, how could you possibly master the power of the universe! Luya sneered disdainfully, and then he exerted force: Come on! You should Out!”

Ahhh! Librian screamed. Faced with Luya's overwhelming power, she had no chance to resist!


For a moment, a terrifying shock wave directly overwhelmed Librian! The latter's fat figure was also blown away!


With a scream, Ribrian's body fell directly onto the ring!

It's over!! Everyone in the second universe turned pale!

I announce that Brian in the second universe is out. At the same time, all members of the second universe are out! According to the rules, the second universe will be eliminated! the great priest announced.

Everyone in the second universe looked disappointed. They didn't expect that they would lose like this.

Hey! The two kings directly stretched out their hands without any ink marks, and then shook them!


The entire second universe disappears!


Suddenly, two more figures appeared in the audience.

How could this happen?! Even us? the God of Destruction of Universe 10 said in disbelief.

Their last two contestants were also eliminated!

And it was Gohan and Piccolo who eliminated them!

The players from Universe 10, Wobni and Rubart, are eliminated. At the same time, all the players from Universe 10 are eliminated! After Universe 2, they will be eliminated! the high priest said calmly.

It's so fast! Zuo Quanwang sighed.

Another universe will be eliminated soon! King You Quan said excitedly.

Universe 10, hold on! The two kings immediately started to erase it!

Universe 10, eliminated!

Everyone is confused because two universes were destroyed in succession! This kind of strength is quite terrifying!

What makes them even more worried is that the three universes eliminated so far are all eliminated by the seventh universe! It’s enough to prove the strength of Universe 7!

PS: I have collected nearly 60 reminder talismans, and I promise you that there will be an update at the end of the month, which is tomorrow, with ten more reminder talismans and one more chapter.

Friendly reminder: Don’t blindly buy gifts, especially students, there is no need, otherwise you will eat the seven wolves of your parents. Spend rationally. I will add more gifts if you buy them. It is all voluntary. Think carefully before doing it. You can spend time to send messages for love. The three videos have already supported me a lot, thank you!

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